♕|[Chapter 3]|

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~Monday, May 8, XX51~


The time sure does fly by… It seemed like just yesterday that Jin-oppa had come home for Christmas and found out that Jongup-oppa had taken his room. Jongup-oppa had joined the high school soccer club and track club while Taehyung-oppa only joined the basketball club, he became starter point guard and captain this year since the previous captain had graduated and appointed him the position.


Today was my first day of high school, I had passed the entrance exam for the high school Yongguk-oppa, Himchan-oppa, Jin-oppa, Taehyung-oppa, and Jongup-oppa went/are going to. Jungkook had also enrolled for this high school, as well as some of my other friends, including a friend I made the last year of junior high, Park Chorong. She had been going to an all girls academy until she decided to go to school with her twin brother, Park Jimin, who had been in the taekwondo club with Taehyung-oppa and Jongup-oppa before they went to high school.


Yoo Youngjae-seonsaeng moved up to Seongnae high school with us and is my homeroom teacher for the 4th consecutive years this year. I met up with Chorong at the front gates of the school, separating from Taehyung-oppa and Jongup-oppa, heading to our classes together.


“This year we aren’t in the same homeroom class… How come you got Yoo-seonsaengnim again?” Chorong pouted to me. She was in class 1-C this year, homeroom teacher Jung Daehyun-seonsaengnim.


I shrugged at her, “Dunno, but I heard that he’s pretty hot and he’s just a few months older than Yoo-seonsaeng.”


“But Yoo-seonsaengnim is such a fluff and cute guy~ And he’s really kind~” Chorong pouted even more to me and I rolled my eyes.


We had almost passed my class, 1-B, I separated from her as she continued going further down the hall to her classroom. I took an empty seat all the way on the right, near the windows, and second row from the front. I placed my backpack on the desk and looked out the window. The bell rang and more students entered the room taking an open seat, Yoo-seonsaeng entering the room shortly after everyone had been seated.


He cleared his throat before speaking, “Many of you may recognize me from last year, I will be your homeroom teacher all throughout high school, you may call me ‘Yoo-seonsaeng’. Let’s start off by getting assigned seats and introducing ourselves.” Yoo-seonsaeng called us all up to the front of the classroom before seating us all down, being a class of 27 made this take quite a while, saying our names and nickname if you have one.


“Hello, I’m Ahn Daniel, call me Niel.” He took the seat on the left in the front row.


Three other students introduced themselves before it was my turn. “Hello I’m Choi Junhee, just call me Junhee.” I bowed before sitting down at my desk just a row closer to the front than where I was sitting at earlier.


I dozed off while the remainder of the students introduced themselves, until I found out that Jimin was in my class, “I’m Park Jimin~” I sighed to myself, Chorong didn’t tell me Jimin would be in my class, I thought to myself feeling stupid for only looking for my name last week on the board for my class. No else gave me a peek of interest besides the last person, who caught everyone else's attention. “Hi I’m Yoo Seungho, ‘Yoo-seonsaeng’ is my hyung.” He smiled and cocked his head to the side.


“Yah! Seungho!” Yoo-seonsaeng let out a frustrated sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck, everyone in the classroom whistling. He cleared his throat and the class fell silent, “Okay, today is your first day of senior high school and that means that you all are from various junior high schools and may not know everyone. Jung-seonsaengnim and I have decided to combine our classes for today and just relax, you all took your entrance exams last week and that was pretty stressful for most of yo--” The door flung open and Jung-seonsaengnim stood there smiling, holding a box of binders.


“Yoo-seonsaeng~ How long are you going to take?~” Jung-seonsaengnim’s students were lining up behind him and trying to peer into the classroom. Yoo-seonsaeng let out a sigh and excused us from class, grabbing a box of binders as well, almost 60 students out in the hallway talking pretty loudly as we followed Jung-seonsaengnim and Yoo-seonsaeng.


I walked to Chorong, who was surrounded by boys trying to get her attention. “Jung-seonsaengnim is pretty hot, isn’t he?” I whispered to her as I hooked my right arm around her left arm.

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