Birth of a Lyricist

Angel League [엔젤 리그] || SME Girl Group || APPLY CLOSED - DISCONTINUED

Oh Miyoung carefully folded a cream sweater and placed it neatly in her suitcase. Everything was orderly and arranged by colour and type. She put her hands on her hips, satisfied. And then she looked around the room.

It was a pig sty. The girls had thrown their used articles of clothing, purses, and various other girly products such as scented lotions and shampoos. Miyoung really didn’t want to touch anything for fear that something may be alive.

After the announcement of A1’s lineup they were told to move out of the trainee dorms and into the building reserved for artists. Ra Yeon would come along with them and Ae Rin, Juyun and Myunghee, whom they have learned has been given the position as a make-up artist and stylist, would move into the apartments nearby where much of the younger behind-the-scenes staff resided.

“Hurry up ladies!” Ra Yeon’s powerful voice echoed throughout the dorm. “The van is due to arrive any time now!” Miyoung wheeled her luggage and set it by the door. Ra Yeon chattered rapidly on her company issue cellphone, which she has been glued to since she was hired as A1’s manager. She groaned and sat her palm over the mouth piece. “Miyoung-yah, can you round up your other members?”

It was time to put her leadership skills to the test. Miyoung straightened up and put on an air of authority. She entered the first room where four of her members resided.  One corner of the room was clean and orderly, all of the personal belonging out of sight and stored in the suitcases sitting by the bedside. Sanghee looked just about ready to rip her hair out as she tried to raise her voice over the laughing and screaming of A1’s rowdiest members, JeonNye and Jin Ah.

“Guys we need to leave soon and you haven’t packed anything!” Sanghee pestered. She nagged the members when they won’t do their work and basically acted like Miyoung’s second-in-command. Xue-Mei was obviously too lazy to act responsible so Sanghee took over the role.

Even over the extremely loud volumes, Xue-Mei lay curled up in a slumber on her bed, the majority of her luggage packed.

“Yah!” Miyoung’s voice boomed with authority. Sanghee, JeonNye and Jin Ah straightened up at the sound of their leader. Xue-Mei waved her hand so Miyoung knew she was listening. “Listen to your unnie! You must be ready and packed in 10 minutes. If you leave something behind it’s your own fault.” She put her hands on her hips.

JeonNye whined, “But Mia-unnie!” She used Miyoung’s nickname in hopes of softening her up.

It didn’t work. “Get moving.” The leader walked out to find their maknae.

JeonNye and Jin Ah scrambled for their suitcases as Sanghee began to wheel her luggage outside. Xue-Mei threw her remaining possessions into her bags and carried them out to the door as well.

Jin Ah wrapped up a bag of shampoos and perfumes and packed them away. “Hey unnie,” she said.

Jeon Nye was unsuccessfully stomping down on her suitcase to get everything to fit. She looked up.


“What do you think our positions will be?” The maknae and leader were pretty set in stone, but the others didn’t know what the company had in store for them.

“Well I for sure am not going to be a rapper or dancer. The only thing I got going for me is vocal,” JeonNye shrugged. “I’m not sure about the visual, but my best bet would be you, Roo Ri-yah or Xue-Mei unnie. You guys have a look that the company would probably like.”

Jin Ah smiled at the compliment, “I think I’d be a dancer. I like dancing the most. I haven’t even attempted rapping and I trip over my words a lot so that’s probably out for me. Sanghee’s probably going to be the rapper. She has the look and a fast tongue.”

They remained silent for a few minutes, thinking. “I don’t know about Roo Ri though.” JeonNye finally said. “I actually haven’t seen much of what she can do.”

Jin Ah frowned, “well there must’ve been some reason she was picked.”


The minute Miyoung left the room she could already see Xue-Mei settling down on the couch for a nap. Sanghee took a place on the loveseat and flipped through the channels. She could hear Ra Yeon on her cellphone in the kitchen. From the sounds of it, she was alone, so that meant Roo Ri was in the other bedroom.

Miyoung quietly opened the door to see a lone girl sitting in the bed farthest from the door. It was the maknae she was searching for and she looked concentrated on what she was doing.

“Roo Ri,” said girl shot up. Papers were thrown everywhere. Miyoung caught one and read the slip.

“Unnie!” Roo Ri panicked. The timid girl gathered up all of the papers and held out a hand for Miyoung to give the last piece back. But Miyoung continued to read.

“I didn’t know you could write music,” she said. Roo Ri spluttered.

“I-I—But- uh!” she turned red and looked down at her feet. Miyoung started to head out of the room with the sheet music.

“Get your bags packed and meet at the door in 10. I’m going to show Ra Yeon this. It’s solo material. Maybe she can show it to the producers and get you a place as a lyricist.” Miyoung took the rest of the papers out of the frozen maknae’s hands and left.

Roo Ri snapped back to reality at the sound of the closed door and dropped to her knees. She didn’t think anybody would find out. Her lyrics were so personal and fluffy. It was embarrassing.


And thus Yi Roo Ri’s position in the band came to light. 

I wasn't able to give Roo Ri any of the positions she asked for so I decided to add her in as a lyricist. That's not all she is but I felt it fit that she do behind the scenes work as well.

Some Leader-Maknae moments for youuuuu!

Also, I have a three way tie for the visual so I created a poll. Anybody can vote. Tell your friends to vote! And remember to subscribe and comment!


Also, thanks for waiting. I'm done exams now! YAAAYYYYYY!




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I'm excited for their debut!

I think it's cool that they're exo's female counterpart.

That means they might not be so...Girly. Sanghee would like that.
-theirmusicismylifee #2
LOL , I LOVE EXO , TOO ! Thank you for including me in this chapter ! I'm a stylist , <3 .
Cadenzasus #3
Yes, let Juyun work the crap out'a those girls! XD

I like the mentions of the layout and structure for the debut. Especially when Juyun mentioned le Bonamana LOOOL.
Please update this soon author-ssi!
Aw, Miyoung is such a great leader! I laughed at the part where you mentioned all the girly products laying around the room. Sanghee is so cute- pestering and nagging the other members. Ah, leader-maknae moments are so cute! Oh yay, Roo gets to be a lyricist. /hugs
:DDD Yayy~~ I like thisss :) Fighting!~~ <3
Leader-maknae moments: you gotta love them lol
there's a lot of sleepy heads in this group by the way.
The more I read your stories the more I love your writing style. Plus this chapter has a lot of figurative lang - I like figurative lang lol
phoenixpride #8
I like Jin Ah as Visual~
Ahhh~~~~~ I'll pm you after this comment! BAP<3 I love THEM!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Maknae ~