Coincidentally On Purpose
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“Oh. Byulyi! Waiting for your girlfriend?” Joohyun, Yongsun’s classmate spotted Byulyi who was waiting for Yongsun outside the senior’s classroom. It was already dismissal time.


Byulyi turned around to face Joohyun and smiled. “Oh, Hi, Unni. Y-eah, am waiting for Solar.”


Joohyun looked back inside and nodded. “She’s just gathering her things, shouldn’t take long.”


“Joohyun unni! Let’s go?” Hani appeared and linked arms with Joohyun. “Oh, hey Byul. Waiting for Solar unni?” Byulyi just smiled at Hani.


Joohyun nodded and faced Byulyi once again.“We’ll leave first Byulyi, council meeting.” She smiled at Byulyi “Oh, sure, unni. See you around!” Byulyi said, waving to Joohyun and Hani who was walking away.


Joohyun was the Student Council President while Hani, as mentioned before, the Student Council P.R.O., that’s why they’re close.


Byulyi watched as Joohyun and Hani disappeared into the halls. “Moon.” Yongsun appeared at her side which startled Byulyi a bit for she was a bit preoccupied. “Y-yah! Don’t creep on me.” Yongsun earned a slight hit on her shoulder.


Yongsun chuckled, “Sorry, not my fault you were so focused on Joohyun and Hani leaving. Speaking of which, why were you? Your focus is supposed to be only on me.” She pouted. “I mean, I get they’re both gorgeous and all, but I’m your girlfriend here.”


“An illogical jealous one, for that matter.”  Byulyi snorted. “You gotta trust me here, Yongsun. You’re my one and only.” She winked, earning her a hit on her shoulder, more powerful than how she hit Yongsun earlier.


“Whatever, Byul. Let’s go home?” Yongsun started walking but turned around when she noticed Byulyi still standing on the same spot. “Yah. Didn’t you hear me?”


Byulyi weakly smiled and scratched the back of her head. “About that...”


Yongsun’s eyebrows furrowed as she bit her lip. “What?”


“I can’t walk with you today, I have to stay behind to do...something” Byulyi stated, approaching Yongsun who was about two meters away.


“Oh.” Yongsun’s face screamed disappointed. “Are you gonna take long?” She frowned.


Byulyi felt her stomach turn, she hated it when Yongsun frowns. “I’m afraid so. I’m so sorry~ I’ll have Amber accompany you if you want, she’s walking the same direction anyway.” She hugged Yongsun.


Yongsun chuckled and hugged Byulyi back. “I’ll be fine, Byul. Just...don’t stay out too late, okay?” The two broke their hug then Byulyi held Yongsun’s hand and nodded. “I’ll walk you to the gate.”




It was now dark out and there were no students anymore but Byulyi was still in school, hiding. She checked the time, it was almost eight in the evening. She slowly made her way out of the school library and to the principal’s office.


But unknown to Byulyi, there was still one student around. Hani, who was getting out of the Student Council Office, just a few doors away the Principal’s office.


Hani was exhausted from the meeting and having to be the ‘it’ in cleaning up the office and locking up, exhausted her more. She was just locking the door from the outside when she noticed someone in the hallway, about where the Principal’s office is. She squinted her eyes as she went closer to the figure who was standing in front of the Principal’s Office’s door, so she could see who was it clearly.




Byulyi, who was fidgeting with her key, was startled. “WHO WAS THAT?”


“Chill, it’s me. Why are you still here?”Hani’s eyebrows furrowed. “And are you sneaking into your mother’s office?”


Byulyi’s eyes widened, I’ve been caught. “Um. No. Mom forgot something and asked me to retrieve it.”


Hani crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at Byulyi. “Oh really now, Byulyi? And what is it, if I may ask?”


Byulyi gulped. “Alright! Fine, you caught me. I’m sneaking in.” Byulyi surrendered and just continued to open the door.


“Why are you sneaking in? You can enter this room anytime you want all day when your mom’s here or if Mrs. Kim is.” Hani, even though she was scolding her friend, followed Byulyi inside the office.


“I just needed to confirm something. Don’t tell on me.” Byulyi turned the lights on and approached the file cabinet and started rampaging through the drawers.


Hani just sat and watched her friend. “Whatever, I’m tired anyway and I’m just gonna rest over here. Suit yourself, I’m not here.” Byulyi nodded and continued what she was doing, Byulyi just nodded and did what she came to do.


“Today marks the 25th anniversary of my Yongsun missing.”


Byulyi kept replaying what Mrs. Kim told her that afternoon.


“Y-your Yongsun, Mrs. Kim? I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” Byulyi stared at Mrs. Kim in confusion.


“Ah, yes. Han Gye didn’t tell you about her.” Mrs. Kim tried to keep her composure. “Yongsun and your mother were the best of friends. And Yongsun was my daughter.”




Mrs. Kim nodded, “She was your mother’s classmate ever since they were in the first grade up until high school ended, or at least until Yongsun disappeared.”


“She disappeared? How?”


Mrs. Kim sighed, tears were still falling from her eyes. “They were having a sleepover at Han Gye’s house and the next morning, Han Gye couldn’t find Yongsun anywhere. We think she ran away, but it’s been far too long and she hasn’t returned not even once. Han Gye blames herself for my loss.”


Byulyi frowned. “I-is that why she’s in therapy?” Mrs. Kim nodded. “Mrs. Kim, is my mother out because of this?” Mrs. Kim but nodded again. “Every year, she leaves work early and visit their favorite place.”


Byulyi bit her lip. “H-how about you, Mrs. Kim?”


Mrs. Kim just weakly smiled at her and somehow, Byulyi understood.


“Where is it?” Byulyi was freaking out, she couldn’t find anything.


“What are you looking for again?” Hani asked. “Also, is your mom not looking for you?”


“I texted her that I’ll be at Amber’s and I told Amber to cover for me just in case.” Byulyi answered, not looking once at Hani. “I’m looking for student re

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Chapter 9: wahhhh such a great story! I thought yongsun was a ghost at first but the plot twist caught me off guard! Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 9: Aww I get it why this received a lot of love. It's a great story afterall!✨
Daebak_Janggu #3
Chapter 9: Awww What a great story :D
chochoify #4
Chapter 2: Hahhaha i thought for sure that yongsun was an apparition.
Chapter 9: Awwww <3
Chapter 9: Aww so sweet i loved it! Thanks author nim!
Lesbian4Kpop #7
Chapter 9: Awwwww I can't stop smiling because of the ending, I was so scared of stumbling upon a bad ending because of the beginning but I'm so glad she's real xD