Meanie 006

SEVENTEEN 2·3 things



“Mingyu, I’m back!”


As expected, no one reply him.

Wonwoo put his things down on his table and seated on his bed. Then, he stares at the bed opposite him that looks neat and clean, like nobody sleep at there before.

“Did he avoid me again?” Wonwoo asked himself.

Wonwoo has a crush on Mingyu and he’s hiding his feeling to him since he thinks Mingyu is a straight guy. He saw Mingyu dated a lot of girl before but none of them last long than a month. He thinks he used all of his luck when he knows Mingyu is his new dorm mate when he applied to stay at school hostel.

The reason he likes Mingyu is simple, like other girls, he thinks Mingyu is tall and handsome, the charming smile that the guy has and the tanned body that every girls dream of, but most important is, the personalities that the guy had. Unlike him, he looked emo and he hate social with people, he rather to stay at home than having outdoor activities.

Mingyu likes to play basketball and kind hearted to help everyone when people need help. He always smiled brightly to others and being so gentle to girl. With the perfect body and positive personalities, every student in school likes him very much.

“Is impossible for him to found out my feeling to him right?” He lies on his bed, both of his hand behind his head and thinks of the weird behavior that his dorm mate gave him recently.

“Did I accidentally do something weird?”

“No… I control myself well… At least I never blushed in front of him…”

“Ahhh!!! I don’t know what I have done to Mingyu!” He wakes up from the bed, frustratedly his hair till it’s messy like a nest for a bird. He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed his best friend numbers.

“Kwan Soonyoung!” He immediately shouted when Soonyoung picked up his call.


“I don’t know what I did until Mingyu is avoiding me now!”


“Please answer me.”

“Is your problem with him, figure it out yourself, or ask him yourself,  you two are dorm mate right.”

“If I can ask him myself, he always escaped from me when I encounter him at school. And he always came back late, how do I ask him when I’m already asleep that time!”

“Then, catch him.”

“What if he found out that I like him?”

“Then you have to admit it and confess!”

“… …But he will hate me right… A guy has a crush on him…”

“Listen Wonwoo, you’re not gay, you just coincidently like a guy. Nothing wrong!”

“Soonyoung ahh…”

“Be brave friend…”



“I…… will”



So now, Mr. Jeon Wonwoo is waiting at the door to wait for Mingyu. He need to catch Mingyu and ask him why he avoids him and if Mingyu really found out his feeling, he will admit it like a man and confess.

“Oh ! He’s back!” Wonwoo feels more nervous when he heard sound of the key and the doorknob being turned.

“Breath, Wonwoo, breath.” He took a deep breath and stare at the door.

“Wonwoo, what are you doing here?” Mingyu take a look at the elder in front of him.

“Ermmm, nothing… Just waiting for you…”

“Wait for me? Why?”

“I….wa-nn-a ask you som-ething…”

“Why are you so nervous?” Mingyu speaks as he walked to the bathroom.

“Where are you going?!” Wonwoo thought Mingyu’s going to escape from him, he quickly pulled Mingyu’s wrist to stop him, but he thinks this is not enough, so he pinned Mingyu to the walls and pressed his body on Mingyu to lock the younger between his arms.

“Listen, I just have 3 questions to ask you. I’ll leave you alone if you answer the question honestly!”

“O…kay…” Mingyu turned his face away from Wonwoo to resist himself from doing something weird on Wonwoo. He feels an urge to kiss Wonwoo cherry lips, and he wish he hand can circled around Wonwoo’s waist and feel the warm that the latter has.

“First, did you hate me? Second, did you avoid me? Third, why you avoid me?” Wonwoo asked the question without having a break and exchanged of breath. He feels sad when Mingyu turned his face away to avoid his gaze.


“So you do hate me…” Wonwoo said dejectedly, “That’s why you avoided me…”

Just when he wants to let go of Mingyu and swear to himself to not disturb Mingyu again, Mingyu grabbed his wrist and pushed him to the walls and caged him.

“Yah! What are you doing?”

“You never listen to my answer.” Mingyu leaned closer to Wonwoo and  stare into Wonwoo’s eyes, finger swiping Wonwoo’s lips.

“First, I don’t hate you, but I like you… Second, yes I did avoiding you. Third, I avoided you because I don’t want hurt you, you don’t know how much I want to touch you… I try to decrease the times both of us met to control myself but the desire to call you mine never decrease.


“Wonwoo ahh, I like you…”

“You like… Me?”

“So you accepted my confession?”

“Wait… You like me?”

“I can kiss you now right?”


“Too late you’re mine!”

Without giving a chance to Wonwoo to answer him, Mingyu crashed his lips to Wonwoo’s lips and savors the taste that he always wants to. As for Wonwoo, his brain stopped functioning after he heard Mingyu’s confession, he just follow his instinct to kiss Mingyu back when he felt some warm object lay over his lips.


Behind The Story:

-Who the hell teach Mingyu that he can kissed Wonwoo after the confession?!

-Soonyoung: *cough**cough* me

-Soonyoung the love guru(teacher)


I'll check the grammar when i've time.


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reirena #1
Chapter 21: Staring at the sky......wkwkkwkk
Jeonghan love to prank ><
wryhun #2
What a big mosquito indeed! :)

Do you know of Bollywood? Hansol's lines 'few dollars' always makes me think of the song 'Yeh jo thode se hai paise'.
Jihoon_98 #3
Chapter 21: This is so cute.. >_<
Chapter 20: cute >-< I enjoy your drabbles very much! please continue writing~
Sugaaabiased #6
Chapter 18: How cute. Mingyu must lobeu wonu very much.
DarryLu #7
Chapter 16: I really don't understand why everyone has to hate wonwoo that way. I mean it's just so long ago he was a normal teenage boy who had his own opinion! Of course maybe his way to say those things was a little rude but I don't think that it's worth that storm. He just told his opinion and it was so long ago! And I even understand why he said those things because I don't think so much plastic surgery is necessary for being an Idol cause fans would love them anyway. And to say such strong hard bad things to him doesn't make anything better especially since he had apologized! He has to feel so bad and he doesn't deserves that. Wonwoo usually is a really kind person who couldn't hurt any fly. He isn't a meanie! (Hahahah... Ok this was bad) So carats just keep on loving and supporting him. None of us wants him to leve Seventeen so lets go fighting for our boyzz!! ♡

(The Oneshots are verry well written thank u for that XD)
Chapter 17: I agree about Wonwoo's issue. I was actually thinking that he was sick because he was FULLY quiet during the live in V APP. But then, I saw the FUDGING article with a follow-up about Chanyeol and I was so speechless. the comments really hurted me especially his letter. Those immature netz even told him to die and even said that it is better if SVT kicks him out of the group. I can't imagine how hurt he is now. Even during their second win he forcedly smiled and was hiding at the back. Our poor emo fluff ball...#WonwooProtectionSquadIsOn
Chapter 16: Omo this is just so funny xDDD BTW i know what was minwoo talked about so lets be friend xDDDDD
Sugaaabiased #10
Chapter 15: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Awh. I love this one if my lil Jicheol couple. Hahaha upsate soon author-nim