Baby Don't Cry - Part 2

The World Park Chanyeol Only Knows

"Oh Sehun, 17 years old, currently attending Lee Sooman High in class 2-E." Yura recited from her raiment, which had scanned Sehun earlier. 


"He looks like he's going to be even harder than Jongin." Yura sighed, observing Sehun who was currently strutting towards the car park. Chanyeol and Yura were currently on one of the classroom's balcony, observing their next target. 


"On the contrary, this one looks even easier than Jongin." Chanyeol said, pushing up his glasses with a determined vigour. 


"What?" Yura quirked her eyebrow at him. She was constantly being surprised by his eccentric behaviour, and just couldn't figure out how on earth the conquest of Mr rich ice king was going to be "easier"


"Let me teach you something useful." Chanyeol smirked. "Oh Sehun is a tsundere! The "Tsun" (cold part) is an armour that protects purity! An iron if you will. On the outside he may look fierce, but inside he's delicate and even purer than normal. As soon as I break that armour, his "dere" (pure; cute) side will emerge." He announced, smugly pushing up his glasses. 


"How on earth can you know all that just by one look?" Yura gasped, shocked at this new knowledge of the new sub-species of humans; a tsundere.


"OF COURSE I DO!" Chanyeol roared. "CAT EYES, BRIGHT, SHINY HAIR, A PROMINENT FOREHEAD, STRUTS INSTEAD OF WALKING. OF ALL THE GIRLS I HAVE PLAYED, 99% OF THEM ARE LIKE THAT!" He huffed out, clenching his fist in self assurance that those were the defining characteristics of a tsundere. Just because the real world was making him play this stupid game, didn't mean he was going to play by it's stupid rules. "GAME WORLD ALL THE WAY!" Chanyeol yelled in his head. 


"In your games, right?" Yura sighed in defeat, not sure whether to believe him or not. 


"Well I have seen 300 of them." He replied, smugness radiating off him like an ice cold air conditioner. 


They spotted a glittering, spotless Rolls Royce pull up to Sehun, and the bodyguard that parted the tteokbokki crowd earlier opened the passenger door and, with a bow, gestured for Sehun to sit. 


"Your hard work for the day is much appreciated, sir." The bodyguard said, taking his bag for him as well 


"Mmm." Was all Sehun replied. 


"Oooooh wow, what an amazing car..." Yura trailed off. Even in hell, a sight like that was rare to come by. "Well Mr Park, how exactly will you break this "armour" of Sehun's?" She said walking back into the classroom. 


"I ... love you." Chanyeol was gazing directly into Yura's eyes, a blush creeping up on his cheeks and a small quiver in his voice. 


"I always have... ever since the day we met..." 




"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Yura was flailing around the classroom, emitting a high-pitched noise akin to a balloon being squeezed out of air. She was only with Chanyeol for a few days, and yet... and yet... well actually he was a detached jerk, only interested in his games "He's actually really cute, with his wide, brown eyes and puppy dog ears." Yura thought to herself before immediately crashing around the classroom, embarrassed to the point that her face burned with the fire of a thousand suns. But maybe if he actually cared enough to collect the determination to confess... 


"How was that confession just now." Chanyeol reverted to his original cool, analytical self. 


"EH??" Yura stared at him in shock, wondering just what was going on. 


"Personally I didn't think it came out that smoothly, but judging by that reaction..." He trailed off, writing down notes on a note pad. "Maybe a "Love Hina" confession would be better..." 


"Umm, what was that just now?" Yura asked, frozen, unsure how exactly to this strange turn of events. 


"Tsunderes are surprisingly weak against an unseen attack. I need to make the first move and stun him long enough so the route goes my way." Chanyeol was furiously scribbling down various types of love confessions, ready to plan his first attack against Oh Sehun. 


"Oh..." Yura should've known it was too soon and too unexpected for that confession to actually be sincere. At least he was taking his runaway spirit job seriously. 


"I'm going to recite my lines and you're going to assess them." Chanyeol said, looking at her expectantly. 


"EHHHH! WHY ME??" Yura was not looking forward to that embarrassing tumble of emotions, especially since Chanyeol was a pretty good actor. There was no way she could keep a cool head while he was gazing at her with those sincere, striking dark brown eyes... She snapped out of her reverie as Chanyeol handed her the note pad and instructed her to read the underlined parts. It was going to be a loooooooooong afternoon. 


---The Next Day--- 


"You're beautiful... will you go out with me?" Chanyeol blushed as he faced Sehun, who was standing in front of his car, arms folded and with an unreadable and cold expression on his haughty, cat like face. While Chanyeol's face was red as a tomato, his eyes were calculating, trying to spot any shift in expression in Sehun's face. Sehun just stared through his cold, brown, cat like eyes until suddenly... he lifted his left hand and clicked. The chauffeur nodded and in an instant, had Chanyeol in a head lock. 


"MJSAFHKJHJAHDHkjldfahlkjghakfjd" was all Chanyeol could choke out. Sehun giggled that stereotypical rich boy "teehee". After he deemed Chanyeol sufficiently punished, he clicked his fingers again and the chauffeur let go, walking to the passenger door and bowing as Sehun gracefully sat and they drove off, unaware of the gasping Chanyeol and the raiment that Yura had tied to the car. 


"Why was there no reaction?" Chanyeol was lost in thought as Yura led him to Sehun's house with her raiment acting as a rope, leading them to their target. "No matter how small, something like that would've ruffled anyone's feathers, so why didn't they ruffle yours?" Chanyeol's brain was working into overdrive, some obviously hidden clue that separated Sehun from the normal tsunderes. "Ugh, and this is why game girls are much more easier to conquer." He sighed as Yura piped up in excitement. 


"Mr Park! I think we're getting close, look at that ornate mansion!" Yura gasped, eyes widening in awe as the large, white mansion loomed over the duo. 


"Hmmm... but the raiment's still going?" Chanyeol pointed at the raiment that didn't end at the driveway of the mansion, but slinked off into the next street. 


They walked forward to a rundown, decrepit apartment block that screamed drug dealers, cheap es and general poverty. They gaped as the Rolls Royce pulled up to the apartment block and Sehun, haughty as ever, stepped down from the car and walked up to one of the apartments


"Maybe they're planning to expand their mansion, and need to take that apartment block out. Well it not be much of a loss, it looks terrible." Yura whispered, both having crept up to the edge of the apartment block. Chanyeol opted to stay silent. Maybe one of the residents was the reason behind Sehun's ice cold demeanour... 




"I'm home." Sehun sighed, unlocking the door. 

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ajs787 #1
Chapter 8: I'm smiling like crazy, this was sad yet sweet! Yura's right, it's a pity Sehun doesn't remember Chanyeol ( >_< )
I hope everyone he saves will somehow end up befriending him.
ajs787 #2
Chapter 5: I used to like that manga, and I like the way you merged exo boys in it very creatively and maintaining their personalities. Even that Yura announced herself as Chanyeol's sister, so cute! Hehe, Sehun's arrogant character is going to be a test for the God if Conquest ))
cea05044418ymz93a09 #3
Chapter 5: The story is interesting, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
OreoSavages #4
I absolutely love that anime. ^-^ ♡