Chapter 5

We Will Be Together


Trusting You

Footsteps resounded on the corridor outside and GuiGui looked up, expecting to see Aaron again. Yet Ella’s concerned face peered into the classroom. Seeing Hebe’s best friend, GuiGui turned away, not wanting to speak to anyone, least of all someone who was best friends with Hebe.

“Hey, WuZun asked me to check on you. He’s worried.” Ella whispered as she slipped into the classroom and sat next to GuiGui. GuiGui looked up in surprise. “WuZun cares. He slipped off to find Aaron. He was worried about him, too.” GuiGui nodded.

“I’m not here as Hebe’s friend, you know. I’m here as yours.” Ella whispered again. GuiGui looked at Ella. She had never expected this from Ella. Ella smiled slightly. “Hebe’s an only child. She’s used to getting her way, so it is hard for her to accept you and Aaron as a couple.” Ella explained. “I’ve asked Selina to talk to her.” GuiGui silently nodded.

“I guess, it’s just that Aaron’s so charming while I’m so… well, ordinary.” GuiGui whispered, finally voicing her insecurities. Ella smiled slightly and draped an arm around GuiGui’s shoulders. “I fully understand. Look at WuZun! But, you have to trust him. It’s as simple as it gets.”

Aaron sighed as he finished telling WuZun what had happened. Placing a hand on Aaron’s shoulder, WuZun said, “Hey, it’s natural for her to feel insecure! Your relationship’s just taken off, added on to the fact that you ARE popular with the girls. Give her some time.”

Aaron nodded. “Yeah, I know.” He whispered. “I just thought maybe she would trust me.” Shortly after that, Jiro and Calvin emerged and joined them on the grass. Jiro and Calvin both smiled reassuringly and Jiro clasped Aaron’s hand. “Don’t worry too much!” he spoke and Aaron broke into a smile, glad he had such great buddies.

In the following days, Aaron carefully avoided GuiGui’s eye. He wasn’t angry with her, but it still hurt knowing she didn’t trust him. He kept his eyes down as he walked by in the corridors and he withdrew into himself, more so than usual. Calvin tried ways and means to make his friend break into laughter, to no avail.

GuiGui watched Aaron from a side of the cafeteria. She had thought Aaron was angry with her. But watching his downcast expression, she knew it wasn’t anger that prompted this behavior. She hated to admit it, but she knew Aaron was behaving this way because he was hurt by her lack of trust in him.

She had spoken to Ella who had confessed that WuZun had no idea how to help him either. No matter how many times the boys hauled him out to the arcade or just for lunch, he spoke very little, not joining in the laughter.

GuiGui knew she had to speak to Aaron. She had to explain her insecurities and most importantly, apologise to Aaron. She knew how it would hurt if someone she trusted didn’t trust her. Besides, she really had hurt him this time.

“Aaron?” GuiGui called as Aaron got up, ready to leave the classroom. Aaron looked up and looked uncertainly at WuZun. WuZun nodded encouragingly before ushering the rest out of the classroom, and followed them out.

Aaron glanced up uncertainly. The classroom had emptied as he had busied himself, packing all his things into his bag. GuiGui wrung her hands nervously before whispering, “I’m sorry.” Aaron glanced up. “It’s not that I don’t trust you… you’re just… just… too outstanding.” She whispered.

Aaron dropped his bag hastily and made his way to where GuiGui stood, head lowered. “Don’t be silly.” He whispered before pulling her into a hug. “The one I care for is… you.” GuiGui hugged him tightly and they broke apart with a smile.

The next few days passed quickly with Aaron once again showing glimpses of opening up. He smiled and laughed more. GuiGui smiled as she noticed the mark change he had. Although Hebe hadn’t relented in trying to strike up more and more conversation with Aaron, GuiGui had tried to ignore it. She told herself that she had to trust Aaron as much as Aaron trusted her.

Recently, even with some minor arguments, the two of them had always managed to patch up, regardless of who stepped down and apologized first. GuiGui liked this relationship. She had had a relationship before this; just the one, and it had hurt. GuiGui had told herself that she would be really hesitant about another relationship.

However, with Aaron it was different. He was a guy who always thought about her feelings. She knew that not everyone could have easily forgiven a girl for not trusting him. Yet, Aaron did. The moment she had apologized, Aaron had smiled at her, the smile reaching into his eyes.

WuZun smiled watching his best friend. Turning to Ella he whispered, “Hey, try to get Hebe off Aaron’s case.” Ella nodded but added, “It’s not going to be easy. After all, she’s liked Aaron for so long…”

But WuZun shook his head. “You have to. Aaron’s…” Ella glared at him, furious. “Hey, Hebe’s my best friend you know. You have no idea how much it hurts to see the one you like with a classmate of yours!”

WuZun got up from the table where they sat in the cafeteria. “I’ll talk to Hebe myself.” Ella turned away and said, “Fine. But if you hurt her, I’ll never forgive you.” WuZun stalked off and Ella’s anger turned to tears. She was torn between her boyfriend and her best friend. Yet, she couldn’t side with any of them.

hey, next chapter is done. what do you think of it??
please comment and give suggestions for further build of storyline!

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Me love Aaron Yan :)
Will read this soon