Chapter 8

Distant Love

We ordered out pizza and Jhope and Jimin were the first to go against each other in a small match on Black Ops 3.

"I got you now Jhope!" Jimin tries knifing Jhope but he jumps into the air and gets him from behind winning the match. They were close in score but Jhope won.

"Wooooww that was such a close match but Jhope takes the win." I started cheering as referee. We all congratulated him but Jimin being a little sour.

"You got lucky." Jimin faked being mad then started laughing and we all shared a good laugh. Next up were Rapmonster and Jungkook.

"I'm good at anything , what can't I do haha" Jungkook got up to receive the remote from Jimin. I smirked at his self confidence , but everything went down once Rapmonster responded.

"Yeah sure you can do anything but learn fluent english like me." Rapmonster said smirking and Jungkook looked at him with a scrunched face. Then after that comment came , another came.

"Also you can't cook like me. Last time you did , it stuck to the pan." Jin said and even Jungkook laughed with us. He shrugged and agreed as they got ready to start the match. As they began to start fighting , Rapmonster got more stealth kills than Jungkook and the match got heated while Jungkook was getting back on lead.

"Stop trying to camp on me and face me like a man Monnie." Jungkook said and Rapmonster responded.

"Try finding me kookie , maybe if you do your english may get better because your mind will start working more." Rapmonster said with a laugh and Jungkook hit his shoulder laughing. The match continued on and the dorm front doorbell ringed. I got up to see who it was and the pizza man was there.

"Hello ma'am  , here is your pizza , one pepperoni and one sausage pizza." I took the pizza and gave the money to the man and right when I was about to close the door he stopped me. I looked up at him and he handed me a letter.

"The man at the front desk asked me to deliver this to you while I was on my way up here to your place." I nodded and closed the door as he took his leave. I sat the pizzas down on the table and called the guys to eat. Good timing because they just finished their match and Rapmonster won.

"Shouldnt have been so head strong in the beginning kookie, you probably would have won." Jhope says to kookie and kookie just hummed and walked towards me.

"Noona , is this the right order , last time we go the wrong order." Jungkook said and I checked the pizzas and nodded that they were correct. We started to eat and once we finished we were about to get back to the match but I wanted to read the letter.

"Hey guys , I'll be in my room , yall play without me , I'll be right back okay?" They nodded and I headed off to my room. Once I got in I locked the door and sat on my bed. I began to open the letter when I noticed a bump trail on the outside of the envelope. 

"Maybe there is something inside the letter." I shrugged and opened it. There inside the letter was a piece of paper and a necklace. The necklace looked familiar. I picked it up and noticed it was the necklace Mark gave me that I dropped outside the coffee shop when I saw his ex and him.

"Oh my god..." A tear started to trail down my face and I grabbed the paper. Once I started to read it , tears came down one by one and stained the paper. The message read:

"Hey ...Miku , this is Mark. I just wanted to write this to you and tell you once again I'm sorry for what happened and how we ended up like this. I put the necklace in the envelope because I thought you deserved to have it. I didnt mean to blow up on you and leave just like that. I didnt understand the situation and just turned away from you like that like you didnt matter and that was not okay. And for me to say those things to you out of anger were not okay either and I deserve for you to hate me. The necklace is a sorry token for what I have did to you and you didnt deserve the crap I gave you back in Gangnam, not one bit of it. I messed everything up when I left you, we would have still been together and living happily if I havent just left and didnt hear you out. But now we are messed up and its all my fault , not at all you. I know you may not want to start over but I am in love with you Miku and I miss you a lot and want us again. But you may not want that and Im okay with that , as long as your happy I will be okay and happy. I would like to meet up , one on one and talk about this next weekend on Saturday. I really want to see you again Miku. Well if you are willing to meet up in be and Cherry Blossom Park at 8pm by the fountain."

I was in tears , the "i am in love with you Miku" line was ringing throughout my head and I can't think straight. Should I go meet u with him or just forget about it and carry on my life? I don't even know at this point. Tears stained the page as I cried. A knock on my door drove me out of my train of thought and I got up to answer while wiping my face.

I opened the door to find Jhope standing there looking concerned. But as soon as I could get a breather, he swooped in and hugged me. I just sat and cried in his arms as he held me and my hair.

"Miku whats wrong , why are you crying? You've been in here for an hour and the guys feel asleep after V and Suga did their match. They thought you feel asleep so they went to bed but I stayed awake picking the stuff up and heard you crying." He said moving me to my bed to sit down and sat next to me.

He looked at me as I stared at the paper and necklace and cried. He grabbed it but I tried to hide it but he was too quick. I looked at him as he read it and his face turned a light shade of red and he looked upset. He then looked at me and just stared.

"Is this the guy who broke your heart?" I nodded my head and he sat annoyed and impatient.

"Don't worry about it Hopesie , it'll be alright and I'll be okay. Lets just go to sleep okay." I smiled a bit to show I was okay and he huffed and shook his head.

"You are not okay , he hurt you and that is not okay , he just expects to say sorry and everything will be alright , that is not how it works. The trust is all gone from that and I don't like how he says that he loves you but how could he just turn away from you when you needed him? You dont deserve him Miku , you deserve better." He sighed and continued , " he doesnt know what love truly is , Miku before you left Seoul and moved to Gangnam , I was going to confess my love for you. I had feelings for you and ever since I have you back in my life the feelings came back but even stronger. i know this is sudden but I have loved you ever since we were little. I know my feelings but clearly he doesn't and I dont want you meeting up with him that day. Only for you own good , do you hear me?"

I nodded and teared up again and we sat and hugged for a little while longer until I started to get tired.

"Maybe you should get some rest , its almost midnight Hopesie." He nodded but right before he left the room , I got up and hugged him and kissed his cheek. He stood shocked and I smiled.

"Thank you for being here for me Hopesie , goodnight." I closed the door as he stood there smiling. I stood to see if he had left and I heard footsteps fading away down the hall and my heart thudded with every step. Could I be feeling something? Did all of this really just happen? I shook my head of the thought and laid down to get some rest. Now what will happen next from here?


Heyyyy guysssss , I'm back and have given you all a new chapter for the Series!!! How do you like it?? Leave a comment down below , okay now for the chapter question: Will Miku disobey Jhope and go see Mark on Saturday? Is Miku discovering feelings for Hoseok? What will happen now that Miku knows of Hoseok's love for her? Find out in the next chapter of DISTANT LOVE!!!!!! SARANGHAEYO MY CHINGUS AND AS ALWAYS ANNYEONG!!!!


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Chapter 5: Update soon yeahhhh ! T.T
PhoenixBear #2
I will!!! I will make sure i do
Chapter 4: Update soon !
update soon ! ^^
Chapter 1: Ooh BTS! Omg so many cute boys and only one triangle! I dunno....