ME AND THE BIAS WRECKER PT2 (new army in love)

ME AND THE BIAS WRECKER PT1( the 1st meeting)

The day came; the girls were getting ready to go to a fan sign of BTS.

MARRY: unnie, do you think he’ll notice me? I mean remember me?

SORA: don’t know maybe! Well let’s hope so 

Marry: yeah I really hope so, am so excited, hh never thought I’d say that but yeah, I can’t wait to see him again, face to face! (Marry and sora went out early to arrive soon to the location, and once there)

Marry: I really hope they’ll notice me, especially jungkook! / SORA: yeah me too.

BANGTAN BOYS arrived; ARMY started shouting up “BTS we love you”, and were calling up each member by his name.

Marry was speechless especially when she saw her loveable JUNGKOOK, she wanted to call him but she was shy, and got disappointed cause he didn’t notice her when he came her way. Marry: Jung…ouf, stupid he can’t remember me, what a dumb, but I “JUNGKOOK saranghaeyo!”(Unconsciously and everybody heard her even jungkook who turned around to see who shouted so hard but couldn’t see,she hided between the ARMYs ).

(the ARMYs were ready to go inside)

SORA:you’re coming?

MARRY:euh?ah no nono!i can’t maybe later.

SORA:sure?ok it’s your loss.

MARRY:yeah I know,I just can’t face him!(she stayed outside for a long time then decided to go in,she waited for a while then her turn came,she passed by suga,jhope,rapmon,jin,v then

jimin:hi!how are you?

MARRY: um I’m fine what about you?

JIMIN:oh good thank you!(marry looked at him sad and shy)

JIMIN:hey,what’s wrong?you’re sure you’re ok?

MARRY:aeh yes am fine thank you!

JM:really?if you say so,but...I think I saw you..somewhere,did we meet?

(what?how can he remember me?it’s impossible *pdv* marry):ah no no!i don’t think so!

JM:no I’m sure I’ve seen you somewhere,…ah I remember!you’re the …

MARRY:oh please don’t say a word!yes we did,we met in the airport years ago,but please don’t…jimin:JUNGKOOK!look…

MARRY:oh no please!(she left running)

JIMIN:hey wait!hey!...

JUNGKOOK:what is it hyung?

JIMIN:euh?ah nothing,don’t give it a thought(but why did she run?)

[MARRY stayed outside till all the ARMYs left,she wanted to see JUNGKOOK for a last time since she was going back home to England soon. And while waiting,a drunk man came towards her,she asked him to leave but he didn’ he even started being violent,and in that moment the boys went out,and SUGA was the first one noticing her]

MARRY:aaah leave me be! Let me go!

SUGA:hey guys,look there!something is wrong!

JIN:want to check out?

RAPMON:yeah let’s go!

jhope:where are you going?HEY! ah jinja!...Hey maknae line,you’re coming too?

(maknae line:JIMIN V JUNGKOOK):ok here we are!

(meanwhile MARRY was struggling against that bastard):aay let me go,you’re hurting me!let go!

(the 3boys arrived)

suga:hey what’s going on here?

jin:You’re ok miss?

rapmon:I think you heard her,just let her go!

the man:it’s none of your business!(jhope and the maknae line arrived too)

jhope:what’s going on here?

(the maknae line):need some help hyungs?

JIMIN:what is this man doing to her?

the man:for god sake!get out of here kids!

jungkook:kids?who are you calling kids?us?

(marry to herself):jun…jungkook!oh dear!

the man:back off kid!(pushed jungkook and fell.seeing this the boys got angry and kicked the of the drunk man,while Jungkook kept MARRY close to him):

jungkook:you’re alright?

(MARRY couldn’t answer,she was speechless because of the small distance between her and JUNGKOOK)

[JK look down and saw a necklace(fell down from MARRY’s neck)the boys got rid of the man]

JIMIN:what a jackass!you’re ok KOOK?and what about you miss?

MARRY:I ah am fine th-thanks,thank you all(made a move to go)

JUNGKOOK: wait!(she stopped, Jungkook went to her front)I think you dropped this!(took a look at the necklace and…)

JUNGKOOK:woh!it’s the…

MARRY:thanks!(she took quickly the necklace and left)

JUNGKOOK:wait I ah..(But she didn’t stop this time)

JIMIN(to himself):what a strange  girl,she didn’t even stop this time.

V: guys I think I saw her some war(ALL):SOMEWHERE!!!

(JIN and RAPMON):yeh me too!


V:yes it’s the girl…

JIMIN:shut up!come here you!

V:what’s wrong?(jimin told him what he knew and that it seemed that she didn’t want JUNGKOOK to know her):she didn’t even look at him when he gave her the necklace today,and when he called her again,she didn’t even stop!

V: ah yes I saw this too;but why?

JIMIN:molla!but I will know,in a way or another!


(JIMIN saw a girl calling the name of MARRY it was SORA, JIMIN went to talk with her):HI! Can we talk please I need your help in something.

SORA:oh my god!PARK JMIN and and V!!

V:hi!( a big smile on his face)

JIMIN: please we need your help. You’re looking for some girl right?

SORA:ye-yes,how did you…

JIMIN: great! I want to know who she really is. What’s her name again?

SORA:M-MARRY?!She’s a friend; she came from England, and…tell me did you see her? Where is she?

V: JIMIN you’re talking about the girl we just helped?

SORA: just helped?WHAT do you mean?

JIMIN:well,a drunk man was being violent with her,but we helped.

SORA:oh my god, where is she?

V: oh she just left, took that way(pointed to the left side)

SORA: oh dear, hope she is fine, her day was hard,she wanted to meet him but she was afraid of the moment she would confess ..

JIMIN: meet? Confess? To who?

SORA: did she talk to Jungkook?


JIMIN: PABO!don’t you get it? She said confess!but no she didn’t, she barely looked at him.

V: that girl?to JUNGKOOK?ah our maknae has a lover!

JIMIN: yeah but he doesn’t know!look, we have to do something

V:about what?

JIMIN:to make them meet,and talk to each other.what do you think?

SORA:yeah good idea,but where?

V:hey jimin, we’re organizing a party in two days..

JIMIN: ah yeah great!nice thought TAETAE

v:kkkkk yeah!

(the three youngsters talked about what should be done, where and how,they agreed on it, then sora went back home, the boys went back to their van)

[JUNGKOOK was thinking about that necklace]

(JUNGKOOK talking to himself):where have I seen it?...wait!that the cabines!!oh man!can’t remember quite her face!

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