Chapter 2 Meeting Vixx (Sort of?)

Risky Love

“Ugh, stop feeling so embarrassed,” you criticized yourself, “you’re just here to finish your schooling and leave this hellhole.” You slowly went up to your room and went to get changed. After you changed, you went down to get some food before you started on your homework. You opened the fridge and sighed in anger. I can’t believe this……..we have NO FOOD you thought. While groaning, you trudged upstairs to your room to get changed again and get some groceries.


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(lol no but isnt that girl so cute?!?!?)

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You finished changing and slipped on your black hightops and went out to buy some food.

You arrived at the supermarket and bought a basketful of food and some snacks, (this is so me) and you were on your way home. As you were going home, you heard some screams and sirens in the background. You looked behind you to see two gangs fighting each other with weapons drawn. You couldn’t recognize any of them but what you could see was a lot of blood. You stood there paralyzed for a second until you heard the first gunshot. With that noise, you turned and sprinted towards your home. You were actually pretty athletic from the past experiences you had with running for your life. You finally reached your home and dropped off your groceries. Not feeling hungry anymore, decided to do your homework so you can forget that memory. You worked until 10 at night and you decided to turn in for the night. You turned off all the lights, locked the doors and windows, took a shower, and went to bed. You thought you were going to have a peaceful night sleep, but you were so ing wrong.


You, being the heavy sleeper you were, did not react to the noise.


The banging continued which caused you to wake up. You looked over at the clock and it read 1:36 am. “Who the hell thought it was a good idea to wake me up this early?” you grumbled. You went to the kitchen to grab a knife. Hey, there’s a person knocking on your door at one in the morning, and you saw gangs fighting. Can you not be scared? You slowly opened your door and saw…..Leo? Leo pushed you out of the way and closed the door behind him. You wondered for a second why he was here. You scanned his body and your eyes fell on his stomach. There was a stab wound there.

“Stop ing staring and help me would you?” Leo angrily asked.

“W-why the hell-”

“JUST. Just help me by getting a first-aid kit. You have one right?” Leo said while trying to calm down.

You rushed over to your bathroom to get a first-aid kit. Thank God I bought the fancy one. You ran to where Leo, who was sitting on your couch, was. You handed him the first-aid kit and watched him as he tended to his own wound. You looked away as he was stitching himself up. He noticed and chuckled to himself. He finally finished stitching up his wound and put the materials to its respected spot.

He noticed you closing your eyes and said, “You can look now.”

You slowly opened your eyes again and your eyes widened at the blood EVERYWHERE. Blood was all over your couch, coffee table, and floor. Leo noticed you looking around your house and he looked down at his shoes in shame. He then got up and got a bunch of cleaning supplies and tried to clean off all of his blood. You helped also and the both of you spent an hour cleaning off all of the blood. When you two were done you both smelled like bleach but the house was spotless. You then realized, “YA WHY THE ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!??!!”Leo cringed at the fact you cursed when you looked like a sweet little girl.  

“Um, I was fighting and all of the gang split, so I tried to look for the nearest house to try and get my wound tended to. I didn’t think I would find you,” he answered.

You were about to have another outburst until you looked over at him and saw that he was genuinely sorry. “Ugh it’s fine just get out please,” you said. He looked over at you gratefully, bowed, and left your house. You sighed and went upstairs to go back to sleep.

~The Next Day~

You woke up to the same routine you went through everyday. You woke up, took a shower, and some food, got changed, and tied your hair up in a high ponytail. You decided to walk to school since you were early and when you arrived at school, you locked eyes with Leo and he gave you a small smile. Of course this didn’t go unnoticed.

Class started and you got settled into your seat. The teacher started going through the roll sheet and announced, “Ken and Leo? Has anyone seen them?” Just as she said that the two boys ran in. The teacher did a disapproving “tch” and motioned them to their seats. You looked around and noticed that the only two seats left were on the left and right side of you. Damn it. The two boys got to their seat and Ken’s eyes lit up when he saw you.

“HEY IT’S JIMINIE!” he exclaimed.

You saw Leo cringing at the volume and you chuckled to yourself. Ken looked proud that he made you smile since he’s never seen it before. Actually you weren’t a cold person. You were a kind and warm girl and when you opened up to people, you were the cutest little girl ever. Leo noticed you smile and his heart started doing little flips. Yet again though, this didn’t go unnoticed.

School ended and you were about to leave class when you were slapped. “WHO THE -”

“What you can’t take a hit?” a girl snickered. (damn snickers now im hungry)

You looked up and saw Seolhyun again but now she was with a whole gang of girls. You sighed at her and got your body ready to get beaten up. And that’s what happened. They punched you, kicked you, and pulled onto your hair until you couldn’t feel anything anymore. Unknown to the bullies, however, their so-called oppas was witnessing the scene. Leo couldn’t take you getting beat up and he grabbed and pulled you away. Seolhyun was left alone with a look of disbelief on her face.

Leo was still dragging you. Literally. You couldn’t feel anything because of the pain so you couldn’t even walk. Thankfully, one of Leo’s gang members noticed your condition.

“H-hyung, I think you’re killing the girl,” one of the members said. Wait, hyung? Oh it’s the baby um Hyuk, I think.

Leo looked back and saw that you was barely conscious. His eyes widened at the sight of you and picked you up bridal style. ’s seemed shocked at his actions since he was known to be the coldest person ever, even if a girl was hurt. Nevertheless, Leo carried you to the nurse and since the nurse wasn’t there, s fixed you up.

“Hi! My name’s N, I’m the leader. This is gonna hurt a little kay?” N said.

He seems pretty motherly for a gang member you thought. N started trying to clean up all your cuts which caused you to wince in pain. All the member’s hearts broke when you showed you were in pain, which was odd for them since they never feel bad about other people’s pain except for each other’s. N finished cleaning you up and offered to walk you home.

“I WANT TO WALK HER HOME!!!” Ken screamed out.

You cowered at the volume of his voice. How can a guy have such a high-pitched voice? Before you could protest Ken grabbed you and started dragging you out of the building. “Um, Ken?” you asked. Ken turned around and raised his eyebrow. “My stuff is still in the classroom and could you not walk so fast please?” you said in a small voice.

“Oh? Oh! Sorry I was just excited to walk you home!” Ken stated. “Hold on. I’m gonna get your stuff!”

Ken rushed into the building and back out in a second. He looked like he ran a whole marathon to get your bag. You laughed out loud at the sight of him. Panting, hair messed up, and his arms full of bags. Wait you only own one bag.

Ken gave you a huge grin seeing you laugh so much, showing off your beautiful eye smile. “Um I didn’t know which one is your bag so uh…”

“I-it’s f-fine just..” you said in between laughs while you grabbed your bag from him. You two walked together laughing and talking to each other until you reached your home. You were almost disappointed to have to part from Ken, but you had to anyway. You waved goodbye to Ken and he gave a quick peck on the cheek. You stood in shock and in the shadows stood a pair of jealous eyes.


AN:  YAY SORT OF ENTERTAINING CHAPTER!!!!! Isn't Ken so cute?? <3 I'm gonna try to update as much as I can during weekends because I thought it was a good idea to take advanced classes. I regret that decision. Anyways have a good day beuaties!!! :*

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Topzali #1
Chapter 1: It's soooo good!! Update please!! I really like your writing structure as well as the story to come!! :D