Childhood Memories

Last Gift for Christmas


Once upon a Christmas...

“Hyun~ Next week is Christmas... What is my Christmas’s gift?” I smiled.

That boy sit beside me tickle me, “Rin ah~ Wait for the Christmas then~ you’ll know your gift~”

I giggle when he tickles me, and then I pout.  “I want now~~~ Omo? The snow fall!!” I run around.

He just sitting there and look at me, “Be careful~~”

I fall down, “Ouch!”  I stand up and rub my knee...

He run to me and check my body, “Are you ok? Aish! You’re so clumsy!” He brushes away the snow on my shirt…

I stick my tongue out, “Mianhae~” Then I begin to warm my hands.

He grab both of my hands, “Feel better?”

I nod~ Then he hold my hand and walk around the beautiful white park that covered by snow. The snow fall slowly, “Hyun~ I love snow~”

“Me too, but I love something more than snow…” he chuckled.

“Neh? What What What?” I jump in front of him waiting for the answer.

“Erm… I’ll tell you… After 11 years…” he adjusts my snow cap and smiled.

“It’s a promise then…” I held out my finger, “Pinky promise”

He holds my finger with his, “Yea, a pinky promise”

The night before Christmas

“Mummy I’m going out to the park…” I walked out and saw him. “HYUN!!”

He showed me his hand then I run to him and hold his hand. We saw many people are singing Christmas’s songs. “Next time I’ll sing for you” he said.

I laughed, “I’ll be waiting~ Omo? Where’s my Christmas’s gift?” I showed both of my hands like calling a baby. Suddenly, he hugged me…

“Hyun?” I called.

He let go of me and give me a small box, “Here’s your Christmas’s gift.” He smiled.

I jump up and down happily while clapping my hands, “Yeah!!” I opened the box. It’s a small brown teddy bear inside the box. “Wow! So cute!! Thank you Hyun!”

“Then what about my Christmas’s gift?” he asked.

I smiled, “Close your eyes first!”

Annyeong Readers !!! Here's my first chapter !! Ok~ Now I'm going to tell you that this story is a short story only~ Also is a special story for Christmas this year ^^ 

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carrot #1
SO sweet !!!! I love the ending....
14 streak #2
The ending was sweet~ hope u make a sequel~ >.<
kokonit #3
@cute_meow `` syok tat song mah xD<br />
@carrot `` Thx Thx ^^ Happy Ending GOOD <3
carrot #4
Woah~~nice story , I like happy ending ~
really boom dao me, use song pula... XD
0.o i like happy ending mar XD
update soon!!! plz!!!<br />
kokonit #8
hahaha!! aiyo~ mayb got happy ending? i duno xD
why want so sad oh,christmas should be happy mar T^T
kokonit #10
Thanks for comment!!