Just Who is He

Stand By Me

After three days....

"Today's 1st nominees are Ra Hye and SHINEE! Please vote through online" said the MCs of Music bank. "Ra Hye, you have to go on stage last because you are 1st nominee" said the Ha Jung.Ra Hye just nodded and came out to have some air. She went to the stage area to watch the others' rehersal. The hall is full with the voices of Starlights. When i look at the stage, it was VIXX who is rehearsing. They are still with vampire makeups and dancing "On and On" with all their effort. She can't help but to stare at their amazing stage. After the song, she came out. She felt thirsty so she went to the vending machine and pick Cola. But it didn't come out.

Ra HYE's P.O.V

"Why isn't this working?" I push the buttons again and again but it didn't come out. I became angry and started to kick the vending machine without saying the word. Then, someone came to me handing the cola." You can drink this". It was Hongbin. I recognized him right away but "It's ok Hongbin ssi" i didn't take it and keep hitting the vending machine. He was laughing soundlessly at my action. So i gave up and turned around but i twisted my ankle because i was wearing 6inches heels. He ran over to me " are you ok?!" I was so embarrassed that i tried tonget up by myself but i couldn't. He said "I'll help you" and carried me on his back. I couldn't refuse because there was no one and i can't even stand. While i was on his back, i sense something really great. It wasn't perfume but it was really good. As soon as he gets to the waiting room, he gets the ice and placed it over my ankle. I keep telling him it's ok but he was taking care of me sincerely that i couldn't say anything but to stare at him thinking " just who are you? And why is he doing this to someone who he met only once. Is it because of what happened last time?"

Hongbin's P.O.V

After the rehersal, i was so tired that i came out to get some fresh air. Then i saw someone kicking the vending machine. It was Ra Hye. I went to our waiting room getting a can of cola and ran back to the vending machine hoping she would be still there. I handed to her aftering thinking so much. But she didn't take my cola and calmly kicking the vending machine. I laughed because she looked so much like leo hyung and she looked so cute. Then she tripped. I ran to her and thoughtlessly just carried her and took her to her waiting room. I searched for ice and took care of her. When i lift my head , my heart stopped for a sec. She was just staring at me like she had many questions. But she still had those sad looking eyes. Then her manager came in " Lee Ra Hye naw!! Are you ok? What happened? Can you dance on stage like this? Do we need to go to hospital?!" Many questions poured out. Ra hye calmly said she's ok and thanked me for helping her with no expression on her face just like leo hyung. I went back to my waiting room remembering that i still have a live stage to perform. When i entered , Ravi said " where were you ? N hyung is making a fuss!!". When i saw N hyung, i just smiled, said sorry and told him what happened. They looked at me in suprise."What?!"." You helped her and even TOOK care of her?! You?" Ken said. "You are the one who didn't help a girl who tripped beside you!" "Hey! Thatz because i knew she did it on purpose!" I told him back. Leo was just sitting quietly but then i could hear his voice." Is she ok? Is she hurt that much?"" I was confused because he asked as if he knows Ra Hye. "Aw" i told him but i felt sth. " OK! Lst's just go perform ok?!" N hyung said and we went to perform. But i still can't forget her eyes. What's wrong with me?!




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