Chapter Six

I Get Jealous in Loving You

"Why can't you shut your mouth? I'm your boss so don't try to interfere and just watch me! I'm so tired of you keep interfering in my business. This time, let me handle it myself. This woman in front of me is going to be my fake girlfriend and will NEVER be a model or an actress!" Kai told his manager in a stern voice. That is his first time yelling at Mr. Manager and of course Kai feel so happy to do that as he always wanted to do it for a while now. Mr. Manager kept his mouth shut and say sorry.

"Fine! I will do it. I will be your fake girlfriend. I just hope you won't cause any trouble to my sister. That's all." Said Ji Hyo unwillingly to be Kai's fake gf.

"Oh no! I'll not. Besides, I don't even know who is your sister and I don't care about that. Now, I want you to go home and pack your stuffs and come over to my house. You'll be living with me so it will be easier for me to make you suffer. Okay? Here, take my card. There is my address. You should arrived at 4:00 p.m. It's only 3 hours left. I think you'll make it. Director! I want to cancel the shooting as I am very HAPPY to wait for my girlfriend to come over to my house today. Okay, that's all. Bye bye!" Kai told Ji Hyo and everyone and leave them with a laugh.

"Ugh, what kind of a person is that? So bossy! I'm the director but he's the one to give orders. I can't stand him!" The director murmured alone.

Lizzy pulled Ji Hyo and comfort her as she was still in a shocking position with Kai's words. She cried heavily making people to feel sorry for her.


"Ji Hyo-ssi, are you really going to do this? Who am I going to talk to if you're not around? Whom can I tell my secrets and problems? To whom can I act like a kid and sing and dance to? Arghhhh! That stupid guy! Why he gotta do something stupid? Ughhh, not a gentleman. I hope he gets tired of you really fast and throw you back here." Lizzy murmured to Ji Hyo while Ji Hyo was packing all her stuffs. She's been thinking about all the things that might happen to her when she moved in with that guy. 

Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter. I hope you like it too :) 


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Chapter 31: finally he confess.. I just hope nothing bad happen to her after they goes public.. can't wait for the next chapter.. anyway.. thank you for the update =)
Chapter 31: How sweet! <3
Please come up with the next chapter! :D
shotstill75 #3
Chapter 28: Awwww....this two cuties @_@
LilaPandas #4
Chapter 28: This is adorbs!
Chapter 28: aww.. so cute.. when will they be couple.. I can't wait for the next chapter.. thank you for the update authornim =)
SakuraDyrah93 #6
Chapter 24: Omo..what happen to kai?? :( *worried* btw, thanx update :)
SakuraDyrah93 #7
Chapter 23: Hmm..i think ji hyo has a feeling for kai but she didn't realize it yet..hehe..can't wait to know what happen next :D..thank you for the update! :D
Pipoo9 #8
Thanks for update.
SakuraDyrah93 #9
Chapter 21: Your chpter 21 are double..i feel sorry for kai right now..huhu :( btw, thanx for the update..hwaiting authornim :)
Pipoo9 #10
Update soon