♕|[Chapter 1]|

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~Thursday, April 28, XX50~


It was spring time and almost time to go up a grade level, Taehyung-oppa would be going up to the high school soon. Taehyung-oppa had fallen behind in studying for his high school exams and made me take care of helping the soon-to-be-seventh-graders around the school, a job the ASB president had asked him to take care of, since they were best friends. Himchan-oppa had insisted that Taehyung-oppa stay at home to study with him and Yongguk-oppa.


I had finished showing them around some of the school, it was time for lunch now. The 6th graders had to eat with the 7th graders, 9th graders were studying for high school entry exams, and 8th graders were in class (I had good grades so Taehyung-oppa had no problem arranging things with my homeroom teacher, Yoo-seonsaeng).


I took my bento lunch outside to eat. As I was heading to the place I normally ate, there was a crowd of people shouting in one of the little alleyways of the school. “Hey! Break it up!” I yelled as I walked into the middle of the crowd, what they had grouped around. It was a fight between 2 soon-to-be-high-schoolers that I instantly recognized from their hair. One of the boys had faded red dyed hair, Min Yoongi, often known as Suga. The other boy had bleached blonde hair and had the name Moon Jongup.


I pulled Suga away from Jongup before jumping in between them. “SHOULDN’T YOU ALL BE STUDYING?! DON’T YOU WANT TO GRADUATE AND GO TO COL-” Jongup had grabbed me over his shoulder and ran away with me. Once we were far away from the place they had been fighting I started pounding on his back. “Let me down!” After pounding 5 more times he let me down. “Why were you fighting with Suga?!” Suga was the sanshou team captain for our school, not that Jongup would have a problem, always being asked to join the martial arts clubs.


“He was insulting my pride.” Jongup said.


“What’d he say?”


“He was making fun of me for living in my deceased grandfather’s house and not being able to pay the bills.”


“You don’t have your parents either?” I asked quietly.


“My parents died when I was little, my grandfather passed away 2 years ago.. Wait, ‘either’?”


I sighed, I let the past slip through again. “My parents died when I was 4, I started living with Kim Taehyung’s family then, but his parents died 4 years later. We’ve been living with his older brother’s friend and him for the past 6 years.” I explained to Jongup. “Maybe you can live with us! I’ll ask Himchan-oppa and Yongguk-oppa, if you promise to never get in a fight again.” I stuck my pinky out.


He wrapped his pinky around mine,”Besides for taekwondo. I’ll go home with you today then?”


I nodded and the bell rang. “I have to go, meet you at the front gate after school?” I started running backwards, turning around after Jongup nodded. I grabbed my bento box off the bench I had set it down on earlier, sighing that I didn’t get to eat. I returned to the cafeteria and walked my group around the rest of the school, they gave me awkward glares since I ate while walking. A teacher eventually yelled at me “Be serious or I’ll take that tour guide band off your arm!” I was only able to eat half of my lunch..



I had been able to return to class for the last 30 minutes of it. “Here are the notes I wrote for you Junhee.” Jungkook, my best friend, handed my journals back to me, with his chibi animal sticky notes in it as bookmarks on the pages he wrote on, he secretly likes cute things.


I placed my notebooks in my bag after putting the papers of the assignments the teachers had given us in. “Thank you so much Jungkook..”


“I have to tutor someone in about 5 minutes, gotta go.” Jungkook shrugged apologetically, it was already 4:30pm, I had stayed after class to get my assignments.


“No worries, see you tomorrow.” I waved good-bye to him as he left.


I put my bag over my right shoulder, holding my half-filled bento box in my left hand, as I left the classroom. “Hey, Junhee-ah.” Jongup called out to me, he ran from the backdoor of my classroom to me. “Sorry for making you miss lunch, how ‘bout I buy you one?”


I mumbled,”I thought I told you to meet me at the front gate..” I didn’t like to be seen with many of the popular guys, girls had already started disliking me for being such close friends with Jungkook. “No worries, I’ve still got mine, and Himchan-oppa is probably already cooking for Taehyung-oppa.” I ate the rest of my bento as we walked out the front gate of the school. Once I was finished I told Jongup,”It’s a ways away. You’re the male track allstar, think you can slow down and follow me?” I put my bento box in my bag before getting the left strap on.


“Your the long distance allstar, I may have to ask you to slow down for me.”


I had been walking backwards, I smirked at him before turning around and running at a fast pace to Yongguk-oppa’s house.



I stopped running when we reached the beginning of the long driveway, about 400 meters. Jongup was actually really good at long distance and wasn’t as short of breath as I was. Jongup grabbed onto my backpack suddenly, making me jerk back a bit. “I’ll carry it.”

I took my bag off and he threw it over his right shoulder, and I realized he didn’t have his bag. “Where’s your bag?”

“At school,” he answered.


“Why don’t you have it?”

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