Chapter 3 This Strange Feeling

Risky Love



Vixx was walking through the halls to grab Ken’s stuff since he wouldn’t shut up about how his Chopper doll was in there. Seriously, why is a hard gang member so obsessed with Chopper? N thought. They turned the corner and were about to enter the classroom when they saw a gang of girls surrounding something. N looked closer and realize it was the girl gang AOA. N laughed to himself thinking of the poor soul that pissed off the toughest girl gang in Seoul. N was about to look over to talk to the members about them when he saw that Leo and Ken looked angry for some reason. N looked back over to the group of girls beating up the person in the center. N saw a glimpse of the girl in the center getting the beaten out of her. She had beautiful brown hair that glowed when the sun hit her just right, she had big brown eyes that sparkled like jewels, and lips were pink and full. N looked around and saw that Ravi was admiring her looks too but ummm he seemed to be focused on something other than her face. N followed his gaze and realized he was staring at her chest. (idk why but i wanna make ravi a ert) N quickly looked away before he started getting a and realized that Leo was gone. N looked back and saw that Leo was stopping the fight. What has gotten into him? N thought. Leo quickly grabbed the girl and dragged her to the nurse. All the members looked at each other nervously. They never expected Leo out of all of them to help her. Maybe Ken or Hongbin would’ve helped her but definitely not Leo.

They arrived at the nurse and realized that the nurse wasn’t there. N could tell that Leo was going to try and fix her up himself but N knew that he would probably burn her skin off with the alcohol, so N decided to do it himself. He grabbed all the materials and knelt down before the girl. N knew that she must’ve been scared to see a bunch of guys in front of her even if they saved her, so he tried to make some small talk. “Hi! My name’s N, I’m the leader. This is gonna hurt a little kay?” N said. N started to clean up her injuries and heard her wince in pain. For some reason it hurt N’s heart a little to hear the girl in pain. N looked at her nametag and tried to memorize her name for later. Oh Jimin, that’s a pretty name N thought. N finished cleaning her up and said, “If you want I could walk you home to keep you safe.”

“I WANT TO WALK HER HOME!!!” Ken screamed out.

Jimin seemed shocked by Ken’s voice but everyone was used to Ken’s random screams. Ken dragged Jimin out before she could answer him and left the rest of the VIXX members on their own. N noticed that Leo had a pretty sour expression on his face and then Leo just left. The members didn’t find anything weird about Leo leaving since he usually just leaves the members when he gets bored. N didn’t think much of it and he and the members went to their little hideout. Their hideout wasn’t really anything fancy. It was just a little place for VIXX to hang out outside of their gang house. It was a small room with a huge empty space in the center with graffiti all over the walls thanks to Ravi. They all sat down in the circle they always arrange themselves in. N had Leo to his left and Ravi to his right, Hongbin is next to Leo, and Hyuk is next to Ravi. The members were probably just as mesmerized by the the girl they just met. Hyuk was the first to break the silence.

“That noona’s pretty right hyung?” Hyuk teased N.

N has been brutally single for as long as they knew him and they were always trying to set him up with a pretty girl.

“Be quiet would Hyukkie? I’m not into dating right now but yea she is cute in a dongsaeng type of way,” N replied.

“Hmm, I wonder who she is to get our tough guy Leo to help her?” Ravi questioned.

Leo, being his quiet self, did not reply to Ravi but it did get him to think. Why did he care for that girl so much? The members didn’t know it but when Leo left he was following Jimin and Ken walking together. For some reason when he saw Ken peck Jimin on the cheek, it made him get a burning feeling in his chest. Scared of that feeling, he ran back to the hideout.

Hongbin started to join in on the conversation, “Yea, Leo why did you help her? You never cared about other people except for us and your family.”

Leo just shrugged and gave them a short response, “She’s new.”

The members understood what Leo said. He meant to say that she was a new student and probably doesn’t know her place yet so he gave her a chance. Of course, being Leo’s best friend, N knew better. N remembers how Leo yelled at a little girl because he couldn’t focus on his book even though the girl broke her ankle. Leo was cold to put it in simpler words and no one ever imagined him actually caring for someone.


Jimin’s POV (second person)


You went back inside with your heart racing. You leaned against your door and put your hand over your heart. Why am I acting like this? you thought to yourself. Ken was a nice guy, handsome, and had a great sense of humor so any girl would easily fall for him. Just thinking about Ken started to make you blush a little. You quickly got rid of Ken from your head and decided that you needed some fresh air. Too scared to go back out again, you opened up the sliding door that opened up to the backyard. You got onto the tire swing that hung on the tree, closed your eyes, and took in the sunlight.




Leo was going to his favorite cafe when he passed by a familiar face. He saw Jimin in her backyard with her eyes closed. Leo thought that she was beautiful. Her long hair blowing in the wind and her body slowly swaying back and forth on the swing. Jimin suddenly opened her eyes and saw Leo looking at her. Flustered and embarrassed Leo looked away and started to run. HE took refuge in the cafe and stayed there for a couple minutes. He ordered the same latte he always bought and sat down at his usual spot. No one dared to speak loudly and interrupt Leo’s quiet time. Everyone knew Leo’s reputation and no one has dared to even look at Leo and that was the way Leo wanted to keep it.

Suddenly, the door opened and Leo looked over to see…...Jimin. Leo’s jaw slightly hung open when he saw what Jimin was wearing. She wore a pink polo neck cropped top with high-waisted shorts and white shoes. Her hair was let down and little waves framed her face. Jimin looked around the cafe until she spotted Leo. She sat down in front of him which caused many spectators to whisper and gossip but a quick glare from Leo silenced them. Jimin took something out of her pocket and handed it to Leo.

“Um you dropped this when you were in front of my house,” Jimin said nonchalantly.

Leo started to curse at himself in his head for seeming like a stalker in front of you. He slowly grabbed his phone and nodded his head as a way of saying thanks. Jimin understood and was about to get up and leave when he grabbed her wrist. Jimin looked shocked at his action but sat back down. She raised her eyebrow at him to silently ask him want he wanted.

“Um so uh,” Leo began, “do you wanna um sit and drink some coffee with me?”

“Oh uh sure I guess,” Jimin nervously replied.

Jimin went up to the counter and ordered an iced Americano then sat back down with Leo. Awkward silence started to form between them. Jimin started to visibly look uncomfortable so Leo tried to start the conversation first. “Um sorry about the whole thing with Seolhyun and them. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that,” Leo apologized.

“It’s fine. For the toughest girl gang they’re punches are pretty weak,” Jimin chuckled.

“Oh that’s good then!” Leo said and he gave Jimin a light pat on the back. When Leo made contact with Jimin, she quietly yelped in pain. She looked up at Leo with an embarrassed smile.

“Hehe, see nothing,” Jimin quietly whimpered.

Leo shook his head and said, “Make sure you treat your injuries okay? If you don’t then I’ll be really sad~~” Leo tried to give Jimin the best pout he could which cause Jimin to burst out laughing at his horrible attempt. Leo gave a small smile and felt proud of himself for making you happy, despite the pain you were in.


Jimin (second person) POV


You guys spent the rest of the day talking and laughing and Leo, even he didn’t know it yet, was slowly falling for you. After you guys started realizing how late it was getting, Leo offered to accompany you home and you accepted. You two walked towards your home in comfortable silence. You went home a little too soon which felt odd for you since you’ve never felt this before. You two parted ways at the gate of your house and you walked on into your house. When you got back inside, you were smiling like an idiot. You felt your heart racing just like how it did with Ken. You never felt this before ever since…… You shook that thought away and didn’t think much about what you were feeling. You went upstairs to get ready for bed and for the first time you were excited to get to school the next day.




AN:  This took waaaaaay too long to write. Now I know what writer’s block feels like :’( Hopefully I’ll have a better chapter in the next update. Who do you think Jimin will end up falling for? The cutie Ken or the tough guy Leo?   


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Topzali #1
Chapter 1: It's soooo good!! Update please!! I really like your writing structure as well as the story to come!! :D