Werewolf Party

I Want To Be A Vampire

Sunny's P.o.V

As Blake ran swiftly in the night we headed to this place i have been before.

It was a high school I had sang at.

The school was for very rich kids or so I heard.

"Blake why we here?" I asked.

After several minutes of waiting for an answer, we were in front of the entrance of the gym.

As we entered I saw many of the werewolves I saw with Key a few days ago.

"Sunny!" They all yelled in unison.

They were walking up to me but stopped after Blake went in front of me.

Slowly, they walked away back to their seats.

"Want a drink?" Blake gave me a red colored tequilla.

"Sure." I got the drink from him and drank in one shot.

"For a little girl, you sure can drink like a 30 year old man." He told me.

"You better be scared." I said sarcastically.

We both started laughing.

I stared dancing with Blake and even sang some songs for the werewolves.

It was also fun teaching how to dance Genie.

When they tried to do the hackey sack dance with their legs it was very funny.

Blake tried it but was very confused like Sungmin was when I taught him.

DANG IT !!!!

It has been about two hours and i haven't called Sungmin I left.

He is going kill me!

WAIT.... he isn't my father, I shouldn't be scared of him.

I should just have fun!

Then I noticed, Blake was outside of the gym just staring at the moon like a lost puppy.


I mean I should see what's wrong.

Blake's P.o.V

What cool moon.

I wish someday I could go up there and see the world.

"Blake you okay?" I familiar voice asked me.

As i turned around it was Sunny.

I don't get why I brought her here.

I just wanted to see her again.

As she walked up to me, her brown eye sparkled in the moonlight and her choclate brown hair was bouncing up and down.

She looked so beautiful....

"You okay?" Sunny interrupted my thoughts on her.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

Her eyelashes fluttered as I answered her.

She walked right beside me and looked at the moon too.

"I like looking at the moon. Isn't it wonderful?" She asked.

She looked really cute and i couldn't resist.

I held her face and leaned closer to her about to kiss her.

When I realized Sungmin was behind me.

I instantly let go to realize that it was only an illusion.

Sunny looked shocked as I looked back at her.

"I'm taking you back home." I looked away and grabbed her hand.

She didn't say a word but she still followed me.

Was i falling in love with a married woman!?

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I really like it!
:O Omo! SunSun is like one of the best couples evuur! i love this story!!! thank you for writing this :D<br />
imma read the sequel of this :3
To be honest i am quiet tired of Sungmin and Sunny...i want it to be something different...like KeySun (Sunny and Key = BEST OPTION) BUT GREAT story though!! Can u do me a KeySun story...if not that it okay :)
@superjuniorminwook <br />
<br />
i love the GIF btw. it's cute. ^^ where'd you get it?
chapter 15 was like so erted... O.O ...... i want more!!! (more stories, not ert ones ok? XD)
NICE!!!! It's the awesomest fic i follow~
hyeamazing #8
i feel sad for hero.. and im glad kangin and yuri are nice now~! :DD Shall read the sequel!
YAY! MORE CHAPTERS! Taetuek TAETUEK TAETUEK!!!! So cute. Please update soon!
Tae tae tae teukk! <br />
Ohmygod! :DDDDD<br />
Update soon! ^_^