All In a Days Work

Angel League [엔젤 리그] || SME Girl Group || APPLY CLOSED - DISCONTINUED

“Rise and shine ladies! It’s time to hit the studio!” Ra Yeon banged on the door of each girl’s room. The wakeup call was pretty much like this every day. But today was different. Usually they’d exercise their vocals and work out in the gym to get their bodies fit. There hasn’t been much dancing lately though, but that was because they didn’t have a track yet.

Until today that is.

The girls were finally going to find out their debut track.

Needless to say, they were nervous as hell.

“C’mon ladies, let’s move it.” Miyoung groaned as she sat up stiffly. Xue-Mei remained hidden under the covers, hissing when Miyoung tried to open the curtains to let the sunlight in.

“It burns,” she growled.

“What are you? A vampire? God…” Miyoung rolled her eyes. “Can’t you be a little bit more like an unnie and help me get the other four up?”

“Fine, I swear unnie,” Xue-Mei scoffed, hauling her out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. “I dibs shower.”

Well that didn’t help to get the others up but it surely meant Xue-Mei was awake. Miyoung huffed and went to the other room.

Ra Yeon was lounging on the couch when Miyoung entered the living room. “Oh good you’re up. I knocked on the other girls’ door but only Sanghee woke up.”

“You should know by now that that usually happens,” Miyoung commented.

“Shouldn’t you guys be a little more excited to know you’re getting your debut track?” Ra Yeon raised a brow.

“We should but…no.” Miyoung said. She entered the room to see Sanghee perched on the top bunk of Jin Ah and JeonNye’s bed, slowly shoving Jin Ah over the edge with her foot.

“Oh, hey unnie,” Sanghee greeted.

“What are you doing?” Miyoung asked, watching as half of Jin Ah’s body hovered in the air but doing nothing about it.

“Don’t worry unnie, there’s a pillow there.” Sanghee snickered as she finally kicked Jin Ah out of bed. The girl went tumbling down and slammed into the floor with a loud thump.

“OW! WHAT EVEN?! WHO DID THAT?!” Jin Ah roared. The noise was enough to startle JeonNye, who was on the bottom bunk, and she too rolled off the bed in a fright.

“Good morning you friggin foghorn. Ever heard of shutting up at this time of day?” JeonNye grumbled.

“Ever heard of getting off me?” Jin Ah’s muffled growl sounded from the floor.

“Where’s Roo Ri-yah?” Miyoung asked, noting the absence of the maknae from her position on the bottom bunk.

“She went to take a shower,” Sanghee said, hopping down from her perch. “I dibs after her.”

“I see,” Miyoung nodded. She looked at Jin Ah and JeonNye, who had a cat fight on the floor. “You two can fight out for fifth and sixth spot.”



The girls sat around the studio, fidgeting and playing with their hands as they waited for their vocal director.

“Hello ladies, how are you doing?” A professional and poise woman walked in with Ra Yeon, who was quietly discussing something on the phone with God knows who. “I will be your vocal director. This is your sheet music,” she said, handing each of the girls their respective papers, each with lines highlighted to designate who sang what. “I will play the sample track as a guide and you will sing along by the third cycle, yes?”

“Yes ma’am,” the girls chimed.

“Cloud 9?” Roo Ri read off the sheet. Her and Jin Ah had the least amount of lines, Xue-Mei unnie and JeonNye had the most, Sanghee unnie had an entire verse to herself for the rap right after the second chorus and Miyoung unnie provided almost all of the improv except during the rap where Xue-Mei does it.

“You like it? It took us a while to decide on the debut track,” the director clapped. “Okay, now listen closely.” She hit play and an almost R&B like tune started to play.


Jung Myunghee sat right in one of the wardrobe rooms, analyzing every piece of clothing and taking notes. She has been issued with the job of piecing together A1’s wardrobe concept for their debut mini album.

“Remember,” the voice of the stylist director echoed in her head. “They’re Exo’s female counterpart. I don’t want a cutesy, flower girl image like SNSD. I don’t want a funky, street style like with f(x). Draw inspiration from Exo. Try and get a y, powerful image.”

“This is so much more difficult than I thought it would be.” Myunghee groaned. She replayed Exo’s numerous videos and teasers on her iphone, trying to figure out a good style for A1. “For the love of God I’m going to be here all day.”


In the dance rooms decorated with the signature cloud wallpaper, Shin Ae Rin and Bang Juyun replayed the sample track of Cloud 9 over and over again on the stereo.

“I think we should give the choreography a contemporary-hip hop kind of vibe,” Juyun commented after the 14thtime playing the song.

“That’s definitely the road we seem to be heading down.” Ae Rin nodded. “We also need to give them a memorable move.”

“But it can’t be something that the track only becomes known for, like Ring Ding Dong. But more like a style, like the speed skating style in Bonamana.” Juyun pointed out. Ae Rin rested her head in her hands.

“We’re going to be here all day,” she groaned.


“Oh shoot,” JeonNye cursed when she slipped up on one of her duet moments with Miyoung. They’ve been in the studio for 8 hours and their vocals have been killed from the amount of takes they did. Xue-Mei’s missed her cue 4 times during the rap improv and Sanghee gets her timing off because of that. Roo Ri’s been trying to hit a lower pitch during the chorus when the girls all sing together because her higher pitch didn’t mix well with the track on a play back. Her solos were fine but the director said it sounded odd when they all sang together.

“It’s as if you’re all trying to sing on your own instead of as one.” She said.

Xue-Mei gave Miyoung a puzzling look, who simply shrugged.

“Okay, have a five minute break and then it’s back to work ladies!” Ra Yeon clapped her hands.

The girls gave a collective groan. Jin Ah huffed, “we’re going to be here until the day we die.” 

Sorry guys. I was kind of afraid of posting on AFF in case it goes and s up again.

So yeah, in this chapter the girls' debut is being slowly pieced together. Jung Myunghee makes an appearance as the one in charge of Angel League's styling.

Their debut track as of now is called Cloud 9.

Sorry for the late update (I'm so busy obsessing over Exo it's not even funny). And to go with SM's boy band-girl group pattern, Angel League will be Exo's female counter part. 

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I'm excited for their debut!

I think it's cool that they're exo's female counterpart.

That means they might not be so...Girly. Sanghee would like that.
-theirmusicismylifee #2
LOL , I LOVE EXO , TOO ! Thank you for including me in this chapter ! I'm a stylist , <3 .
Cadenzasus #3
Yes, let Juyun work the crap out'a those girls! XD

I like the mentions of the layout and structure for the debut. Especially when Juyun mentioned le Bonamana LOOOL.
Please update this soon author-ssi!
Aw, Miyoung is such a great leader! I laughed at the part where you mentioned all the girly products laying around the room. Sanghee is so cute- pestering and nagging the other members. Ah, leader-maknae moments are so cute! Oh yay, Roo gets to be a lyricist. /hugs
:DDD Yayy~~ I like thisss :) Fighting!~~ <3
Leader-maknae moments: you gotta love them lol
there's a lot of sleepy heads in this group by the way.
The more I read your stories the more I love your writing style. Plus this chapter has a lot of figurative lang - I like figurative lang lol
phoenixpride #8
I like Jin Ah as Visual~
Ahhh~~~~~ I'll pm you after this comment! BAP<3 I love THEM!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Maknae ~