Just Have To Say......FINALLY!

I Want To Be A Vampire

Sungmin’s P.o.V

“Sunny!” I yelled, as I saw Jae holding her.

“Minnie!” She yelled back, and went off Jae.

I swiftly ran to her, with my vampire powers, but she accidentally, with her head, hit me in the arm.

“Owwie.” She sobbed, as she rubbed her forehead.

I smiled, even though it was only a few minutes, I thought I wouldn’t see that cute face anymore.

I lifted her up, and spun around, almost a million times.

“I-I’m getting dizzy!” She stuttered, making pretend gagging sounds.

I giggled a little and put her down.

Suddenly Blake came up behind me.

Sunny eyes widened and hurriedly hid behind me.

I patted her head,” It’s okay.”

Still she timidly, hid behind me.

Tear, went down Blake’s eyes.

“I’m sorry!” He just blurted out.

Sunny was stunned by this, “I’m just a hardcore sunshiner.” He declared.

Suddenly, Sunny rushed out and hugged him.

“I didn’t know that.” She told him.

He looked up, “Will you forgive and be my friend?” He asked with tears still going down his cheek.

She nodded her head.


Sunny and I sat alone on the coach of house.

“I really thought I would loose you.” I told her.

She snuggled onto my check, “Me too.” She responded.

She smirked, “I know a way you will never looses me.” She told me.

“How, tell me?” I asked her, with one of my eyebrows up.

She lowered her shirt, and exposed her bare neck to me.

I my lips, as I could see the blood running underneath her skin.

“Bite me.” She told me, as she pulled me closer to her neck.

“I’ll be forever yours.” She declared, and I knew right then I had to bite her.

I opened wide, exposing my fangs, and bit into her soft white skin.

“Ahh~” She moaned as I some of her blood.

Now, I put my venom into her neck.

She yelled in pain, as the venom ran through her body, making her into a vampire.

I covered , as I didn’t want to hear her pain.

After a few minutes, she stopped screaming, but was sleeping.

I put my head onto her chest, and I couldn’t feel a heartbeat so, I finally knew she was a vampire.

Taking out my cellphone, I called everyone for a party for tomorrow.

A party for the new vampire in town.

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I really like it!
:O Omo! SunSun is like one of the best couples evuur! i love this story!!! thank you for writing this :D<br />
imma read the sequel of this :3
To be honest i am quiet tired of Sungmin and Sunny...i want it to be something different...like KeySun (Sunny and Key = BEST OPTION) BUT GREAT story though!! Can u do me a KeySun story...if not that it okay :)
@superjuniorminwook <br />
<br />
i love the GIF btw. it's cute. ^^ where'd you get it?
chapter 15 was like so erted... O.O ...... i want more!!! (more stories, not ert ones ok? XD)
NICE!!!! It's the awesomest fic i follow~
hyeamazing #8
i feel sad for hero.. and im glad kangin and yuri are nice now~! :DD Shall read the sequel!
YAY! MORE CHAPTERS! Taetuek TAETUEK TAETUEK!!!! So cute. Please update soon!
Tae tae tae teukk! <br />
Ohmygod! :DDDDD<br />
Update soon! ^_^