She's Handsome

Chapter 4


             Silence was quite deafening. It was too quiet inside the four walls of the office as Raeyook processed every letter the CEO said. 'You have to be a boy'? did she hear it right? She probably didn't. I mean, who would say such ridiculous thing? "Miss Raeyook? Are you okay?"


             The two sighed as the look at Raeyook's panicked face. "I'm sorry for this but its the only way" said Miss Kang in her soothing voice, but Raeyook was still in a shock "What do you mean its the only way?! I can't just become a boy because I have to! I have long hair! I'm too short! I have s for pete's sake!"

             The CEO never said a word and it means Miss Kang is the only person to explain everything to poor Raeyook "Raeyook please, this the only favor we can ever ask of you" Raeyook's eye twitched "Only favor? I'm a girl! If ever I did accept, I would have to live with boys right? That would be terrifying! What if they found out? What if the fans found out? What would happen then?!"

             Miss Kang looked at the floor, then looked back at Raeyook "I promise Raeyook, they would never find out. You have to trust me. Its really the only way and I'll help you out." Miss Kang side glanced at the CEO who merely glanced back. Raeyook was really scared for her future now



             "It won't hurt! Once its finished it'll grow back anyway, you wouldn't notice a thing!" Miss Kang and Raeyook were now at a salon and the hair stylist was one of Pledis' staff. I would say, she does look kind of pissed seeing Raeyook doesn't want to cut her hair anytime now. "NO! I don't want to! You don't know how long I've waited for my hair to grow this long!"

             Miss Kang gave the stylist an apologetic smile "Come on Raeyook, how will you do our favor if you don't want to cut your hair?" this made Raeyook glare at her "You're the one who made me do this!"


"Why mee?" from afar, you would be able to hear wailings inside a salon



             After the salon, they went to a clothing store, in which there was another staff of Pledis' there, and handed Raeyook some manly clothes. "I wouldn't oblige to the clothes though" said Raeyook as she went to a changing room

"How do I look?"

"Nah, wear this"

"How about now?"

"Ugh, gross. You look like a garbage bag"

             This went on quite a long time and after all those tries, Raeyook settled into a white shirt with a camouflage jacket, a ripped jeans and white converse. Miss Kang paid for her clothes, and made her wear it immediately. When Raeyook thought they were done and was about to head out of the store, Miss Kang took more clothes and went to the cashier "What are you doing?" asked Raeyook "I'm buying you more clothes. You can't wear those girly clothes of yours!" Raeyook's mouth was left ajar



             They returned to the company after the 'makeover' and had lunch. Miss Kang told Raeyook to come with her to the bathroom and threw something at her once they got inside. "What's this?" asked Raeyook as she examined it in her hands. It looked like an elastic bandage "Put that around your s. So that it would flatten and you'd look more of a guy"

             Raeyook widened her eyes and looked at Miss Kang "Do I have to?" she asked in a whining voice "Quit whining. Of course you have to! Your a guy. Remember? And as much as I know, guys don't have . Especially if they're thin like you."

             Raeyook sighed and pouted. "Alright, I get it. Go out for a while will ya? I'm gonna put it on." Miss Kang let out a breathy chuckle. "Thank you Raeyook. But I'd say, you look pretty hot as a guy" she winked at Raeyook and she left the bathroom



             Raeyook can't help but feel nervous, knowing that she has to be a freaking boy! Live in a freaking guy's dorm! And most of all be a freaking boy! Goodness just the word boy gives her shivers now. "Quit fidgeting! You're going to meet them and you have to be confident or they won't like you"

             Raeyook glared at Miss Kang "I can't help it okay? I'm too scared! What if I blew my cover up? What if they found out?" Miss Kang shook her head and sighed "No they won't find out. You'll do a great job. Trust me" she smiled at the smaller figure as the elevator made a sound indicating that they have reached their floor.

             As the two approached a door, Miss Kang said "I'll go in first. I'll call you when its time for you to come in, okay?" Raeyook said nothing but nod in response as she was just staring at the door.



             "WHAT?!" Raeyook heard two male voices after Miss Kang went in and exchanged a few words "Come on in Raeyook!" she heard her say and she stiffened. She tried to walk as normal as possible and looked at the two male that was staring at her like they would eat her alive.

             Miss Kang smiled at Raeyook and said "This is Jung Raeyook. He'll be the third member of the band. I expect you three to do well and create teamwork. Alright? I'm going now. Get to know each other, you three" Raeyook gave a pleading stare at Miss Kang to not leave her but she just winked and left.


Gulp oh boy.



A/N: Sorry for the short chapter everyone! I'm actually quite busy these days, but I promise I'll update again soon! Please don't leave me TT^TT

             Anyway, comment your thoughts okay? It can help me improve my writing becuz my writing tbh hahaha I love you guys!

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Won't be able to update again. Sorry about that. I'll be back as soon as possible!


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Park_Yujin #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon!! I like soonyoung's attitude here, it makes him hot. Oooohhh... I'm looking forward to this story. I'm waiting for the update XOXO
Chapter 7: I know how difficult it is in university but I hope you will continue with this story,
it's really nice :)
Astriana #3
Chapter 7: Yesssss. Thank uuu <3
Chapter 7: Thanks for not abandoning this story it meant a lot and its ok even if u update once a month at least u will update ;)
EllinianPrince #5
Chapter 7: Please don't abandon this story.. I really like it so please continue! I will be very sad if you don't... Any ways i will support you to finish up this story, and i was pretty sad when I found out it wasn't an update.. Please continue, I really enjoy this plot and wish to see what you have in store for us!! Thanks author-nim! I will support you and comment on the chapters and give you feed back whenever I can!!
Chapter 7: I was really happy when I saw this was update but it turn out to be something else... I really do like this story ;]
Astriana #7
Chapter 7: Aww. I'd like you to continue it since I quite like it. I always look forward to your updates.
EllinianPrince #8
Chapter 6: Please update author-nim! It's been a month and I am waiting, lol sorry for annoying u but I like this plot a lot!! Cx thanks a lot again, and I'm sorry for noting u when u may be busy
Chapter 6: great u update! ;)
Chapter 5: I just found this story n its kinda great n I hope u'll update soon ;]