She's Handsome


Chapter 2


              Would this be a dream? She might as well consider that it is because someone wants her in their company. There wasn't any job that wanted her before. Well except this coffee shop but still. I mean, her? Of all people? How magnificent this is!

             "I'm sorry? But what are you talking about?" asked Minhee "Oh, I wanted to ask if Jung Raeyook wanted to join our company?" Raeyook shook her head as if she snapped out of a dream "What kind of company is it? If I might ask?" she said

"Its an entertainment company"

"Which entertainment?"


"Why me?"

             This question made the female smile "Because I heard you sing. I saw you perform" said her still with the smile on her lips. "SO this is like, those street casting stuff I always read in articles kind of stuff?!" said Minhee excitedly "Girl go and accept it! Its what you've always wanted isn't it?" Minhee told Raeyook who seemed to be in a daze, thinking.

             Raeyook wanted to gladly accept, heck this is a dream come true for her. This was what she wanted ever since she was small! That was the reason why she practiced guitar anyway. But, she was afraid. Afraid to be criticized, to not succeed. She was mostly afraid of leaving her mom, for she knew that idols stay in dorms and not their own home. Who would take care of her mother then? She's sick! She can't even stand up properly for crying out loud!

             "Um, Rae? You okay?" Raeyook snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head and she was sure she saw question marks above the two's head "I'm sorry but... I can't accept your offer" this made Minhee's eyes grow big as flying saucers "SAY WHAT?!" the female's smile faltered "I will not rush you to answer my offer, I'll give you time to think about it. We are desperate for a person like you in our company. Please think this through" 

             The lady gave Raeyook a business card that said 'Pledis Entertainment' below was a number and a name "That's my number, My name is Kang Hyerin. If you have decided, please give me a call" the lady bowed and left.



             The way home seemed quite longer than usual. Well she recieved her pay for the month so she bought groceries and her mother's medicine. She was so tired and thinking about what happened earlier didn't help. She shook off all the things she's been thinking about and entered her home.

             As usual, her mother ignored her. But as she entered the kitchen, she saw an empty plate on the table and it looked like there was food before. Raeyook smiled to herself knowing that her mom finally ate dinner.

             "Mom, I uh, left your medicine in the counter. Please drink it later." her mother paid no attention and continued to watch tv. 

             Raeyook pretty much drowned herself in her bed after changing to her night clothes. She kept on thinking and thinking about it. Without thinking she has already her phone against her ears and its ringing.

             'Hello? How can I help you?' she gulped "Hello? Is this Kang Hyerin?"

"Yes this is her, who is this?"

"Its Jung Raeyook. I um, wanted to ask. I get paid if I accept right?" 

             Hyerin cackled "of course you do! Was that what you were worrying about?" Raeyook heaved a sigh "Sorry for calling this late, I um also wanted to ask more but can we talk about this face to face? Like, can we meet tomorrow?" there was silence from the other line. After some seconds Hyerin answered "Sure thing, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll text you the address on where we'll meet" 

             Raeyook has so much in her head, so many questions. She has to admit that the offer was surely tempting. And Pledis? Wasn't that entertainment the one which Afterschool was in? NU'EST too? She knew these two groups were pretty famous. But her mom, but this was her dream! But her mom. 

             She loves her mother so much even if she treats her this way. And she would do anything to give her a very happy life. Too bad the coffee shop was pretty run down and customers barely go there anymore so her pay wasn't enough to atleast replace their old tv and sofa. She told herself that she'll look this offer through but for now, she needed sleep. It was already 11:49pm and she has to wake up at 6:00 to perform for the crowd at her usual street.



             As she was ending her playing and singing, a high schooler approached her. Anybody would be curious to see why she was standing in front of the female performer and is fidgeting with her fingers

             The student took a deep breath "I'm inspired by you!" Raeyook was surprised for the kid just blurted out something like that "By me? I'm afraid I don't get what you mean" from the looks of it the girl was trying to build up more courage to say what was on her mind

             "I'm a high school student and I was inspired by you, Jung Raeyook-ssi! I'm actually very shy and I don't have any friends so it made me lonely. I thought that its okay to be alone because it was more peaceful but I guess it was a mistake. I was super lonely and one time I stumbled across you and heard you singing and it was a song I have never heard before, I never heard any idol singing this song the lyrics were so inspirational that I couldn't help but take a video of you. I still have it in my phone and I play it everyday. The way you sang it gave the song so much emotion. And because of that I actually made friends! That's why, I'm very grateful to you. Please continue singing and inspiring others. That's all" the girl bowed and left 

             She couldn't believe what she heard. It actually took her some seconds to register everything the kid said. And with that, she smiled. She inspired someone, with her own song! Her composition! It was a very beautiful feeling for her!



             The other line was ringing as Raeyook tries to call Minhee that she couldn't come to work today. The other line picked up and as she stated her excuse as to why she couldn't come, the latter understood completely and wished her goodluck.

             Raeyook checked her phone one more time to see if she's in the right address and she was. She entered this building that was pretty high and saw a beautiful chandelier on the ceiling. She walked slowly inside as she was taking in every detail of the interior.

             She didn't notice a lady behind a counter was looking at her "How can I help you miss?" this startled Raeyook and as she was about to say anything a tall beautiful lady came up to her and said "She's with me" the lady smiled down at Raeyook. My, it was Kang Hyerin! "Come with me, let us discuss about it somewhere inside"

             They both exited the elevator and Raeyook forgot which floor it was but she kept following. Miss Kang stopped at a double doors and smiled one more time at Raeyook. She opened the door and greeted the person inside.

             Inside was a huge window standing opposite the double doors and there stood a man with a comfy looking chair and an office table. The man turned around and smiled at both the females in the room "Have a seat miss Jung. I'm the CEO of Pledis Entertainment"

             That atmosphere was kind of awkward for Raeyook so she cleared and asked "If I accept your offer, I have to live in a dorm right?" 

"That would be right."

"What if I decline?"

            There was a minute of silence before the CEO cleared his throat and shifted in his seat "Miss Jung, I will tell this matter only to you." his expression got a lot more serious as he explained "Our company is close to being shut down. And you are the only person who suits the place" Raeyook tillted her head in confusion "What do you mean by that?" Hyerin looked down and the CEO sighed

            "Music. Its very beautiful no?" Raeyook nodded her head slowly, not knowing where the conversation is going. "Our artist have lost their shine, they decided to quit and because of that there were less funds to keep our company in shape. For now, we have a duo left. And slowly, I can se that they're losing their shine too. They have forgotten how songs were supposed to be sung, how every lyrics has a deep meaning and has to be delivered to the audience. They forgot how dance was there to help make the performance be delivered to everybody. Because of that everything is crumbling

            With those words Raeyook got disappointed. Wasn't music supposed to be inspiring? Wasn't it supposed to give you thrills? Why is this happening now? But "Why me? There are other kids out there. Other kids thatare more talented than me."

"Miss Jung Raeyook, we, well Miss Kang showed me, that you have the shine of an artist. You have the talent to inspire people and to love what they do. Please, you are our only hope for this. We're begging you."

"But... My mom.. She" they both looked at me expectantly

"She's sick.. I just cant leave her alone"

            There was silence as is they were thinking. Miss Kang and the CEO exchanged looks and the CEO nodded "Miss Jung, do not worry about your mother. We'll either send her to the hospital or give her a personal nurse" Raeyook widened her eyes. They would seriously do that just for her to be their artist? This is seriously a dream come true for her!

            Raeyook thought of something "But what if they don't like me? What if I fail? What if they don't like my music? My voice? My performance?" the CEO and Miss Kang smiled "Don't think of that Miss Jung" said the CEO "Remember the street you play your guitar in? They love you don't they?" said Miss Kang and those words made her smile. True, maybe I shouldn't think so negatively. Maybe this would help me to actually fulfill my dream she thought. Raeyook inhaled and braced for everything else that has to come to her

"I accept you offer Sir, Miss Kang"

            They both smiled and the CEO cheered. Boy, they were happy! But miss Kang seemed to have rememered something and whispered in the CEO's ear. That made the CEO return to his chair and smiled at Raeyook "Since you have accepted, you can't back out now okay?" Raeyook nodded at his words.

            The CEO bought out a paper and pen, as he showed the content of the paper to Raeyook, she noticed that it was a contract. After reading its content, she signed at the bottom right of the paper and shook hands with the CEO. "Oh and one more thing Miss Jung Raeyook" she titlted her head as if to indicate for him to continue

"You have to be a boy"


A/N: Yooooowww~ 2nd chappy thoooo

hey you guys, what do you think  of my narration? do you like it this way or you prefer 1st person? Like 'I made my way downtown' ? yes I made a reference to the song Please do tell! I would love to hear from you!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this story! <3

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Won't be able to update again. Sorry about that. I'll be back as soon as possible!


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Park_Yujin #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon!! I like soonyoung's attitude here, it makes him hot. Oooohhh... I'm looking forward to this story. I'm waiting for the update XOXO
Chapter 7: I know how difficult it is in university but I hope you will continue with this story,
it's really nice :)
Astriana #3
Chapter 7: Yesssss. Thank uuu <3
Chapter 7: Thanks for not abandoning this story it meant a lot and its ok even if u update once a month at least u will update ;)
EllinianPrince #5
Chapter 7: Please don't abandon this story.. I really like it so please continue! I will be very sad if you don't... Any ways i will support you to finish up this story, and i was pretty sad when I found out it wasn't an update.. Please continue, I really enjoy this plot and wish to see what you have in store for us!! Thanks author-nim! I will support you and comment on the chapters and give you feed back whenever I can!!
Chapter 7: I was really happy when I saw this was update but it turn out to be something else... I really do like this story ;]
Astriana #7
Chapter 7: Aww. I'd like you to continue it since I quite like it. I always look forward to your updates.
EllinianPrince #8
Chapter 6: Please update author-nim! It's been a month and I am waiting, lol sorry for annoying u but I like this plot a lot!! Cx thanks a lot again, and I'm sorry for noting u when u may be busy
Chapter 6: great u update! ;)
Chapter 5: I just found this story n its kinda great n I hope u'll update soon ;]