Act 2: First Step


Andy is five steps out of his front door when he realizes with horror that he left his phone inside. Backtracking faster than the speed of light, Andy bursts into his room to find his phone lying innocently on his bed.

Andy smiles in relief at the sight of his phone. It would be nothing short of sin to leave home without a phone. What if something important comes up? What if he’s needed somewhere and there’s no other way for people to contact him? Andy doesn’t even want to think of the consequences of going without his phone.

Just as he picks it up, it vibrates with an incoming message, the screen lighting up at once. A message from Hyesung hyung, it reads. Curious, he unlocks his phone and reads the message.

“Andy-yah, do you have anything to do today?”

Andy was about to go to TOP media to oversee some work and the progress of his juniors (Andy’s proud of each and every one of them, they’re like children to him. Loud, rambunctious children) but he supposes he can always do that another day if Hyesung hyung wants to hang out.

And yet, Andy remembers the dream, remembers the feeling of that dream. Remembers, remembers, remembers. He remembers what it’s like, air crackling with intimacy, to only be inches apart from his hyung.

He stamps the memories down.

So he types in his answer: “Not really, why?” and waits anxiously for the response.

It isn’t long before his phone vibrates once more with Hyesung’s reply.

“Wanna hang out at my place? I have nothing else to do lol”

Andy’s fingers hesitate over the screen. His thumb is mere millimeters above the keyboard, but he won’t move. It’s only after Andy has mentally calculated the pros and cons of either going to Hyesung’s house or not (a habit that calms his nerves somewhat) that he replies with a short, but simple: “Sure”

Andy pockets his phone quickly after that, heart hammering in his chest and only beating faster when he feels the telltale vibration of an incoming message. He hurries out of his house, locks the door and practically runs down to where his car is parked.

Once he’s inside the car, Andy takes his time starting it up, gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white as he drives the car out of the parking space and drives off.

When he gets to Hyesung’s home, ringing the doorbell continuously just because he can, he isn’t surprised to see Hyesung in barely anything but a t-shirt and some boxers. He knows Hyesung hyung doesn’t try to bother with his looks when it’s just between the six of them.

But it doesn’t stop his cheeks from feeling warm and his eyes from looking at everywhere but the man in question. If he notices the odd behavior, Hyesung does not say anything about it. Instead, he nods at Andy and gives him a smile.

“Hey,” Hyesung says airily, “What’s that you got there?”

On the way to Hyesung’s home, Andy had decided to stop by a bakery and buy some cake for him. He isn’t sure if Hyesung has any favorites (as the older man never told him), so he chose the most delicious-looking cake and hoped for the best. He says as much when Hyesung takes the box in hand and inspects its pastel casing.

Of course, Andy doesn’t tell him the reason for the cake. A moment’s impulse and a burning urge to become closer to his hyung.

“Thanks, Andy-yah,” Hyesung says, giving Andy’s hair a sharp ruffle, “Come on in and make yourself comfortable, I’ll make some tea to go with this cake.”

Andy nods sheepishly and toes off his shoes at the front entrance, walking through the threshold of Hyesung’s house with the ease of someone familiar with the place. Andy makes a beeline to Hyesung’s couch, wanting to sit down and cool off the burning in his cheeks.

It’s a mistake, he thinks, coming here was a mistake.

But even so…the happiness that Andy’s felt since he received the text never dissipated. Hyesung hyung asked him—him—to hang out at his place. Just that Hyesung remembers about him is enough to give him a sense of elation.

Yet, why is he feeling such happiness?

Andy…Andy doesn’t want to think about the why.

Andy’s eyes catch onto Hyesung’s gaming system and he decides to look through for something they could both play. And, Andy reasons, it’s a healthy distraction to what he’s feeling.

Really, he shouldn’t be feeling such things. Hyesung’s his friend, practically his brother.

But these feelings…When did they start? How did they start? How could such things have caught him so off-guard. Andy ponders these questions, not realizing just how long he spends thinking.

“Already starting without me, huh?”

Andy snaps out of his reverie to realize that he’s already chosen a game and is now messing around with the controls. Hyesung sets the tea and cakes down on the coffee table and sits beside Andy, grabbing a controller of his own, “It’s not fair to get a head start, you know.”

Andy blinks in confusion at first, slightly disoriented after being forcibly dragged out of his thoughts, but manages to force a smile. He doesn’t say anything and tries not to notice how their legs are practically touching.

“Hey, Andy? Are you okay? You’re spacing out.”

‘No, I’m not,’ Andy wants to say, but instead he shakes his head and keeps his smile plastered to his face. “Nothing,” he says, “I’m just a little sleepy is all.”

“It’s almost noon.”

“I had a rough night,” Andy retorts.

“Oh,” Hyesung says, indifferent, “Why?”

Andy doesn’t want to tell him that it was all his fault that he’s been losing sleep for a while. So he tells him that it’s because of work and Hyesung seems to understand, and does not pry for more.

“Want to use my lap as a pillow then?”

The offer surprises Andy, but he relaxes when he sees the teasing lilt in Hyesung’s smile. Andy punches him in the arm and Hyesung laughs, loud and carefree.

“You’ll just kick me off the second my head’s on your lap.”

Hyesung scoffs. “You’re not Eric, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

“Is that supposed to convince me?” Andy teases, poking Hyesung in the ribs.

Hyesung’s facial expression softens considerably, his smile not teasing as much as it is gentle. “If you want to, then of course I’ll lend you my lap. I won’t say no to you.”

Andy gulps, the fluttering in his chest threatening to rise into his throat. Does Hyesung even know what he’s saying? Even so, Andy accepts the genuine offer (because, really, it’s rare that Hyesung’s being so nice) and rests his head against the tops of Hyesung’s thighs.

“It’s not soft at all.”

Hyesung thwacks him lightly on the head. “Of course it’s not. I’m not a girl.”

“Still won’t change the fact that I’m going to beat you in this game.”

“Not if I beat you!”

Andy chuckles from where he rests on Hyesung’s lap, bringing his controller closer to his chest. With Hyesung in his boxers, Andy is forced to feel the skin of Hyesung’s thighs underneath his cheek. It’s a little cold, perhaps from having been so exposed all morning, but Andy finds the coolness under his cheek soothing. He sighs and ignores the warmth pooling in his stomach.

“Hey Andy, can I ask you something?”


Andy feels a hand cup his chin and turn his face upwards, until he’s looking straight at Hyesung’s oddly serious face. Andy finds it more and more difficult to breathe the longer they look at each other.

“You’ll tell us if there’s something wrong, right?”

Andy knows what ‘us’ means—it means all of Shinhwa collectively and not just Hyesung. The thought is enough to make the fluttering in his chest freeze solid, but he doesn’t show it. Tries not to look disappointed as he nods and says: “Of course I will.”

Hyesung smiles and Andy thinks he can endure the painful twinge in his chest if Hyesung can just keep smiling at him like that. “Good, you better.”

“Now,” Hyesung looks back up at the television screen, “prepare to be defeated!”

Andy offers him a weak smile back and his hands unconsciously clench at his controller. It’s going to be an arduous day, he knows. ‘But’, Andy thinks, settled comfortably on Hyesung’s lap, ‘It’ll be worth it, I hope.’


A/N: I'm sorry this is kinda late, but I have a good reason for it! I wanted to be able to shamelessly plug my other (kind of) SyungDy fic: Let Death Not Take Thee. It's a fantasy-esque story with so very little actual SyungDy interaction that I'm uncomfortable calling it SyungDy. But on the brighter side, if you're not actually too into SyungDy, with this fic you can ship Hyesung with the other guys and it makes total sense because Hyesung and the other guys will have lots of moments together. So if you want a SyungDy fic that's not really centered around SyungDy with a fantasy setting, then this fic is for you!

I'm sorry not for the shameless plug in, but I'm very proud of it and I rarely feel that way of my works.

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Sorry, no updates this week because I have some stuff I need to finish ;; I'll try to have it up as soon as possible though!


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HaazOo #1
Chapter 10: This story is so good! I'm just so sad that its been two years since its been updated haha :') I know you wont finish this but i do hope you keep writing more SyungDy fics!!
Chapter 10: OMG DUDE

So idk if you still remember me, but you were actually one of the first ppl to talk to me on this site, and I remember you talking about Andy being your ultimate bias, and it’s actually because of you that I got into Shinhwa! Long story short, I didn’t consider myself a SHCJ until recently, but then I started shipping Syungdy like all hell and omg i hate that this ship is so unpopular....

So what I’m trying to say is, I love this story so much, and I really want to see it continued, but if but you don’t have time, I would really like to continue it as a coauthor or smth
Chapter 9: I'm so happy the poll is going in my favor, muhaha, go M rated votes!!
This is so good... the way they just,Hyesung is so, unaware what he does to Andy, and oh my i was dying imagining Andy lying on Hyesung's thighs... feeling those cold veiny legs.. the black prickly hair... oh my... god...
I really, this...
But Hyesung is noticing what Andy is feeling, at least he knows Andy feels something, cause he is being different.. somehow i keep feeling like Hyesung likes him back,... or he knows...
Chapter 5: Oh... My god..
I feel like no one ever shipped Syungdy romantically, and this, this is so freaking amazing!!
I need to stop here and wait till tomorrow to have time to read the rest, which I hate cause oh my god Andy's heart beating, he is slowly falling and i want more!!
I can't wait to see, it will be syungdy right? not Ansyung, I feel like it might be, but Andy seems more like he would want Syungdy, ah I don't know, i feel like Hyesung might have some secret about liking men that Andy doesn't know, I just like Syungdy cause of the aesthetic... Hyesung just looks so amazingly beautiful under someone, arching his back, and Andy has always seemed so manly to me, I mean Hyesung is too...

I am completely off track, this has nothing to do with your story, I'm sorry.

This is seriously amazing, i can't wait to see more, i love how slow it is, so normal and friendly, I love that Andy falls so, normally, and I love how secretive Hyesung is
I mean wow, just this, the way he leans on Andy, I mean only when you take it slow, will it make such an impact on the reader, damn it i need to take note!!
Chapter 9: *screaming into the pillow*
is this the pining that you were talking about? Oh god, despite the fluffy and warm setting, I definitely can feel the angst in the air. The deep longing in Andy's heart which realizes its desire for Hyesung soars high before getting stomped down by Andy's conscience... and Hyesung's words (eventho the lil prince is clueless).

I better gear up for the angst.
Thanks for sharing this fic!