Exo - Pathcode

Sweet Dreams

Inspired by exo's pathcode teasers because I'm a er for those sort of stuffs. Fantasy is a whole new universe I'm training myself to write and this was a first attempt. Hopefully you guys would enjoy this snippet. Let me know if you want more from this au.



The guilt had always gnawed at the pit of his stomach, though he had fooled the others behind fake smiles and quick remarks. No matter what the others say, he had always felt that everything that had happened was entirely his fault. He had a shot to prevent all of these from happening, to change the future. Now he paid a heavy price for his ignorance.

That was before.

Now, Baekhyun stalk up the stairs with purpose and determination to undo his mistakes, to give himself another chance.

A chance to redeem himself.

Baekhyun took another sweep of his surrounding; making sure no one was in sight. It was still in the early hours where he was, the sun has yet to make its’ grand appearance. One last glance behind his back, he missed the shadow lurking at the foot of the stairs.

The building in front of him, Lyon Cathedral, is Lyon’s main Roman Catholic Church and the seat of the city’s archbishop. The mostly gothic, but partially Romanesque structure, gave off an almost eerie feeling against the dark. Still, Baekhyun pushed himself forward into the small alleyways littering around the building. As he glanced the umpteenth time behind his back, he still couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watch.

The music flooding into his ears from the earphones he was wearing was somewhat calming his nerves down a bit but he was still cautious. He was walking round a corner when the lamp above him flickered. Pausing, he resisted the urge to turn back around. Having not seen any life form following him, he continued.

“What the-”

Static suddenly filled his ears and he pulled his left earphone off. The lights were flickering again but Baekhyun ignored it, instead pulling his phone out. The blinking icon of a new message flashed on the screen, everything seemingly normal except for one thing. The unfamiliar whisper in between the static.

“Someone is chasing you.”

It didn’t take long before he was running down the maze of alleyways and roads as the lights died one by one. He tried his best to be one step ahead but the lights were flickering off with terrifying speed, teasing at the heels of his shoes.

He didn’t know what was chasing him but he had a pretty good idea who or what it was. His blood ran cold when he slammed into a dead end, a metal gate separating him from the outside. “No!” he shouted uselessly, slamming his hand on the metal in a desperate attempt to escape.

A low growl made him freeze and he slowly turned around. The being was still hiding in the darkness, him realizing too late of the absence of light around him, only a pair of red eyes trained sharply on him.

It wasn’t in the original agenda, he thought to himself. Specks of lights appeared around him, surrounding him like fairy dusts. But he wasn’t about to die without fighting back... The being must’ve got the memo because it suddenly jumped in to attack and Baekhyun braced himself for the worse.


Jongdae couldn’t keep his eyes away from the sudden eclipse. One moment he was enjoying (?) his reading on the rooftop when the place suddenly turned darker. What made his stomach churn is the fact that there wasn’t supposed to be an eclipse to begin with.

“Something’s not adding up here,” Jongdae muttered under his breath and started flipping through the collection of books around him. As long as he remembered since the twelve of them first made contact on Earth, nothing like these ever happened. If an eclipse was suppose to happen, the NASA or something should have made an announcement about it.

Totally absorbed in his search, he jumped when he felt his coat vibrating against his skin. Fishing his phone out, he frowned at the unknown number.


“Jongdae.” Jongdae took a sharp breath in. “Where are you now?”

“Minseok?” Jongdae was confused, probably more than that. The last time he had heard from him was when the man flew straight to Berlin, and that was almost a year ago. “Hyung, what’s wrong?”

Dismissing his question, he fired back, “Did anything weird happened to you?”

That further confused him. “Hyung, what’re yo-”

“Just answer the god damn question, Jongdae!”

His mouth were pressed into a thin line at the sudden outburst but his eyes instantly looked to the sky, now a 180o degree turn from before. Blue skies, white fluffy clouds hanging above and the sun casting its warmth on his skin. The change was almost terrifying.

“An eclipse just broke out in Almaty.” A curse was heard from the other line, sending an unsettling feeling in his stomach. “Hyung, what’s going on?”

“Careless, careless. Shoot anonymous, anonymous.

Heartless, mindless. No one who care about me.”

Jongdae felt his blood froze. He had only heard those lines a few times but it left a scarring impression on him. He could feel his power acting up as dread seeped through his skin.

“I don’t understand.”

Everything was silent, apart from the background sound from the other side of the line. Softly, the other man spoke, “I don’t either but I think it’s best if-“ Minseok abruptly stopped, sending Jongdae in an almost state of panic.

“Hyung?” No answer. “Minseok hyung?”

“Jongdae.” Jongdae let out a relieved sigh but it was short-lived. “Do you have a radio or television around you?”

He frowned. “No, why?”

“A forest fire just broke out in Arizona.”


He glanced behind him for the umpteenth time, the feeling returning and driving him on edge. Since he set foot on the British soil, the feeling of someone watching him was almost constant, driving him to always watch his back for something.

Kai took one last glance around, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. His pursuer didn’t disappoint as Kai entered the alleyway, the shadow covering for him as he teleported away. He didn’t teleport far though, just enough to spy the alleyway he was before as a man emerged from it. With a wide-brimmed fedora and a black mask covering his face and identity, the man fixed his long coat and walked briskly down the street.

Curiosity kills a cat but Kai was in too deep to let it go just like that. Why would a rich looking man with killer height and model-like posture want with him? No, he had to find out what the man wanted from him.

“Let’s see what you’ve got for me, mister,” Kai muttered under his breath before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke, reappearing seconds later on a fire exit a few buildings away.

The man was still walking, blending impressively well despite his tall physique. He kept appearing and disappearing from his view until he lost him completely. Cursing under his breath, Kai scanned the crowded road again for any sign of the man. Totally absorbed in his search, he failed to notice the shift of air behind him and another presence until a hand roughly pulled him by the shoulder.

Kai liked to think his instincts was what had kept him alive all this time. Now was no exception.

As soon as he was turned, Kai’s first instinct was to get some distance for him to teleport to safety. With that in mind, he raised his leg and sent a swift kick to the other’s abdomen. He wasn’t as deadly as Tao but he packs a mean kick when the situation calls for it.

The other, the man he was following mere minutes ago, was stunned but not enough to let him out of his grasp. Instead, he spun Kai around again and pinned him against the railing, right arm pinned behind his back. Pain flared up his body but Kai wasn’t about to give up. He struggled for a bit before pulling his head back and head butting the other man.

It seemed to do the trick as the man riled back from the attack, the man’s grip on his arm loosened. Without wasting the opportunity, he shoved the man away before jumping over the railing. He felt weightless for a second before gravity took over. He could feel his power coursing through his vein, the familiar smoke already curling around him and he could almost taste the freedom. He only needed to teleport and he would be safe.

Until he felt the grip on his bicep.

Both of them blinked into existence and landed roughly on the hard filthy ground of another alleyway. Ignoring the wave of disorientation, Kai tried to make a run for it but the man, who must’ve been expecting the move, grabbed his ankle and sent him to the floor again. Surging forward, the man pinned his struggling body under him. Panic and anger coursed through his vein and to add insult to injury, his strength was dwindling from all the struggling and teleporting.

“What do you want from me?” Kai finally shouted, finally looking straight at his attacker in frustration. He was tired of being played around. It wasn’t until their eyes met did Kai froze, blood running cold. With the fedora hat lost, probably during their previous fight, golden blonde hair now framed his perfectly sculptured head. His almond-shaped eyes burned bright red and his gaze intense but hollow. And familiar.

Very familiar.

A low growl escaped the other man’s mouth from behind the mask and Kai stilled. He closed the distance until his mouth was a breath away from his ear. “We’re coming for him, one way or another.” Then, the weight on his chest disappeared and Kai finally let out the breath he hadn’t realize he was holding. Looking up to the sky, he took in a shaky breath and tried to calm his pounding chest. The man’s word suddenly rang back in his mind.

“Well .”


“The message has been sent, sire,” the man in a uniform informed with a slight bow. He only straightened up to his full length when a small hum of acknowledgement was made.

“Are the troops ready?”

“Waiting for your command, sire.”

He watched as the other occupant of the room stared out the huge windows lining one side of the wall, the blue and green planet taking up most of the view. “Good. I need him here, preferably alive, where I can keep an eye on him as we sat the plan in motion. We could probably put his power in good use. However, if the situation calls for it or time is not on our side, I want him exterminated. Either way, I want his body in front of me. Am I understood?”

The uniformed man bowed again. “I understand, sire.”

“Good.” A small chuckle. “Now, let the show begin.”

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exoticshawol101 #1
your drabbles are so interesting! i especially liked the exo and vixx ones!! vixx was just so cute and exo literally had me at the edge of my seat! i really hope that you decide to make the exo one a full story because that would be so thrilling! anyways, fighting author-nim! hope to hear from you soon! :)