Practice Room 7, Floor 3

Angel League [엔젤 리그] || SME Girl Group || APPLY CLOSED - DISCONTINUED

“Song Ra Yeon, please report to room 416,” the intercom announced throughout the building. Other trainees ooh-ed and ahh-ed as they wondered to each other about what the call could possibly be about. Ra Yeon swallowed nervously as she left the room of gossiping children.

“Maybe she made it,” one whisper floated by.

“Or maybe the exact opposite,” a boy suggested.

Whatever the case was, Ra Yeon was beyond nervous. Butterflies erupted into a swarm of frantic fluttering as she neared the fourth floor. The counter on the elevator slowly changed as she moved her way up. She watched it with anxiety.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Ra Yeon walked into the 416 office of one of the company reps. He looked up from his business and gestured for her to have a seat.

“Yes, we wanted to inform you of a new opportunity that has arisen. We know that you intend to be a candidate for the new project girl group but we feel your expertise lies elsewhere,” he said. Ra Yeon felt her heart sink. Was she no longer in consideration for the new girl group?

“Sir I—” he held up a hand to silence her. He went on.

“We believe that it would be much more beneficial for us, the girls, and the company if you entered the managerial wing.”

“What?! But I’m so young,” she was baffled.

“Yes, but you are also incredibly capable. If you are willing to accept this, your first project will be A1,” he said.

“A1?” was that the new group? Ra Yeon’s thoughts swirled in her head. Would she really give up her dreams of becoming a performer to manage a group of children who shared her dream? The only reason they offered was because of one thing. Ra Yeon frowned. They won’t take her into consideration for anything anymore. She was past her time. As much as it broke her heart, she knew this was the path she must follow. Ra Yeon nodded to the rep. He slid a piece of paper over to her.

“Go to practice room 7 and wait for these girls,” he dismissed her from his office. She left with a heavy heart.

“Practice room 7,” Bang Juyun counted along the doors of the practice rooms reserved for artists and came across her destination. She had just had a talk with the company rep. She would no longer be in the running for the new project group. Instead, she was offered a new job.

“You have more dance training than any other trainee that’s come in here. You are in Rino Nakasone’s advanced class. That accounts for something to us here. We’d like to offer you a job working for SM as a choreographer,” his words echoed in her mind.

Juyun was beyond disappointed, as it should be expected, but she knew that this was the way to go. She accepted the job with much heart and a broken dream. But as they say, when a door closes, a window is opened.

“Hello?” Juyun opened the door to practice room 7. It was empty except for a lone girl sitting in the middle of the room.

“Unnie,” Ra Yeon stood. She opened and scanned the list. Bang Juyun’s name was not on there. She ran up and hugged Juyun.

“What—” Juyun was surprised.

“You’re looking at A1’s new manager,” Ra Yeon smiled sadly. Juyun embraced her as they waited in silence for six unknown girls.

Li Xue-Mei walked aimlessly down the hallways with a slip of paper and a confused sense of direction. She still had no idea where everything was in the building. She’s been to the reps’ office floor, the cafeteria, the games room, and the trainees’ practice rooms. They told her to go to floor 3 and find practice room 7. Floor 3 was for artists only. The rooms were much bigger and less crowded and they were reserved for already debuted performers. Shinee had practice room 4, according to rumours. Super Junior had the biggest one, practice room 1.

Could being sent up to the third floor mean she made it into the group? Xue-Mei’s heart raced. The possibility made her anxious to find her way. But she couldn’t get her hopes up.

“Excuse me!” Mei turned around and saw another girl running up to her. She had seen the girl around the building a few times. They didn’t take the same classes but she knew her. She was one of the girls that moved into the other dorm next door.

“Yes?” Mei asked. The girl came to a full stop and panted.

“I’m Shin Ae Rin, I’m sure we’ve seen each other a few times but have never met. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve been told to find you and bring you to room 7. A few of your dorm mates have told me you have a tendency to get lost,” she said in one breath. Mei stared.


“Yes, now let’s go!” Ae Rin took her arm and dragged her in the direction opposite of where Mei had been walking.

“What do you do?” Mei asked her.

“I dance. I’ve been assigned as co-choreographer to A1,” Ae Rin said. She was with fellow trainee, Bang Juyun, when she received the offer from the rep. It was a bit saddening, but she’d accepted it nonetheless.

“A1? What’s that?” Mei asked.

“You’ll see.”

The duo came upon room 7 and entered with caution. The room was silent. Seven girls crowded the room. Mei had recognized several of them. Some indeed were her dorm mates. Could this be…?

She noticed a company rep waiting in the corner and her heart started to beat. This might be it.

“Ah, Xue-Mei, it’s so nice of you to arrive. We can now start,” the rep clapped his hands together.

“What’s going on?” one girl stood, crossing her arms. Mei’s eyes widened.

“Sunbaenim, what are you doing here?” Oh Miyoung glanced briefly at Mei.

“I should be asking that. In fact, we all should be asking that,” Miyoung said.

“Why ladies, have you forgotten the rumours already?” the rep smiled. Ra Yeon looked around the room and counted. All six girls were accounted for. She unfolded the list and scanned it again.

  1. Oh Miyoung
  2. Li Xue-Mei
  3. Lee Sanghee
  4. Horvejkul JeonNye
  5. Go Jin Ah
  6. Yi Roo Ri

So these were the girls she had to look over? Two of them were older than her. How was she going to handle all six of them with no experience?

JeonNye shot up at the rep’s words. “You don’t mean—?!” she gaped.

“I do,” he spread his arms wide. “Welcome to SM’s new project group, A1.”

The room was still. The information still had not sunken in.

“Oh my God,” Sanghee whispered. She started to babble in English as her face lit with excitement, “Oh my God!” The six chosen screamed with joy and embraced each other. Roo Ri started to tear up and Miyoung gave her a squeeze on the shoulder. Jin Ah jumped around the room like a maniac, taking Sanghee’s hands and prancing around. JeonNye collapsed beneath her weight and Mei caught her, hugging her around the neck.

Three girls stood idly by as the celebrations continued. Juyun smiled. She felt happy for her dongseangs. At least she’d be able to be with them.

The rep cleared his throat and the six stopped, turning towards him, “I’d like to welcome you to your two choreographers, Bang Juyun and Shin Ae Rin,” said girls waved, “and your manager, Song Ra Yeon.”

“June unnie!” Jin Ah was surprised. She was sure she’d make it. She was the oldest and most experienced after all. The fact that Ra Yeon and Ae Rin didn't make it either surprised everybody. They showed so much potential.

The rep smiled, “congratulations ladies. You’ve earned it.” 

Not gonna lie. Picking just 5 was probably the hardest decision I've ever done. Why do you think I took so long to update? I had literally no idea who to put in the group.

None to fear, all of you, in the group or not, will be on this adventure. I can't stand to exclude anybody. AND MYUNGHEE, she isn't in this chapter because it wouldn't have made sense because of her position but she's in here too! TRUST ME.

AND TO ALL THOSE WHO WERE SELECTED: Please select your ulzzang's best photo and send it to me.

We will have a vote to decide the visual. And no, you may not vote for yourself.

Love to all of you!


P.S. Sungmin fans, you should check out my one-shot! :) It's a bit angsty though. Ahaha. It's called Waiting for My Heart.

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I'm excited for their debut!

I think it's cool that they're exo's female counterpart.

That means they might not be so...Girly. Sanghee would like that.
-theirmusicismylifee #2
LOL , I LOVE EXO , TOO ! Thank you for including me in this chapter ! I'm a stylist , <3 .
Cadenzasus #3
Yes, let Juyun work the crap out'a those girls! XD

I like the mentions of the layout and structure for the debut. Especially when Juyun mentioned le Bonamana LOOOL.
Please update this soon author-ssi!
Aw, Miyoung is such a great leader! I laughed at the part where you mentioned all the girly products laying around the room. Sanghee is so cute- pestering and nagging the other members. Ah, leader-maknae moments are so cute! Oh yay, Roo gets to be a lyricist. /hugs
:DDD Yayy~~ I like thisss :) Fighting!~~ <3
Leader-maknae moments: you gotta love them lol
there's a lot of sleepy heads in this group by the way.
The more I read your stories the more I love your writing style. Plus this chapter has a lot of figurative lang - I like figurative lang lol
phoenixpride #8
I like Jin Ah as Visual~
Ahhh~~~~~ I'll pm you after this comment! BAP<3 I love THEM!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Maknae ~