
Faerie & Faeries


The beauty of flying, escaping your fears whenever you want, whenever you treasure, and then leave for the amount of time you want, and explore the beauties of nature and in this case nature that consists of sparkle's, bubbles and of advanced buildings that are so brightly hued in colour that they quickly make your body release some sort of chemical endorphins throughout your entire body and enlighten your mood. That's the kind of world… Faeree is, it's a dark yet bright sort of world, it's a cheerful yet sad sort of world, it's basically a world full of mixed emotions, all ruled under a ruler, however, there's something about it that cannot be excused and that's--it is inexplicably beautiful. 

The faeries have wings protruding from their backs, adorned in silver. when they fly, they fly all the way up to the clouds… however though they cannot reach it… they are high enough in the sky to the extent where you can't see with them standing on land, and if you zoomed in 100 X you could see them with the clouds. The world just reminded you of sparkly white and blue… and it was in a world that was sort of 3 dimensional. Earth was on the other side of this '3 dimensional world' and it was similar to earth as in, the people that dwelled within it were human like as they could feel pain, love, bleed blood. they had animals, animals to tend too… however, each were more majestical. Faerie's had to be sheltered, though they had the potential to be strong. however, the reason why they are unable to, was taken away from them 100 years ago. what happened was, was that the new king whom wanted to halt the fact that the world was turning corrupt and unclean decided to eliminate the elements that were leading to that. and that was to get rid of any sort of potions that increased strength, or gave them powers… as he believed that it was unbalancing the delicate balance of the world. and so it was, as after all of these potions were removed, through the processes of burning after bundling all that remained in the world of Faeree into a bundle… the world became a better place.

However the world stood still for years then… until ten years later… where they came to accept this banning and all started hosting parties… and sharing each other companies and the enjoying the interests that the world had to offer. all though there would of been a lot of controversy, they loved the king and were born to believe that the king was their father… and that they weren't to go against the motives of him… and that he was doing it because he cared about the safety of them and future generations. they also knew that if anyone was to exterminate what was happening… and turn it back to the caring, joyful world that it once was, it was the person with the greatest power… and thus the king. 

However… when Faeree grows old… or have a sickness… the Faeree that they are begins to disappear… until all their wings fade and falls away from their backs like soft fluffy feathers… and all the beautiful that was in them… their spirit begins to fade away until all that remains in them is a being that looks similar to the appearances of a human. dull… plain… the rosy cheeks that they once beheld gone… the ones they had since they were merely children… 

However… if they are to be healed… their rosy cheeks imprint their cheeks again, their body is lively and they experience the beauty of flowering wings… of blooming wings and the joy of having their spirits back. 

However… if they die… they die like a human. there is no other feelings that can be felt, there is no reason to talk of them unless memories of them occur in a conversation, in a situation, if they are for them again, or if they are being remembered. but apart from that… their connections die, everything that they experience, is gone… however, if they had any achievements… they live on… lasting a life time for some cases.

And, so i bring the thought you… what if a Faere, from the world of Faeree comes to earth and then befriends a human being such as yourself and makes them fall in love… since everything in Faeree is advanced, everything is more beautiful and their spirits are more joyful, then how would it feel to love one of them? wouldn't everything be more beautiful? 

Surely, the human being who, inevitably, must be infatuated by its stunning beauty, would be unable to move their eyes away, and their sense of humour, the joy they bring into a room could be felt as soon as they enter a room without them having to say a word… 

And what happens… if a Faerie actually did come to planet earth and then befriends a girl… and the victim is of a pure, innocent girl who wanted to nothing with this person who seems to be getting the attention of even the baddest girls in school who have the reputation of beating up the girls that their boyfriends cheated on them for and then has to do this Faeree a favour, after inevitably falling in love with him?

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