Sunny's Back

I Want To Be A Vampire

Taeyeon's P.O.V

When all three of us were down stairs, Yuri saw us and jumped on LeeTeuk again.

"Aish Yuri stop doing that!" LeeTeuk groaned.

"B-but O-oppa!" Yuri stuttered.

"But nothing." LeeTeuk responded.

Yuri glared at me and walked away from him.

Ever since Yuri was bitten she hasn't been acting the same with LeeTeuk.

She has been acting more lovey-dovey with him.

Does Yuri like him!?

She used to really love Nichkun, but when he "married" Victoria from f(x) she had given up.

I guess she moved on to LeeTeuk.

Suddenly a strong smell came into the air.

All the vampires could guess it was a new human coming.

Sungmin instantly ran to door, like he knew who it was.

As he opened the door smiling Sunny came in.

"Where were you!?" Sungmin shouted as both of them went outside.

"Tayeeon-Ah." LeeTeuk shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"We should see whats up with those two." He whispered into my ear.

"I nodded and we headed out into to the pool area and ran to the front.

Hiding inside the bushes we listened to their conversation.

Sunny's P.O.V

"What was that for!?" I asked him as he pulled me outside.

He pulled me into a hug, "I was scared you were kidnapped." 

He kissed me on my forehead and he told me, "Don't ever do that again." 

"I won't." I responded.

He started sniffing the air.

What was he smelling?

"BLAKE COME OUT, NOW!" He shouted.

Out of the bushed Blake came out.

I thought he left after he dropped me here.

I can't face him after he tried to kiss me!

"Why are you here?" Sungmin asked seriously.

"Because I took Sunny to a party." He responded coldly.

"WHAT"!? Sungmin pushed Blake to the door.

"That's my wife! You should have asked me before!" He yelled.

Sungmin let go of him and before you know it Blake punched Sungmin in the arm. 

After Sungmin punched him in the face.

The were starting to fight!

Should I stop them??

Before Blake could throw another punch I stepped right in front of Sungmin.

"STOP!" I yelled.

The Blake stopped a few inches from my face.

"Go home Blake! Don't hurt my husband!" I shouted at him.

Blake face became very sad looking as he turned into a werwolf he looked back at us still looking sad.

Then he ran away into the darkness.

 "You okay?" Sungmin asked looking at every spec of my body.

I nodded.

Sungmin's P.O.V

Thank God she is okay!


My throat is hurting like crazy!

I never felt this pain before.

As I held my neck, I fell to the ground.

"Sungmin! You okay!" Sunny rushed to my side.

"My throat..." I trailed off.

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I really like it!
:O Omo! SunSun is like one of the best couples evuur! i love this story!!! thank you for writing this :D<br />
imma read the sequel of this :3
To be honest i am quiet tired of Sungmin and Sunny...i want it to be something KeySun (Sunny and Key = BEST OPTION) BUT GREAT story though!! Can u do me a KeySun story...if not that it okay :)
@superjuniorminwook <br />
<br />
i love the GIF btw. it's cute. ^^ where'd you get it?
chapter 15 was like so erted... O.O ...... i want more!!! (more stories, not ert ones ok? XD)
NICE!!!! It's the awesomest fic i follow~
hyeamazing #8
i feel sad for hero.. and im glad kangin and yuri are nice now~! :DD Shall read the sequel!
YAY! MORE CHAPTERS! Taetuek TAETUEK TAETUEK!!!! So cute. Please update soon!
Tae tae tae teukk! <br />
Ohmygod! :DDDDD<br />
Update soon! ^_^