Chapter 6

Risky Love

AN:  OMG IM CLOSE TO 40 VIEWS IM SO HAPPY!!!HOPEFULLY WE CAN GET TO A TRILLION VIEWS!!!!! lol no but still I'm really happy for actually having people read this bull. Just saying I actually really like AOA I've been following them when Heart Attack came out ps Good Luck is a FREAKING GOOD SONG pps the things that I mention that a character hates or seem disrespectful to an artist or something like that please note that I respect all artists or shows or any products I mention in the story I just use them cuz well I know them so yea....don't hate me :*


You quickly got dressed quietly so you wouldn't wake Ken up. You couldn't help but feel guilty about what you did with him. But why? You weren't dating anyone, but for some reason, you feel this guilt eating you up. You left a note so Ken wouldn't worry about you and quietly slipped out the door. Once you closed the door you could feel your heart racing. You breathed in the fresh air and started to walk down the street to….nowhere. You couldn't go home because of your mother. She probably drank so much last night that she's still drunk even now. You can't go to school, it's already past school hours. Now where do you go? You wandered the streets aimlessly until you bumped into a wall. Wait that doesn't look like a wall you thought. it was Leo. “U-uh s-sorry Leo-ssi,” you stammered. 
“It’s fine,” Leo chuckled. “Where are you going?”
You didn't want to tell him that you're trying to avoid your home. You were embarrassed about your home life. “Um just taking a walk around getting to know the neighborhood and stuff hehe,” you answered awkwardly. 
“Really? Ah, you're new I forgot. Want me to show you around?” 
“S-sure,” you agreed while your face turned beet red. Leo chuckled at your cuteness. 
“Come on,” Leo said offering his hand. 
You grabbed his hand, and the two of you walked around the neighborhood seeing all of the sights. 
It was starting to become nighttime so the two of you went to the nearest convenience store. Leo grabbed two ramen bowls and led you to the seats outside of the store. 
“Here it's not much but it's good,” Leo said.
“Mmmm begopayo. I can eat anything right now,” you said. 
Leo chuckled and handed you a ramen bowl when it finished cooking. The two of you finished eating quickly and started to clean up.
“Come on it’s getting late. I can walk you home,” Leo politely offered. 
You froze up at Leo’s offer. There's a chance that your mother could be there, and Leo will witness your humiliation. “Um no it's okay. I can walk home myself,” you tried to reassure him. 
“What gentleman would I be if I didn't walk you home?” Leo chuckled. “Plus, it's dangerous at night as you know from the time I uh went to your house with a wound.” 
“No, it's fine I can protect mys-”
“Well well well Leo! Nice meeting you here,” a greasy voice said from behind. 
Leo's soft expression became hard (hehe hard) and scary in an instant. You turned around and quickly turned back. Unfortunately, you knew who they were. Exo, a large gang and powerful only in numbers. They ruled the territory you used to live near. The two of you were gang rivals. Oh yea, you were the leader of a gang. Well actually you still are but let's get into that later. 
Luckily, Exo didn't recognize you. 
“Wow! Leo didn't think you would be the one to have a date,” an annoyingly familiar voice said. You could tell who it was immediately. It was their leader Suho. Just from hearing his voice you wanted to punch him in the face. 
Leo visibly got more annoyed, “Look, I don't want any trouble with you today so just get out of our way.” 
“Oooh I'm so scared,” Suho said sarcastically, “I just wanted to pass by to tell you some useful information but forget it, you missed out.” 
With that, Suho and the rest of Exo walked out. 
Leo grabbed your hand, “Come on, let's go.” 
Leo dragged you to your house and the two of you awkwardly stood at the gate.
“I'm uh sorry about that,” Leo said while looking at his shoes. 
“It's cool. You're part of a gang so I would expect some enemies. Thanks for walking me home,” you said and then rushed into your house.
Leo was left looking at the door. “She's not scared of me this time,” Leo said proudly. Leo turned around and walked away.
You ran into your house and closed the door. You creeped over to the window and saw that your mother’s car wasn't in the driveway so she's either at work or out drinking. Or both you thought. You slowly went to your room and got ready for bed. When you finished changing, you climbed into bed thinking about the day you had. So this is why people go crazy over love you thought. With a smile on your face, you fell asleep. 


You woke up to the sound of your alarm. Groaning, you quickly turned it off so you didn’t wake up your mother. You literally rolled out of bed and fell onto the floor. Then you crawled your way to the bathroom. You showered, brushed your teeth, and took a . You know, normal morning activities. You went downstairs to get some breakfast when you saw that there was no food in the fridge. Ugh, how can this woman be so hungry when she's drunk? you thought. You decided to eat later and went up to change into your school uniform and tied your hair up in a messy bun. Grabbing your bag, you walked out the door and headed to the bus stop. When you got on the bus you saw Leo. Suddenly you grew very flustered and your cheeks turned slightly pink. Leo glanced over and saw you standing so he moved his bag to the ground, clearing up the seat. Slowly, you moved over to sit down next to Leo and the two of you awkwardly sat there lost in your own thoughts. Little did you two know that you two were thinking about each other. Leo couldn't help but glance over to take in your beauty. The way the sun shines into your hair and the way your dimples show slightly when you move around your face. Leo was completely mesmerized that he didn't notice that the bus came to a stop. 
You got up from your seat and climbed out of the bus with Leo following you. You looked into the gates and saw that every one of VIXX’s fangirls was staring at you in envy. You looked over to see that Leo was standing with you. Seeing the change in environment, Leo muttered a quick sorry and left you. You quickly shrugged off the fangirls and headed to class. 
“Okay kids we have a fun activity for you guys,” the teacher said. “You guys know that your next project will also count as your final, correct?”
The class nodded all at once.
“Well, as a way of giving you a break; you will all go to a beach resort!” the entire class cheered with excitement including you.
You thought that the beach get away would be the perfect excuse to get away from your mother. Quickly realizing that your project would have to be due soon, you tapped Leo's shoulder and asked him if he wanted to work on the project after school. When Leo agreed you gave him a quick eye smile and started taking notes on your lesson. The interaction between you and Leo got someone's blood boiling. 
When class ended, you packed up your things and was about to walk out to meet with Leo but you were pushed onto the wall. When your eyes refocused, you saw that Seolhyun was glaring daggers into you. 
“So you think that since Ken likes you, you can go and seduce Leo?” Seolhyun spat. 
“L-look it's not like that,” you tried to explain but instead got punched in the gut. 
“I can't believe you think you're worthy enough to even talk to VIXX since you're a nobody from an abusive family,” Seolhyun continued.
Your eyes widened at Seolhyun’s words. How the did she know? you thought. Unknown to you, the other had been quite interested in you because it was hard to catch VIXX’s attention, much less both Ken’s and Leo’s attention. She had, as much as she would say that it was a “coincidence,” she had seen your mother beating you up through your open window one night. It had been enough for her to pick up all the clues together. 
But to be honest, it wasn't the fact that Seolhyun knew of your family problems that made you ashamed, it was the fact that when you looked over, you could see all of VIXX staring intensely at the two of you.
“Oh oppas! I was just about to leave!” Seolhyun said brightly as she skipped out of class. 
With tears in your eyes, you quickly grabbed your bag and ran out of the school building to…to….nowhere. Once again you had nowhere to go. You could go home and maybe face your mother’s abuse or go back over to VIXX and face that humiliation. As you were thinking, a hand came up and grabbed your arm. It was Leo. 


Leo was gathering the other guys so they could all go home with Jimin together. The guys were being their loud and rambunctious selves so Leo wasn't extremely bothered with it. Ken was rambling about the new Naruto episode with Hyuk. What was so good about Naruto anyway? Leo thought. Ravi and N were in a intense debate about how N’s skin color wasn't that tan. So far, it's five for too dark and one for his skin being perfectly normal. That one is N, of course. Hongbin was too busy checking his reflection to really care what the hell was going on. Just because he's the flower boy doesn't mean he needs to check his reflection every ing two minutes, Leo thought. Everything got weird when they all got quiet. Leo looked over to where they were staring at and was shocked. Seolhyun was beating up Jimin again but what surprised him was what Seolhyun was saying to Jimin. 
“I can't believe you think you're worthy enough to even talk to VIXX since you're a nobody from an abusive family,” Seolhyun harshly spat out. 
Leo was left shock at what the girl in five pounds of makeup said. Jimin is being abused by her family? Leo looked around and saw that all the members looked equally as shocked as him. Seolhyun noticed VIXX was in the room and quickly made an escape. However, Jimin ran away with tears that Leo saw were threatening to spill. 
“H-hyung? Isn't that the girl you like?” Hyuk asked uneasily.
In any other situation Leo would've denied that he liked her but, for now, he was in too much shock to scold the maknae. 
Ravi said, “I think the better question is that do you still like her?”
With Ravi’s question, Leo was ready to punch him in the face. Of course he still liked her, and now he wanted to protect her even more than ever. (ooooh, the knight in shiny armor)
N, who had known Leo since elementary, could tell what Leo was thinking. “What the hell do you think you're doing man? She's either going home to her ty family or she's wandering in her own! What the hell are you waiting for?”
Leo sprinted out and chased down Jimin. He knew that he couldn't act too different around her or else she'll feel like she's being pitied on. However, he still needed find her to get her away from her family if her solution was to return home. Plus they still need to do a project. Leo finally spotted her, grabbed her arm and turned her around. 




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Topzali #1
Chapter 1: It's soooo good!! Update please!! I really like your writing structure as well as the story to come!! :D