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Chapter 12 – Wonder


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"Coming!" Yelled Jieun as she shuffled from her bedroom to answer her front door with a loud sigh. She rubbed her eye as she stood at her front door, her hair thrown into a ponytail with bobby pins holding up stray hairs.

Hyunwoo stood there, staring at her before breaking into a small smile, the smile only dropping from his face as Jieun started to close her door. He immediately placed his hands on it, his foot in the door.

"Come on, Jieun. You don't do this to me as well." Pleaded Hyunwoo, worry in his eyes.

"Go away, cheater! I'll call the police!"

"For what?!"

"Trying to get in my house!"

"I'm just trying to keep the door open! Please."

Jieun glared dangerously before she ceased trying to shut her door on his foot. "What do you want, Hyunwoo?"

"Jinri won't answer my calls or anything. I'm scared that she meant it by we are over." Said Hyunwoo.

Jieun laughed mockingly at him. "Serve you right! You deserve that."

"It wasn't my fault."

"What? Sleeping with the other woman and it wasn't your fault?"

"Listen to me first, Jieun. I have never even looked at another woman besides Jinri. I swear, I love only her." Said Hyunwoo, he ran his hands through his hair, aggravation unmistakable in the sigh he let out as he shut his eyes briefly. "It's all one big mess. You have to believe me, Jieun. I would never want to hurt Jinri this way." His eyes gazed into hers.

Jieun continued to glare before rolling her eyes. She stepped aside, letting Hyunwoo into her place. She shut the door after he walked in, crossing her arms as she followed him to her table, watching as he took a seat.

"It wasn't suppose to turn out this way." Said Hyunwoo, rubbing his face as Jieun stood in front of him. "I know you hate me but I…please…just believe that I wouldn't dare to cheat on her. Jinri is an amazing, beautiful, intelligent woman and any man would be a fool to leave her."

Jieun chuckled sarcastically. "So, what then? Did that woman you?"

Removing his hands from his face, Hyunwoo sent her a small glare. "No. This may sound stupid but I can't remember anything after I met her. She took a seat next to me, smiling. When she smiled, trust me, I really felt extremely uncomfortable--"

"But you got awfully comfortable with her later on." Finished Jieun.

Hyunwoo sighed frustratedly. "Jieun."

"Okay, okay." Jieun sighed out with a wave of her hand. "Continue."

"So, we started talking and then…the next thing I remember is Jinri walking in on us."

"Were you drinking?"

"Just soda."

"Maybe she spiked it with the date drug or something."

"You and your imagination."

"And what makes you think I want to believe you then?"

"Listen, I proved to everyone that I'm a good guy. Sure, alcohol had its way with me before but I've been sober for some time now. I was willing to get help to stay by Jinri's side, so why would I go and up everything when I'm trying to rebuild our relationship?" Reasoned Hyunwoo.

Jieun watched Hyunwoo silently as he rummaged through his pockets, her eyes widening temporarily as he pulled out a velvet black box. She opened to question him but as soon as he popped it open, revealing the gorgeous ring, Jieun clamped shut. She eyed him up and down, searching his eyes and finding nothing but regret and misery in them.

He was going to ask her….

"Wow." Came Jieun's soft response as she stepped closer to the table, looking at the ring. "Wow, that's a lovely ring. How much was it?"

Hyunwoo rolled his eyes. "Jieun, that doesn't matter right now. Try to stay on the topic."

"Can I try it on?"


"You know I love expensive, shiny jewelry." Murmured Jieun, pouting as her eyes never left the gorgeous ring.

"I heard so." Grumbled Hyunwoo before snapping the box shut.

Jieun sighed inwardly, keeping her arms crossed. She didn't know how to tell him that Jinri had fallen out of love with him, that she would've most likely said no even if he had gotten the chance to ask her and it wasn't really her place to tell him that.

Jieun covered as she yawned. "Hyunwoo, I'm sorry for what happened but I really can't do anything about this situation."

Hyunwoo looked at her pleadingly. "Jieun, you can't talk to her for me?"

"First off, she'll be surprised that I'm even siding with you." Said Jieun.

"So do you believe me?" Asked Hyunwoo.

"I do but--"

"Then help me."

"Hyunwoo, get it through your head, okay? She walked in on you having with another woman. Nothing can fix this situation. Only really stupid women take their man back after finding them in bed or finding out they cheated on them and Jinri isn't one of them." Said Jieun, then she gave one glance to the velvet box before returning her gaze to him, her eyes sympathetic. "Clearly I see that you love her more than anything, even you were planning on popping the question but…." She shook her head. "With how things are, I'd have to say that you have no chance."

Hyunwoo looked at her with a sad eyes. "No chance at all?"

"None." Answered Jieun with a shake of her head. Hyunwoo slumped his shoulders as he sighed before standing up. Jieun reached out, patting his shoulder. "Look, although we don't get along very well and all but I'm sorry that this happened. You two did make a very good couple and you two looked good together. You made her smile and laugh all the time. Well...." She paused and sighed. "So, I will bring you up next time I see her."

Hhyunwoo stared at her, a bit stunned, for a short time wondering if this was really the mean Lee Jieun he knew. "Really? You'll say something about me?"

"I'm not guaranteeing that she'll listen to what I have to say but yes, I will. I believe in everything that you just told me." Jieun patted his arm. "So get going now. It's late and I was having a very good dream until you came to ruin it."

"Wow…Jieun, thanks." His smile grew. "And all this time, I just thought you were cold-hearted or you had no heart at all but look, it's still beating in there somewhere." Hhyunwoo extended his arms, ready to squeeze the small girl but she put her hand on his chest, stopping him with a glare.

"No hugging."

Hyunwoo laughed. "Alright, I'm out of here."


- - - -


Jinri woke the next morning when a noise traveled to her ears. She forced her eyes to remain shut as she curled further into the warmth of sheets. She stretched her legs before relaxing, attempting to fall back into her deep slumber before her eyes snapped open. Jinri realized that she wasn't buried in one of her Pajama pairs she normally slept in. Instead, she came to find out that she was entirely once everything came crashing back to her from the night before.

Jinri wasn't sure how it happened or why she even allowed it to take place but the moment she let his name tumble from , he swiftly kissed her not a moment later. She wanted to push him away, wanted to run away from him and never see him again, afraid of everything that was getting thrown to her at once. She was unable to fully accept the thought of demons roaming around.

Jinri squeezed her eyes shut as she remembered his large hands taking pleasure in memorizing every inch and curve of her body, the moans he managed to wring out of her underneath the sheets, the raw lust in his eyes as they hooked with her own and the sounds of his groans when she did something he pleasurably enjoyed.

Her cheeks warmed up as she sat up in the large bed, her eyes rapidly taking in the familiar surroundings of his large room, clutching the silk sheet in her fists tightly to cover her chest.

Minho--Lucifer, Jinri didn't know what to call him but now she noticed that he was nowhere in sight. Her eyes then darted to the clock, bright red numbers reading that it was a few minutes past noon. Jinri ran her slender fingers through her tangled hair, briefly remembering that he enjoyed burying his fingers in her dark brown tresses.

"I never slept in that late. That's why I only woke up now." Spoke Jinri softly to herself as she remembered the event last night between her and Minho had shared.

"Well, we did stay up fairly late."

Came a deep voice, causing Jinri to flinch and look over her bare s

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Chapter 16: Chapter 16: I honestly thought it might end messy for Minsul here but it was a very pleasing ending. Now this became my new favorite. I love this genre~ I never thought a dark character would fit Minho perfectly. I wish there's more in the future~
I'M going to re read this again! This story has been messing my brain so I finally decided to read it for the 3rd time! Daebak authornim you never fail to impress me I really like the storyline of your stories and "Lucifer's" Is my favorite story of yours :D keep writing more stories fighting!
akshu_149 #3
Chapter 16: awesome story authornim thanku. just loved reading this. waiting for more minsul stories from you :-)
Asifaa #4
Chapter 16: just wanna say thankyou so much for this very nice story authornim,may I ask for epilogue ?? plis.. and I'll waiting for your another story. fightiiiiing..
atebabylhyn08 #5
Chapter 16: nnnoooo!!! is it the end?. i am so sad that it is the end of the story, but can i atleast ask for an epilogue?. it is good to see that though people do not agree with her relationship with minho, atleast she she is happy and contented living him and their son.. she has already a happy family.. i guess she made a right decision..though some people still remain the same and some changed atleast i am still glad that they are all doing fine..i find it cute that taejoon sometimes argue with his mother about his abilities, ofcourse if you a child of the most powerful demon you cannot help it but to use it.. hehehe.. thanks for the update and finishing this wonderful and excellent story.. i hope you still continue writing more minsul stories and never stop loving and shipping them.. thank you so much for your hard work and i will continue to support you authornim.. take care and have a nice day!.
Chapter 16: Just WOW!I was so curious about the end of this complicated story but being the awesome writer that U R every thing settled in the right way...
Thank u(a BIG one) for your hard work dear author <3
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 16: after 5 years and Taejoon, I think how they were until now shows they are more than just physical. I was wondering if you have an epilogue in mind authornim?
Chocolate_a #8
Chapter 16: Thanks author-nim for this awesome story.. ^_^
Keep writing.... ^_^
jhanehojas #9
Chapter 16: tnx authornim for the wonderfI story the best.....
Hawaali #10
Chapter 16: Amazing story thanks authornim