Baby Don't Cry - Finale

The World Park Chanyeol Only Knows

"PARK! WHAT IN THE NAME OF HEAVEN HAVE YOU DONE!" Sehun shouted, crushing the invitation letter in his palm as he found himself in the gardens of the venue of the Autumn Ball. One minute, he was being chauffeured from school, just like normal, until a strange, yellow cloud descended on him and he now found himself clad in a navy blue tuxedo, standing in the last place he wanted to be. "Chanyeol, that idiot commoner." Sehun thought, gritting his teeth. "How did he find out! I was never planning to go in the first place..." 


"Good evening sir." Chanyeol's voice rang out in the dark. Sehun spun to meet that voice and suddenly the moonlight shone through, onto Chanyeol, who had also dressed up for the evening, clad in a white tuxedo. No longer wearing his school uniform and thin glasses, the suit framed him in classy way, slightly shocking Sehun at how such a plain boy could be transformed so by just a change of attire. 


"Huh, I guess the clothes do make the commoner." Sehun thought, blushing a little before remembering who it was that took him here in the first place. 


"PARK! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? WHY ARE WE HERE?" Sehun scowled at him, trembling with anger. 


"Since you have been so dedicated to your rich lifestyle, wouldn't it be second nature to attend grand balls like this?" Chanyeol asked. 


Sehun stammered a bit, as yes, why wouldn't a rich person like himself regularly attend balls like this. 




"Well, seeing as such a fine gentleman like you would be immediately requested to dance, I was hoping to get a few pointers, as to not step on any lady's toes." 


"Huh, you think you have enough caliber to join the dance. Only the very rich and famous are able to attend, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the commoner can only hold a party in the gardens, if you can call this one. There's not even any refreshments or maids." Sehun smirked. 


"Did someone say refreshments?" Yura happily announced. Chanyeol and Sehun weren't the only ones who dressed for the occasion. Yura's usual yellow hanbok was replaced with a french maid outfit and she was carrying a plate of drinks. 


"Oi oi oi Yura, what's with the flashy getup." Chanyeol furiously whispered. "Maids aren't supposed to attract any attention, you dolt." 


"BUT I WANNA WEAR A DRESS. I WANNA BE FANCY AS WELL." Yura pouted. Sehun watched with growing distaste as Chanyeol was basically forgetting Sehun altogether. Pulling his arm away, he turned Chanyeol around. 


"Well, I don't have much time to waste, so I will teach you the basics in one minute." 


"One minute!" 


"Be grateful it's not 30 seconds." Sehun drawled. "Now give me your hand." 


"Ah . Physical contact! My weakness!" Chanyeol started to sweat, blushing furiously as he tentatively placed his hand in Sehun's. Sehun was not blind to this and also started freaking out. After all, if a complete stranger walked into this scene, it would just be two high school dudes holding hands, and that would most likely raise both questions and eyebrows. 


"It's not that big of a deal! Dancing naturally requires handholding." However much he tried to keep his voice cool, they were both blushing as Sehun started to take Chanyeol through the ropes of ballroom dancing, hand on hand, hand on waist, left, right, left, right... 


The initial embarrassment over, Chanyeol and Sehun smoothly danced to a moderate rhythm.


"You're a pretty good teacher." 


"And you're a pretty quick learner." Sehun smiled in nostalgia. "Ah, I remember when my papa first taught me how to ballroom dance. I wasn't nearly as quick as you, but he was just a patient as ever. What fun we would have, learning how to dance..." Too late had Sehun realised his cold demeanour was cracking, and he quickly let go of Chanyeol, afraid of what else he would reveal. 


Chanyeol was just about to ask until an unwelcome presence had joined the scene. A group of party goers were wandering around when they happened upon Sehun and Chanyeol.  


"Why, Sehun, what a surprise to see you here." A man said. He was no doubt a rich tycoon. His voice was laden with pity but there was a sneer behind his statement. 


"My condolences about your father, I do hope you and your mother are getting along fine." A lady smirked. 


"If you need, the food's all free, so you should be able to take what you like." Another guest laughed. 


Sehun's fists were bunched up and his face was blotchy with rage. All these people were looking down on him, just because his papa had passed away and he had no money. Chanyeol just stood, watching the development as he planned his next move. 


As the party goers moved away, they didn't bother to keep their voices down, most likely purposely letting Sehun hear the vicious barbs they hurled at him. 


"Tch, who invited them anyway, they're irrelevant now." 


"Hah, he's probably just here for the food, being so poor and all."


For the first time in a while, tears were starting to well up in Sehun's eyes as he shook with rage, turning to leave until Chanyeol started to speak. 


"Isn't it about time you stopped." 


"What did you say!" 


"The facade of being rich." 



Sehun screamed. 


"I know it's important to respect your father's wishes, but he's d-"


"HE'S NOT DEAD." Sehun shouted, the tears freely cascading down his pale cheeks as he breathed deeply and barely whispered. 


"He's not dead. He still lives on in my heart..." He quickly regained his energy and pointed in accusation at Chanyeol.


"YOU. YOU'RE THE WORST OF THEM YOU KNOW. I.....I...I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO HELP ME, YOU WERE GOING TO HELP ME LIVE LIKE HE WANTED ME TO!" Sehun shouted in anguish, before rubbing violently at his eyes and covering his mouth. 


"Ever since you came, papa's presence, in my heart, he's been getting smaller." Sehun whispered, sobbing as he spoke. 


"If I spend anymore time with you, he'll really die. He'll really be dead. And I will truly have nothing." He bowed his head, letting his platinum blond hair cover his bloodshot eyes. He could no longer ignore the fact that he was slowly becoming more and more attached to the boy. With no friends in fear of them finding out his terrible secret, Chanyeol was the only one he had ever really been close to and he found his heart was slowly becoming lighter every time he was around Chanyeol. 


"You'll have me." Chanyeol said, walking ever so closer to the weeping Sehun, who looked up. 


"If he really is your father, if he really does love you, then he'll understand that you have your own life to live. From what I've learnt, Mr Oh raised a stubborn, bratty, high class, beautiful, headstrong gentleman. Not a slave." Chanyeol grabbed Sehun by the shoulders. 


"Whether it's me or your father you want in your heart, only you can make that decision." 


Sehun looked at Chanyeol, his heart and mind feeling like they were being physically torn apart. 


"Only you can decide. Whether you want me, or to go back to that world that you don't even belong in." 


Chanyeol pointed at the mansion, while gazing at Sehun. 


Painfully spilt by this decision, Sehun looked up to the stars, who could only shine in sorrow, as Sehun closed his eyes, and thought of his papa. 


"Ah Sehun, my boy, how you've grown...


Making his final decision, he slowly leant into Chanyeol, who took this as the cue and, curling his hand around Sehun's waist, chastely pressing his lips against Sehun's. The runaway spirit was forcefully ejected and Yura quickly leapt into action, the spirit into the containment jar. Sehun's lips were wet, and salty, and Chanyeol noticed they were shyly pursed. He apologised to Sehun in his head, pitying him, his first kiss and Sehun wouldn't even remember. Chanyeol was blissfully relieved when Sehun slumped unconscious and he could finally stop kissing him. He was never, ever, ever, not in a million years, even if he had kissed everyone in the world, going to get used to this. His head was still spinning and his face was bright red when they dropped Sehun off, Yura smirking at Chanyeol's state. And so, just as quickly and unexpected as they found Sehun's runaway spirit, they had exorcised the demon, Sehun would lose his memories and they would move on to the next conquest...


---The Next Day --- 

Yura and Chanyeol walked past the tteokbokki stand yet again, as they watched the hundreds of students cramming themselves together to buy a bowl. 


"Y'know, Sehun seemed really sweet at the end. It's a shame he'll forget everything." Yura smiled. "You two would've been cute together."


"Tch, it's better this way. No messy strings attached and no hard feelings. They are more runaway spirits, aren't there." Chanyeol stated, back to playing his PFP. 


"Excuse me." A regal, imposing voice had rung through, and Yura and Chanyeol turned to see who its was. 


"I want to get tteokbokki, but I don't really use small change, so how much for one." Sehun asked, grabbing Chanyeol's hand and pouring out some small change. 


"Awwww! He's finally freed himself." Yura thought happily to herself, as Chanyeol counted out the change and gave the relevant amount to Sehun. Their hands brushed ever so slightly and Chanyeol suddenly flashed back to the impromptu dance lesson. He couldn't help but blush but luckily, Sehun had already walked off and squished in the crowd of students. Yura and Chanyeol looked on, as Sehun's voice joined the students cry for tteokbokki. While the world they were in was still much the same, the lives of each person was ever changing, everyday, in a world god only knows. 

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ajs787 #1
Chapter 8: I'm smiling like crazy, this was sad yet sweet! Yura's right, it's a pity Sehun doesn't remember Chanyeol ( >_< )
I hope everyone he saves will somehow end up befriending him.
ajs787 #2
Chapter 5: I used to like that manga, and I like the way you merged exo boys in it very creatively and maintaining their personalities. Even that Yura announced herself as Chanyeol's sister, so cute! Hehe, Sehun's arrogant character is going to be a test for the God if Conquest ))
cea05044418ymz93a09 #3
Chapter 5: The story is interesting, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
OreoSavages #4
I absolutely love that anime. ^-^ ♡