ME AND THE BIAS WRECKER PT7:" she's gone!my noona is gone"

ME AND THE BIAS WRECKER PT1( the 1st meeting)

DOCTOR: Unfortunately, she lost her parents because of some stealers that came by the house, she was touched but a bullet that didn’t come out, and that’s the reason why she’s having a cerebral attack! It left out liquor that went all over her brain!

JIMIN: but y-you can save her right?!

DOCTOR: I’m really sorry! But there’s no hope! And the worse is yet to come!

JUNGKOOK:what now?

DOCTOR: because of this, she’ll pass out several times for long periods, like she had today! And maybe go blind if she stays alive till that time!

JIMIN: oh my god! Sh-she’ll have to endure all this?

JUNGKOOK: H-How long do you think she’ll live?

DOCTOR: a month as much!

JIMIN: a month? Just a month?

DOCTOR: I’m really sorry! May god help you!(the doctor left )

JIMIN:a month? JUNGKOOKIE she has just a month! And she’ll live it in pain…GOD damn it! Can’t believe this!

JUNGKOOK: don’t worry hyung! We’ll help! I promise!


ONE DAY; JIMIN decided to take her out, she wore a beautiful red dress, black high heels, brushed her hair beautifully, she looked gorgeous! They had a beautiful evening. After that, he drived her home, and in front of the door;

MARRY: Thank you so much for the dinner, it was great!

JIMIN:it’s ok babe!you know I’ll do anything for you!

MARRY: really? Emm… can you do it tonight?

JIMIN: do what?(she came closer to him, arms around his neck)

MARRY: you know what I mean! (She kissed him) Oppah! I know you’ve been holding your desire! Because you’re afraid that it could hurt me! So tell me, how is you war against hormones?

JIMIN: (laughing) hhh not good! Not good!

MARRY:see?! Look jimin you’ve been taking care of me as I was a baby! You made me smile when I was in my hardest times, so please just let me, just once, make you happy!

JIMIN: MARRY! Look I ah…

MARRY: just shut up and come with me!( she took his hand, went inside the house)

JIMIN: MARRY! Stop please!

MARRY: why? Don’t you want it?

JIMIN: of course I do! But…

MARRY: don’t worry! I’ll be fine!( JIMIN  hesitated but then accepted her offer)

They took off their shoes, then jackets. JIMIN came behind her, moved away her hair put it in the right side, kissed her neck, discreetly opened the zipper, and let the dress go down her feet, she moved and turned to him, JIMIN moved again her hair it went behind, he put his lips on the right side of her neck, put on it his sign “hickey” she let out a sound of pleasure, while him moving from side to side, MARRY was playing with her hands, took off JIMIN’s clothes which shown a body well composed, she smiled ersely, noticing it, jimin kissed her lips and dragged her closer to him, body to body, both half , JIMIN who had his right hand on her waist, went down and brung her hips and crossed it around his waist, free her lips, to take a breath, he took it back, the movements were making one, hormones in war, desire becoming higher, the tongues showed up to collaborate in a sensual dance. Once in bed; lips on lips, JIMINIE started moving again from side to side, kissing every part of her body, took off the tissue hiding her chest, he attacked her s and started kissing, liking, biting, used all the ways that made MARRY moan! He went down more and more and took off the last part of her clothing, put his hand on that sensitive part, she’s enjoying it more and more when he used his lips and tongue on that place. Roles switched up! MARRY took off JIMIN’s pants and then his boxer to see his instrument laying there, took it in hand then started by liking the height first and completed by taking it in ,going up & down, making him go out of his mind, enjoyed each step, but it was a sensual torture, he made her stop, (she is the dominated one now) raised her face, kissed her, put her on her back, didn’t leave a place without passing by, then JIMIN decided to go deeper,  he’s  totally on her, used  fingers, one then two, she’s losing control, then he went in, slowly, made her scream, joyful, and when he got it inside utterly, theyir bodies made just one, he started moving up and down, slow then faster, they’re both going insane, till they came!

They bursted in laugh, happy with each other, enjoyed each and every single thing that happened that night. Ended everything with a sweet emotional kiss and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

In the morning, sun rays made our bangtan boy wake up, memories came by his mind, he was living in heaven. JIMIN waited for MARRY to wake up, but she didn’t, no heart beating, no breath, no pulls, NOTHING!!

JIMIN: MARRY! MARRY! NOONA! Wake up! (No answer)

JIMIN used all the ways he knew that could be useful in that case but it was too late! she was gone, DEAD!

JIMIN: no no no no!(crying) Wake up! You don’t have the right to do this to me! No! Wake up! Marry, please wake up! Open your eyes! God damn it MARRY you lied to me! you said you’ll be fine! B-but y-you lied to me! MARRY! For god sake open your eyes! Look at me! MARRY!!!

After all the screaming, complaining, crying and blaming himself, something came in his mind. The day when he made a promise to his noona.

Flash back:

 MARRY: OPPAH! After my death, I want you to keep on living, doing what you do, maybe find someone too…

JIMIN: stop it! You’re not going to die!

MARRY: come on jiminie, promise me that you’ll be happy! Please! No matter what happens in your life, keep your smiling face, you know that’s what I love the most in you!

JIMIN: alright! I promise you! But you lied!

MARRY: what? When?

JIMIN: when you said my smile was what you love the most!

MARRY: no I didn’t lie!

JIMIN: you’re sure? I know better what you love the most!

MARRY: hey! Park jimin! Are you playing the lies detector with me?

JIMIN: hum, maybe! Come here now! End of the flash back.

JIMIN: you liar! My kiss was what you loved the most! But i… I loved each and every single thing that composed you!

JIMIN pulled himself up, called all the people he knew, and organized a funeral for his beloved NOONA. And decided to keep his promise, her memory, and truly love her as long as he lives!

                     THE END.         

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