She's Handsome


Chapter 5


             When Miss Kang left, the room were just filled with silence and glares. Raeyook was sweating too damn much because who wouldn't sweat infront of these two, who were drop dead gorgeous glaring at her like they want to murder her right then and there.

             Raeyook cleared and thought that it would be best if she starts it off with a good first impression, so she thought it would be polite to introduce herself. "Hi, uh... My name is Jung Raeyook and--"

"We know." said the taller one

"Miss Kang just said" said the smaller one

"Oh I just thought it would be polite if I introduced myself"

"Well don't. Because we don't need you here. We've made it this far without anybody's help and I'm pretty sure we can go further" said the taller one

             Wow how arrogant he is, she thought. But nothing will happen if I argue back "Oh, uh... W-well, how about you guys, what's your name?" the smaller one shook his head and left, not forgetting to bring his guitar with him of course.

             The taller one, neared her and said "Look, don't play dumb okay? I know you know who we are. So just think wisely and leave. We don't need your help." Raeyook does not have the best temper and so even if she doesn't want to argue, everything just slipped out of before she even thought about it

"Well mister arrogant, but face the reality that not a lot of people know who you two are anymore because you are getting too full of yourself that 'you can do this and you can do that alone and people love me and I don't care about you.' Yeah, sure you guys are self-producing idols and you're talented but know this, everyone has their limits. No man is an island. I'm just here to help bring your lazy asses back up in the industry"

             He narrowed his eyes at her and let out a slow, deep-toned voice "Leave" and even though he was taller that Raeyook, she stood her ground even if she was trembling inside "My pleasure." she said and left



             "What have I done? Stupid!" Raeyook slammed her head at the table as she recalled what she said to Soonyoung. Yeah, she knows who they are. Miss Kang filled her in before she met them. She just want them to introduce theirselves, like normal people do. How bloody brilliant. Now she definitely cannot face him anymore.

             "Raeyook? What are you doing here?" she lifted her head and saw Miss Kang sat across her "Why're you in the company's food court? You hungry? Oh yeah, what happened between you three?"

             Raeyook let out a long sigh and shook her head "No, I'm not hungry and... I might've made the situation worse." she stared at Miss Kang's face to see her reaction but all she got was a lift of an eyebrow indicating for her to continue

             She heaved another sigh "I kind of dissed him well not really diss I just stated the truth I mean what I said was true because that's what you told me even though I was nervous just kidding I wasn't nervous I was shaking just kidding I wasn't shaking I was trembling but still I mean you understand right I mean you have to this is my first time being a guy and the other guy left and I left because the other told me to so I did I mean come on and I really did messed up..."

             Raeyook was speaking too fast for Miss Kang but she got what Raeyook meant "He? Who did you argue with?" Raeyook thought that she's in serious trouble right now. She sighed once again and said "Soonyoung. I argued with Soonyoung"

             Miss Kang's mouth was slightly hanging open "So you mean, Jihoon left you two arguing?" Raeyook nodded "Well, he actually left before I dissed him" Miss Kang sighed and nodded her head "Don't worry! Everything will be fine! I don't think they left the company yet so you can still go and talk to them"

"I don't think I want to face them anymore"

"Why not? You three will be together anyway"

"But still--"

"You know what? Just go back home and rest yeah? I'm sure you're tired."

             Miss Kang stood up, patted Raeyook's head and left. She watche her walk away until she disappeared in her sight. Sighing for the nth time, Raeyook stood up and left the company.



             She arrived home carrying so many paper bags in her hands. As she opened the door, she rushed to her room to leave the paper bags there. She went out and said "Mom I'm home"

             As she saw her mom in the living room, her mom narrowed her eyes at her "Why did you cut your hair?" Raeyook sighed and headed towards the kitchen "That's not important mom." she heard her mom tsked as she entered the door "No wonder you run out of money fast. You use them on inappropriate things."

             Raeyook just continued to cook dinner for her mom as she was not feeling hungry. She decided to make something easy and wouldn't need too much time to prepare. When she finished she said "Mom dinner's ready"

             She scooped up food in a plate and got a spoon and fork for her mom and placed it on the coffee table in the living room. She also got her mom tissues incase if she needs to wipe .

             Raeyook knew that her mother would not let her be fed so after she placed the plate on the coffee table, she left to have a bath.

            Their bathroom was not the most extravagant. It only had the important ones, a toilet, sink, a wooden cabinet above the sink and a shower. that was it. There were no bathtubs, it was not spacey at all.


             As the water flowed to Raeyook's body, she took the bottle of shampoo to wash her hair. Surpisingly, it was easier to wash since it was a lot shorter. As she continued her business, she can't help but think of the future. She has to live with those guys. They were only two of them but still. They were still guys and heaven knows she has never ever interacted with a guy a lot, much more lived with them! Goodness and she has to live with them starting tomorrow. She hasn't even told her mom anything yet! On top of that, Raeyook was sure both guys hate her to the depths of hell by now. How bloody perfect.

             Raeyook was sitting in her creaky single bed and was already in her sleep wear while she's currently packing her clothes. She placed all the clothes Miss Kang bought her in the suit case, which was given by yours truely Miss Kang, and placed other clothes she has which looks boyish. She definitely would not forget about underwear, ofcourse. Miss Kang bought a pair of briefs to cover her underwear because they wouldn't know if they saw her luggage. She also brought more elastic bandage, she hates it by the way. She packed shoes, hats, beanies, and a picture of Raeyook, her sister, her mom, her dad. She was in her dad's lap whille her mom was beside him and her sister was at the back standing between her mom and dad with both her arm on one of their shoulders.

             Raeyook smiled softly while staring at the picture. She missed her dad and her sister so much. She missed how she and her sister would play barbie in the living room. She missed they both would try to cook and make a huge mess instead and after getting scolded, helped by their mom. She missed when they still had a garden, and she would run oh so freely, but soon get chased by her sister who was being chased by her dad while her mom was sitting on the bench drinking tea, smiling at their craziness. She missed how her mom would tell her bedtime stories, how her dad tickled her everytime she sits on his lap, how she caused a lot of trouble with her sister. It was all so perfect.

             Raeyook shook her head and placed the picture on top of all her things and closed her suit case. When she zipped it close, she glanced at her phone which was lying on her bed. Goodness she didn't notice she was sitting on the floor already. She grabbed her phone, and rested her back at the side of her bed. She scrolled past her contacts, which weren't alot, and when she saw her sister's number she stared at it, contemplating whether to call her or not. If she did, she might just bother her. She's probably busy right now.

             Raeyook's arms were resting in her knees while both her hands were holding her phone. She bit her lip and sighed. She guessed it was best not to bother her after all. So she just sent a text.

                  Hi unnie

                  How are you?

                  Mom and I are doing good

                  Are you coming to visit anytime soon?

                  Mom misses you alot

                  I'm going to leave mom and live in a dorm.

                  But don't worry, I'm still going to visit her from time to time

                  Also, I'm giving mom a personal nurse

                  I got a new job so...

                  I'll tell you what my job is next time..

                  Tell me if you're gonna visit mom okay?


             As she pressed send, she let out a breath which she didn't know she was holding. She looked at the time which said it was 11:30pm. Was she typing that slow? Raeyook decided to get up and lie on her bed. She still has to wake up early tomorrow. Raeyook sighed as she rested under the covers. She closed her eyes and slowly, she drifted to sleep.



            When morning came, Raeyook went out of her room when she heard a knock on their door. When she opened the door, she saw a pretty nurse and was smiling down at her "Hi! I'm the nurse Pledis sent"

            Raeyook opened the door wider for her to come in. Since her mom was awake and was sitting infront of the tv again, he cleared and said "Mom, I uh, got you a personal nurse..." her mom  looked at her direction and saw the nurse behind her and she glared at her.

            "I don't need a nurse. And why would you waste your money on that? I can take care of myself!" Raeyook heaved a sigh and came closer to her mother with the nurse following behind "Mom I... Got a new and better job so... I have to leave home and live in a dorm.. Its pretty far you see, and I can't just leave you alone here"

            Her mother looked at her in the eye and she looked back. She swore she saw softness in her eyes but was gone in an instant. The nurse felt that the air was getting too quiet so she introduced herself "Hello Ma'am! I'm Kim Taeyeon and I'll be your personal nurse from now on" she bowed and smiled at both of them

            Raeyook smiled back at Taeyeon while her mom just stared at the tv. Raeyook stood up  got her suit case and shook hands with Taeyeon. "Please take good care of mom for me" Taeyeon smiled at her and said "I will. Don't worry" Raeyook heaved a sigh as she retracted her hands and looked back at her mom "Bye mom..."

            When Raeyook was out the door Taeyeon heard Raeyook's mother whisper "Idiot, take care." she sniffled a little. With those words Taeyeon smiled. She guesses that her mother always put up a front for Raeyook "Would you like to eat ma'am?"



             Raeyook was in her usual street. She decided to wear a cap and a hoodie that day so that nobody would notice her haircut.

            As she looked each of the peoples faces who was staring back at her expectantly, she said "Hey everyone.. This is uh, well, this is gonna be my last time playing in this street.."

            Raeyook was surprised, the people were just smiling a sad smile and glancing at each other. Until a woman, who was old but not too old stepped up and said "Ofcourse we knew you would stop playing for us one day... But its still sad"

            Everyone else were nodding along the woman's words. A man from the crowd stepped up too, "I've been listening to you ever since you know? It's been 3 years that you play... I'm sure everyone here will miss you" he smiled at Raeyook

            She was speechless. It has been 3 years? She was amazed that people knew how long she was there, performing. How nice. She would definitely miss this.

            A little girl stepped out too "Big sis, are you going to stop dancing?" Raeyook smiled at the kid and bent to the kid's eye level "No, I'm not going to stop dancing. Its just that I'm not going to dance in this street anymore" the little girl nodded and smiled at her "I'll miss you big sis!" Raeyook patted the girls head and stood up to perform one last time.



            Raeyook has her suit case with her as she walked down the street and headed to Pledis. After she bid goodbye to everyone in the street she always performed, she went home and changed clothes. She was wearing a graphic tee, black jeans and converse.

            When she arrived at the company, she met with Miss Kang and sat on the company's food court since it was lunch time "So, are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be"

"Don't frown! I'm sure you'll di great!"

"Yeah, hopefully I would."

"You'll be debuting in 2 weeks. So do your best!"

"2 weeks?! That's a bit early isn't it?"

"Don't worry, I'll always be here. I'm your manager now, remember? Call me Manager Kang. Okay?"

"...O-okay, Manager Kang"

"Alright then, after we eat, we're going to head to their dorm alright?"



            Raeyook's body was getting heavier and heavier by the minute. She couldn't finish her lunch! It was just so nerve wrecking, going to live in a dorm with boys. She sighed once again when she entered the car with Manager Kang. They were now headed to the dorm she's going to live in.

            Raeyook was looking out the window while thinking of various things. So much were going on inside her head and it was starting to hurt. She guessed it was no use trying to overthink. She's going to have to fit in first.



            When they arrived at the building, Manager Kang gave the keys to Raeyook once she unlocked the door and got in. The place were fit for 2-3 person and it looks really cozy. She saw Jihoon in the living room with his guitar and scattered papers everywhere. Jihoon looked at their direction and stood up, placing his guitar on the couch.

            He approached the two and looked at Manager Kang "Alright so, I'll leave the rest to you Jihoon. Take care Raeyook. I'll take my leave now. Byee!" when the door was shut, Raeyook looked back at Jihoon who was eyeing her up and down. "Follow me" he said, so she followed suit.

            She arrived at a room where there were three beds, one each on both sides of the wall and one in between. There were spaces so the can walk between the beds. Opposite it were one big cabinet and beside it was a drawer.

            Raeyook thought the room was pretty spacious  for 3 people "You sleep in the middle." Raeyook jumped a bit from the sudden voice Jihoon let out. "O-oh, uh, okay." Jihoon glanced at her and sighed "That bed came last night. Also, that drawer is yours. That's all.." Raeyook nodded at his words

            "You can start unpacking." she waited until Jihoon left before she unpacked. But when she opened her suit case, Jihoon opened the door again and said "One more thing, do not disturb me when I'm in my room, that room. Got it?" Raeyook quickly nodded at his words when she saw where he pointed to, which was a door opposite the bedroom door. "But, I guess you can walk freely around the dorm.. If you want to. Okay, bye."

            When Jihoon closed the door, Raeyook heard another door opening and closing. She thought that Jihoon when to his room. Shaking her head, she went on and unpacked her items and placed it on the drawer that was hers, as Jihoon said.


            When she finished, she sat at the edge of her bed, which was the middle one, and stared at her phone. Her sister hasn't replied to her text. She sight and locked her phone and threw it in the bed. She stood up and closed her now empty suit case and placed it beside her drawer.

            The door opened and revealed Soonyoung, who was dripping wet amd is in a towel that was wrapped around his waist, which means, he's half- "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Raeyook's high pitched scream echoed in the room

            "Wha--?! What the hell are yOU SCREAMING ABOUT?!" Raeyook faced her back at Soonyoung and stuttered "Y-you! Y-your !" Soonyoung raised an eyebrow "I just came from a bath, ofcourse I'm ! What are you, a girl? You have this too you know"

            Raeyook remembered that she indeed was a guy! Atleast, she has to act like a guy ! I'm screwed! "I-its just that.. I-I uh... I'm not used to people being infront of me, y-yeah that's right. Its because I lived with my mom in my entire life you see" she glanced a bit at Soonyoung who looked like he was suspecting something

            "Y-you just surprised me a little there! Whoo! I'm okay. I-I'll uh.. give you your privacy to change alright? mKaybye." Raeyook rushed out of he room and when she closed the door she saw Jihoon behind her "Oh my! Stop that! Geez.. You guys sure like surprises huh?" she clutched her heart and gave an awkward chuckle while Jihoon just stared at her "No we don't like surprises. And what happened? I heard a scream. And a girly scream it was." She gulped as Jihoon raised a brow "I-I was just surprised by Soonyoung, because he just came in half- you know"

            Jihoon's brow furrowed "Why? We're guys, and we do that all the time. Don't you?" she widened her eyes and gulped once more and was trying to find the right words when the door behind her opened "Tsk, he said he's always wit his mama and is not used to it. How pathetic." Raeyook llooked over her shoulder and saw Soonyoung wearing a white tank top and grey sweatpants. Jihoon just sighed and went back to his room.

            Soonyoung walked past her and headed to the kitchen. Raeyook sighed. She has to get used to this. I mean, she's a guy now. And guys often  do remove ther top alot especially if its hot. And boy was Soonyoung's top hot. No! What the hell am I thinking?! Raeyook shook off her thoughts and went to look around the dorm


            Raeyook spent most of her time in the living room and bedroom. Jihoon was in his room, and Soonyoung avoided her most of the time. When she was in the kitchen, he went to the living room. When she went to the living room, he went to the bedroom. Honestly! All she wanted was to talk and apologise for what she said before and... You know.. Screaming

            Night came and they just ordered chinese food. The three were sitting in the table with a heavy awkward atmosphere. There were silence, and the sound of utensils. Nobody spoke a word until dinner was over. "I-I'll wash the dishes.." Raeyook volunteered herself, even though she doesn't like washing the dishes much.

            Soonyoung quickly left the table when he finished while Jihoon stayed and helped clean the table. "Thank you" Raeyook told Jihoon, who replied with a small nod and went out of the kitchen.

            When she was done washing the dishes, she went to their room, going past the living room, and took a boxer, a white shirt, and her underwear which was in between the shirt and boxers. She also took her towel and headed to the bathroom.

            She was in the bathroom and locked the door so that none of them can barge in. She noticed that the bathroom had a shower, a toilet and a sink, that has drawers and a mirror. This was better than her bathroom at home but... "Glass. Why does it have to be glass? Even though I've locked the door its still making me embarassed. Hopefully, warm water would fog it up a little." Raeyook sighed and took a bath

            When she finished, she chenged her clothes in the bathroom and put on the elastic banage around her chest. She put her dirty clothes in the laundry, which was piling up by the way and went out with her towel drying her hair. She returned to the bedroom and saw Soonyoung on the right most bed, holding his phone and scrolling up and down, not minding her.

            Jihoon, she guessed was still in his room. Before she went to her bed, Soonyoung turned off his phone and told her "Turn off the lights" Raeyook was frozen in place, her face was starting to blush! "Hurry up and turn it off! I want to sleep already!" yelled Soonyoung. Oh, her and her dirty thoughts I can't help it! Its my first time sleeping with guys!

            Raeyook turned off the lights and returned to crawl to her bed. She was staring at the ceiling for a long time, she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned to find the position she's comfortable in. She still couldn't sleep. She was now facing Soonyoung who was facing her and was under the bankets. you could only see his head.

            He was snoring! Soonyoung was snoring, Raeyook noticed and chuckled softly. It looks like he can look like an angel when he's asleep and a demon when he's awake. Raeyook sighed and sat up staring at her wall. She look to the other side and Jihoon was still not in bed.

            She decided to go to the kitchen to drink some water when she saw Jihoon in the living room with his guitar, and more papers. You would think that the table was made of paper considering that you can't see the surface anymore. There were crupled papers on the floor, here and there. She first went to the kitchen and drank then went to Jihoon.

            Jihoon has his face burried in his hands "Why are you still up?" asked Raeyook, which startled Jihoon and made him look at her. "Why are YOU still up?" she rubbed her nape and said "I can't sleep" Jihoon stared back at the papers lying in the coffee table

            "Can I sit beside you?" she asked. Jihoon glanced at her and moved a bit to the side so she can sit. When she sat down, she read a few the writings on the paper. My, it was a composition of songs! Jihoon slammed his hand on the desk "Why are you here?" Raeyook jumped in her seat and looked at Jihoon who looked like he was covering what he composed. "I told you, I couldn't sleep."

            Raeyook sighed and gazed at the papers. She saw a few of the notes and took one of the papers to see it better "Hey--!"

            "Maybe you should change this note to a G#" Jihoon blinked at her and said "What?" Raeyook sighed, then smiled at him "I want to help" Jihoon hesitated for a while, then nodded. This made Raeyook widen her smile "You see, this part would sound too low from the first notes don't you think?" she showed and pointed at the part she was talking about on the paper to Jihoon while he held his guitar firmly.

            Jihoon glanced at her and played the chords in his guitar, applying what Raeyook said. Once he finished, he glanced at Raeyook again who was smiling from ear to ear. "I guess it does dound better..." said Jihoon. Raeyook placed the paper back to the table.

            "Why do you guys hate me?" she somehow found courage to ask Jihoon that. Jihoon didn't see that coming though. "Its not that we hate you. I mean, I don't but I don't know if Soonyoung does..." Raeyook fiddled with her fingers as Jihoon was speaking

            "I was just irritated, angry. You just suddenly came out of nowhere! Manager Kang doesn't really do much of a help either. But I guess, for me, its okay for you to help. I can see that you really are eager to do anything anyway. And, thank you." Jihoon let out a small smile and returned his face to a stoic expression. "But I'll tell you that I won't go easy on you okay?"

            Raeyook nodded and smiled "Okay! I'll help you both in the best way I can!" Jihoon nodded at her words. After some silence, he played his guitar. The melody made Raeyook sleepy. And after some slow blinks, her eyes were now closed as she drifted to sleep.




A/N: HEY GUUUYSS! HERE'S AN UPDATE TO MAKE UP FOR THE PREVIOUS SHORT CHAPTER! Anyway, I'm sorry for not updating in a while. Hopefully though you enjoyed this chapter! Comment, comment, comment your thoughts okay? I'd love to hear from you guys!

ALSO, THANK YOU Sakura260401 AND shadow_vamp350 FOR UPVOTING ILYSM

I added links in the story! Hahaha its for you guys to be able to imagine the place xD 

The pictures aren't mine though! Credits to the owners xD

Hopefully you guys won't be bored of this story <3<3<3

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Thank you!
Won't be able to update again. Sorry about that. I'll be back as soon as possible!


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Park_Yujin #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon!! I like soonyoung's attitude here, it makes him hot. Oooohhh... I'm looking forward to this story. I'm waiting for the update XOXO
Chapter 7: I know how difficult it is in university but I hope you will continue with this story,
it's really nice :)
Astriana #3
Chapter 7: Yesssss. Thank uuu <3
Chapter 7: Thanks for not abandoning this story it meant a lot and its ok even if u update once a month at least u will update ;)
EllinianPrince #5
Chapter 7: Please don't abandon this story.. I really like it so please continue! I will be very sad if you don't... Any ways i will support you to finish up this story, and i was pretty sad when I found out it wasn't an update.. Please continue, I really enjoy this plot and wish to see what you have in store for us!! Thanks author-nim! I will support you and comment on the chapters and give you feed back whenever I can!!
Chapter 7: I was really happy when I saw this was update but it turn out to be something else... I really do like this story ;]
Astriana #7
Chapter 7: Aww. I'd like you to continue it since I quite like it. I always look forward to your updates.
EllinianPrince #8
Chapter 6: Please update author-nim! It's been a month and I am waiting, lol sorry for annoying u but I like this plot a lot!! Cx thanks a lot again, and I'm sorry for noting u when u may be busy
Chapter 6: great u update! ;)
Chapter 5: I just found this story n its kinda great n I hope u'll update soon ;]