ME & the BIAS wrecker pt 4: one is gone another comes

ME AND THE BIAS WRECKER PT1( the 1st meeting)

[JUNGKOOK  noticed that her eyes were red]:hey you’re ok?

MARRY:im fine!

JK:and about earlier I ah..

MARRY:it’s ok don’t worry !i’m stronger than falling apart cause you rejected me.

JK:what?rejected?how’s that?

SORA: when she confessed idiot!

MARRY:shut up SORA!

JK:confessed?that was a confession?oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…

MARRY:to what?to…ah never mind!( tried to leave)

JUNGKOOK:no wait please let’s talk.

MARRY:no need to, just leave me be!(left but JUNGKOOK followed her, and so did JIMIN)

JUNGKOOK:look!please listen to me,let’s talk maybe we’ll find a solution or..

MARRY:no! just go, don’t want to talk right now.

(JUNGKOOK got a little bit mad and grabbed her by her arm and hurt her)

MARRY:let me go you’re hurting me!

(he took off his hands)

JUNGKOOK:I’m sorry, ok?!i know I’ve been rude,but I’m not that kind of boys, I mean the cold one,no!it’s just that I don’t know you well..

MARRY: love has no law, you don’t need to know everything about someone to love him.

JK: yeah I know, but that’s who I am I can’t change it, so I suggest that we take some time to know each other, maybe become friends..

MARRY: ok we’ll see, but now just leave me alone,will you?

JK: alright!sorry for getting angry, I didn’t mean any harm.

MARRY:it’s ok don’t worry about it.

(JUNGKOOK left,crossed up with JIMIN)

JUNGKOOK:hey where are you going?

JIMIN:me? Em to see MARRY her friend asked me to see if she needs something (SORA asked him for real when he was coming to MARRY)

JK:ah ok I see.

JM:so what happened between you two?

JK:nothing, we agreed on trying to know each other first then, maybe become friends.

JM: (ouff they’re not together…am not a traitor!)ah I see,it means you’re not counting on being more than friends or something

JK:no!i don’t think so.

JM:ok!well I’ll go now(left running)

JK:JIMIN hyung wait!what the hell…

[JIMIN arrived]:hi!again…

MARRY:oh you!h-hi!

JM:y-you ok?

MARRY:mm yeah kind of, what about you?

JM:goo-good!i’m good, thanks!


JM:yeah,uhm a-about earlier,Im sorry  don’t know exactly what happened,I ah just felt like doing it,I ah..

MARRY:I’m sorry too, I should have stopped it but i…

JIMIN:johayo!(like you)


JM:I mean I think I do,I’m not sure but that’s what V said,according to my reactions when we’re close,I actually don’t know,I know it seems stupid,but when you’re around my heart beats fast,I lose control of my whole body,I can’t breath,and I think I talk too much..i know that you like JUNGKOOK but he just told me that he’s just planning to be friends with you,…

MARRY:I know, we talked about it,but you,you hhh you really talk a lot,and that’s something I do too,and I think it’s kinda cute…

JM:really?oh hhh

MARRY:but what’s the point?

JM:well I’m willing to know you more,…so I was thinking if you…could be…or want to be my…

MARRY: hhh your what?


MARRY:wow!n-noona?really?hhh I eh- molla,I mean ain’t it too soon?I do want to know you more but,…

JIMIN:yeah it’s too soon but I really do want to,so if you don’t mind, give us a chance,I think JUNGKOOKIE won’t be a problem,since you’re just friends I mean...

MARRY:not friends,yet!and I think he won’t be!( a problem)

JIMIN:I won’t let anyone or anything come between us.

MARRY:hhh ok!but can I have some time to think it over?

JIMIN:yes of course!

MARRY:thank you,I’ll let you know later!i mean in the morning.

JIMIN:ok, I’ll be waiting here!

MARRY:ok, see you tomorrow then.

JIMIN: yeah see you! 

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