Group Project

Risky Love

You woke up the next day with a huge grin on your face. You kept on playing back the events of last night in your head which caused you to giggle with glee. You tried your best today to look good for Leo. You didn't realize that you kept feeling butterflies when you thought of Leo. The way he smiled at you and how he cared about your condition. You quickly shook your head and got up to get ready. You first took a shower and then after the shower you tried to do your makeup. You didn't have much money so you didn't have the best makeup but you could make do. (Don't really know much about makeup and I don't know how to put the photo using my phone so just use your imagination)

You looked at your face and you were content with how you looked. You brushed your hair so it looks straight and got ready to go.




Leo woke up to the sound of idiots running all over the place. Leo groaned because that meant he had to wake up and go to school. He kept complaining in his head until he realized...Jimin. Leo smiled to himself as he went downstairs of the giant mansion to go get breakfast.

“Woah hyung, what happened for you to actually smile?” the maknae Hyuk asked.

Leo quickly changed his face to his signature poker face and disregarded Hyuk’s question. Why am I so excited to see her though? Leo asked himself.




You walked over to the bus stop and got into the seat in the very back. You grabbed your phone to check how you looked until you realized what you were doing and put away your phone. God, stop being so nervous. You tried to calm yourself as you approached the school. When you got off the bus and entered the gates, you could see VIXX and their hordes of fangirls surrounding them.

Hyukkie over here!!

Ken oppa saranghae!!!

Ravi ya I want you to touch me!!!!!!

You rolled your eyes at all of them and choked on your spit for the last one. You looked over at Leo and made eye contact with him. He gave you a small smile which caused the fangirls to go crazy. You blushed furiously and looked down as you walked to class.

You arrived to class and waited patiently for class to start. Ken and Leo walked into their seats next to you and both flashed you a smile which you returned.

“Okay okay class settle down,” the teacher said as she walked in.

“Annyeonghaseyo seonsaengnim,” the class chorused.

“Okay class I think you will enjoy what I'm about to say,” the teacher said which caused the students to whisper to each other in excitement, “we are going to do a project on Korean history!” The class groaned all at once.

“Now now quiet down,” the teacher said. “I knew you guys weren’t going to want to do it, so for this project you will be working in partners.”

This got the class excited.

I want Leo oppa as my partner!

I hope I have Ken!!!

You rolled your eyes again at the murmurs and how they called Leo “oppa” when we’re all the same age.

“QUIET DOWN!” the teacher yelled out. “I have already chosen all of the partners for the project. Please look to the person next to you!”

You looked over to your left and saw Oh no...Leo. Leo looked just as shocked as you but he quickly gave you a little smirk. You started to feel your cheeks starting to get rosy and your heartbeat got so quick that you hoped he couldn’t hear it.




I looked over to my right when the teacher announced my partners and I saw Jimin. I gave her a little smirk and saw that a blush started to creep onto her. How cute Leo thought. When she blushed it wasn’t an embarrassing red that was bright and apparent on your cheeks, but a slight, natural pink.

“Um Leo-sshi?” Jimin asked timidly.

“Uh y-yes Jiminie?” Leo replied.

“What do you think we should do the project on?” Jimin asked.

“Hmm I don’t know. I’m not exactly bright so why don’t you decide on the topic?” Leo confessed with a small smile.

“Oh okay is the Korean War cool to do?” Jimin asked with the glint of excitement in her eyes.

Leo honestly didn’t know much about the Korean War but seeing how excited she was to do it, how could he say no? “Haha of course whatever you want,” Leo said finishing with a wink.

“Ok so when should we get started on the project?” Jimin asked.

“How about my place? Tomorrow, show up whenever,” Leo replied. Leo wrote down his address on a spare piece of notebook paper and handed it to Jimin. Jimin grabbed the paper from him, said goodbye, and left the classroom.





Jimin woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun peeking through the curtains. You were naturally an early riser so you were shocked when you saw that the time was almost 12 pm. At first you didn’t think much of it until you realized that you were supposed to go to Leo’s place for a project. You quickly got up and got dressed in a white cropped sweater with black and white shorts.   

Image result for korean girl cropped outfit

You decided to try out some awesome looking dyed hair to look nice for Leo. Wait why am I so concerned about how I look in front of him?

Image result for korean girl cool casual hair

Once you were satisfied with your look, you slipped onto your sandals, got the address Leo gave you, and walked over to grab your bike. You biked over to where Leo’s home was and you were awestruck.

Image result for outside view of big penthouse

As you kept looking at his home you were thankful that he didn’t ask to go to your home.

You parked your bike outside of the house and walked up to the door. You rang the doorbell and when the door opened you saw a bunch of men at the door. You gulped nervously at the amount of people at Leo’s house.

“Who are you?” a guy with white hair and shaved hair on the side of his head.

“U-um Leo…..project…,” you stuttered.

“YAH RAP MON WHO’S AT THE DOOR?” a loud voice asked. (If my description of Rap Monster or any other guy group other than VIXX isn’t accurate it’s because I don’t really know that many guy groups)

The person with a loud voice came out and you realized it was Ken.

“Yah!! It’s Jiminie!” Ken exclaimed as he hugged you. “Why are you here?”

“Ah, I came to do a project with Leo-sshi,” you replied. Ken’s smile slightly faltered but he quickly regained his composure. At the your answer to Ken the horde of guys started to disperse. The man who talked to me properly introduced himself to you.

“Oh so you’re Leo’s friend. I’m Rap Monster Leo’s uh brother I guess you could say,” Rap Monster said nervously.

You shook your hand and introduced yourself. Rap Monster let you in and led you the living room to wait for Leo to come out. You could see all the VIXX members and the other random guys snickering to each other and sometimes stealing glances at you from time to time. You quickly disregarded it and started to look around at the room were in.




The horde of guys were herded like sheep into the kitchen.

“Okay guys, we have a code Lion Heart situation,” Rap Monster said.

“Wait are you talking about-” N began.

“Yep,” Rap Monster started, “Leo…….brought a girl to the house!”

This caused the group of guys to burst out in laughter. The group also understood the seriousness of the situation though. Leo has never showed any sort of affection to anyone ever since that incident when he was young… For Leo to invite a person to his home was something extremely out of the ordinary meant that he was starting to finally open up to someone else again.

The group started to devise a plan to hook up Leo and Jimin until Leo came down and interrupted them.




Leo was trying to sleep but kept waking up when he heard the idiot downstairs laughing their assees off for some stupid reason. Leo tried to ignore the sound but the idiots kept on being the idiots they are so Leo had to eventually get up and tell them to shut the up.

Leo walked downstairs to see the idiots in the kitchen talking about God knows what, laughing, and glancing over to someone in the living room. Leo got curious as to who was in the living room so he went and took a look at who was in the living room and when he saw who it was time stopped. He took in every inch of her body. She was wearing a cropped shirt that exposed her belly and he thought he could almost see the outline of abs and she was wearing shorts that showed off her long and slim legs. She sat in front of the window so the sun illuminated her hair and it accentuated the dyes in her hair.

Jimin got up and bowed to Leo and looked back up to him with a smile that looked like it could light up an entire city. Leo could feel the heat rush up to his cheeks from seeing her with that innocent smile on her face. Leo also noticed that everyone got quiet when they realized Leo finally left his room.

“U-um J-jimin you can um uh go,” Leo tried to form coherent sentences but failed so he tried to gesture her to go to his room.

Luckily, Jimin understood what he was trying to say but not before laughing out at his attempt. Her laugh started to make Leo’s heart flutter. However, it wasn’t only Leo’s heart that fluttered to the sound of her laughter. Jimin walked up the stairs to his room and Leo stared at her retreating figure. Leo looked behind him to see his friends playing around with their bananas. Leo rolled his eyes and glared at them before running after Jimin. He caught up to Jimin and showed her his room. He glanced at her and saw that her eyes lit up in amazement of his room. Little did he know that her room was bigger than her entire house.

“Wow! We have a looot of room to work now!” Jimin said cutely.

Leo chuckled at her cuteness and started to work on the project with her.




They worked hard until it was turning dark. You got up and stretched.

“Leo-sshi do you want to take a quick break?” you asked.

Leo nodded and you two were going downstairs. When you arrived downstairs you heard your phone ring on the kitchen table so you answered it.

“YAH WHERE ARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU CAN ING GET OUT OF THE HOUSE??? YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY FROM ME YOU UNGRATEFUL ?” you had to pull the phone away from your ear and you understood what’s happening. Your mom got home drunk again but you don’t understand why you can’t hear your father. “Yes mother I’m gonna get home right now,” you replied respectfully. You could see the confused looks you were gaining. You sighed and hung up on your mother, “Mianhae I have to get home.”

“Oh I can take you home then,” Leo offered.

“NO! No it’s fine,” you assured. Leo looked confused but he gave in in the end.

You got onto your bike and went back over to your house. By the time you made it home it was already dark which was good for you. Right when you walked into your home you heard the sound of things breaking and glass shattering. When you closed the door your mother noticed you made it home. She went over to you and once she closed the distance to you you could see the craziness in her eyes but this time there’s anger.

“THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” she screamed.




AN: YAAAAAY I FINISHED!!!! cri cri i have finals coming up soon which means i have to study until my brain falls out. *Sigh* why do I have such high expectations from my parents just cuz of my siblings? Anyways I'll try not ot die during finals!!

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Topzali #1
Chapter 1: It's soooo good!! Update please!! I really like your writing structure as well as the story to come!! :D