Mobile Romance [My KaTalk Friend!]




It is every fan's dream to talk to their idols.



 ○3.40 pm
Rina: nooo jinanny will be my bias forever
Choco: but u said hanbjn is hot
Rina: yes hes hot but stfu nothin can separate me and jin :p
Choco: hanbin is ur icon
Rina: howd u know what hanbeen looks lyk
Choco: ofc u talk abt him all the time I got curious so I searched them up and LOOK
Choco: this guy aint special u said it urself why r u so into him
Rina: omg does that mean I can finally show u pics of hanbin with his v line
Choco: his what
Rina: idk do I need a reason to like somebody
Rina: ??
Choco: U
Choco: GENuinely??!?!?!??!!
Rina: so?
Rina: lol
Choco: omg i dont get you at all
Choco: bruuuuuh he doesnt even know u
Rina: bruuuuuhh sad story
Rina: so what i like sad stories
Choco: ... i dont get u.
Rina: :p



He didn't know how, but B.I found himself chatting the girl. He knew she was a girl. Rina, as her name in Kakao said, loved iKON and she always talked about them and the daydreams she always have about them... about Hanbin's squad. A.K.A. iKON. An heck Hanbin would blush every time she chatted something like, "OMG I CAN JUST FEEL IT HANBIN LOVES BOBBY OMG I HOPE THEY HAVE BABIES"

Babies. Really, babies. HOW THE WOULD THEY BEAR BABIES THEY WERE BOTH MEN FOR GOD'S SAKE DAMMIT. But every time Hanbin would ask, "What's so good about them?"

She'd reply, "Nothing."

"Hyung, watcha doing?" Donghyuk asked, peeking on his phone to see. "Who're you chatting?"

B.I hid his phone on instinct. "Yah! Don't sneak up on me!!"

"I didn't," Donghyuk pouted. "It just showed."

"Are you even done practicing?" He frowned at the younger guy.

"Nope." Donghyuk popped the 'p'.

"Then why aren't you practicing?" Hanbin asked, annoyed. His phone vibrated in his hands but Donghyuk was still there so dared not to open it.

"Well duh, hyung. We're on break." Donghyuk answered as a matter-of-fact. "You're being a hotheaded freak so I'll leave you."

"Hotheaded?" Hanbin asked. "Yah! Donghyuk!"

He could hear the younger guy stifling his laughter as he sprinted out of the room. Finally, some time alone. Hanbin opened his phone and browsed the three notifications from Rina.


  ○3.57 pm
Rina: heyy
Rina: yaahhhh r u there
Choco: what happened
Choco: im back lol
Rina: hi
Choco: hi
Choco: u arent dead yet
Rina: whut.
Choco: u were lyk, dying when i left u
Choco: lol
Rina: nop.
Rina: hanbin is the reason im alive and lively
Choco: wow u really like him huh.
Choco: i thought jinwahn
Rina: sshh this is called c h e a t i n g
Choco: cheating lol u arent even together with jinhwan
Rina: stahp
Rina: dont crush my dreams
Rina: oh btw he just turned 23 last month
Rina: my and his is kind of huge but not as huge as mine and baek's
Choco: whose?
Rina: BYUN BAEKHYUN omg chocoguy dont tell me u dont even know who he is
Choco: ofc i know lol
Rina: good. Hes lyk, the best vocalist ever <3
Choco: pfft hanbin is better
Rina: LOL
Choco: whose fan are u?
Rina: both. But i lyk baek more in singing
Choco: whhuuuuut but who do u lyk mor
Rina: idk baek is my forst lov but hanbin is ASDCDLNDOANSAKNZ
Rina: dunt make me choose :-(
Choco: lol ok btw how many years is yours and jinhwans ???
Rina: 6 yrs D: mine and hanbins is 4 <\3 baek and mine is 8
Choco: really lol ur young
Choco: yet u could say all those things
Rina: huh. U speak lyk ur plder
Rina: *older
Choco: LOL
Rina: oh how old r u??
Choco: GUESS
Rina: i guess ur a 98/99 liner
Choco: lolno
Rina: omg just tell me
Choco: hanbin's and your is the same as ours lol
Rina: WHAT
Rina: ur in the 96 liner?!
Rina: whats ur b8rthday??
Choco: um...
Rina: yeaaaaH?
Choco: gtg sorry :-(
Rina: whaaaaat noooo
Choco: ttyl bruh :-(
Rina: bruuuh talk to me some moreeee >~<
Choco: ill be back :-/




"Rina", as she named herself in Kakao, pouted when her online friend didn't read the message. He really is gone, she thought, exiting Kakao and throwing her phone beside her on the sofa. She liked talking to him. She found him interesting, and she felt like she could open up to him and let out all her feelings that she couldn't even bring to talk about to her real life friends. Although she did have girl friends who she spazzed K-pop about, there were some things that she would never, ever utter to them.

Well, nobody cares anyways.

Meanwhile, Kim Hanbin, along with iKON, resumed their hard practice. B.I always went sparta on s so that they will have to do their best, and of course, he also put more than enough effort on their music. Fame, they don't need it. All those cameras snapping at them whenever they go to concerts? Heck, they didn't care. They lived in freedom, not caring about how other people see them as dissing others.

Dissing my , Hanbin thought. So what if we were dissing in their eyes? iKON was too fabulous to care.




"AH FINALLY I'M FREE!!" Yunhyeong yelled, sprawled on the floor lazily, panting.

"I'm gonna go out for some snacks, you guys coming?" Junhoe offered as he got back from the restroom.

"I'm in!!" Donghyuk answered.

"I'll go too," Jinhwan added. The others also answered yes and everyone got up to leave the practice room.

Except for their leader. He was sitting in a corner, fiddling with his phone that he didn't notice the others busy. Bobby noticed this and sauntered to him. "Ya Hanbin, you coming?" He asked. But the said person just continued his busy thing with the phone. "Hanbin!!"

"What?" Hanbin blankly asked. "Uh, oh yeah."

"What were you doing spacing out with your phone?" Bobby teased and grinned when the other glared. "Nevermind..."

B.I was never one to keep secrets to his brother (he considered iKON as his brothers) but he wasn't sure if he wanted others to know he was talking to some unknown fan in the internet. Though, she wasn't just an unknown fan anymore. He felt like he knew her just with the two days of meeting her. Oh wait, right. He hasn't even met her. But she

was like an open book, spazzing to someone she doesn't know like a psycho. Not that he mind though, she was too amusing for him to freak out.

"Helloo? Earth to B.I!!"

Hanbin blinked at Bobby. "Yeah?"

"Bruh." Bobby rolled his eyes. "What's with you?"

"What's with me?" Hanbin asked back.

"Nevermind, let's go." Bobby replied. "The others are waiting for us in the lobby."

Hanbin stood up, and dusted his dark clothes. He looked at the clock in his phone. 11.30 pm. There was no notification from Rina. He sighed to himself. Maybe she's sleeping already, he thought. Or... maybe still fan-girling about iKON? Hanbin smiled at the thought. No matter how much that was bad for her health, he couldn't help but feel flattered that she would stay up all night just for them. He knew too well that she was iKON's die hard fan. In fact, he liked it very much. That she was a fan. More than that, Rina liked HIM. HIM, but her bias was Jinhwan. Heol, she was so amusing Hanbin couldn't help but smile at her uniqueness. So cute...

No, she may have not been doing that right now and instead she's dreaming of me in her dreamland. He scolded himself.

 "Chococones...." Hanbin almost drooled at the sight before him. Two boxes of chococones were ordered by him and were tempting him to devour right then and there. He would have, if not fo the vibration of his phone. He reached for his jacket pocket and fished out the thing, unlocking it and a smile instantly crept its way to his face when he saw that Rina has chatted him in Kakaotalk once again.




12.09 am
Rina: heyy u awake?
Rina: i cant sleep bruh talk to me if ur awake
Rina: im soooo boreeed D":
Choco: yep im awake
Rina: whuut staying up all night is bad for your health, dude
Choco: huh then i bet u r an ugly witch
Rina: wow rood
Rina: fine then lets party all night
Choco: no thanks i was just about to go to sleep
Rina: nooo talk to me :'(
Rina: i wanna talk to someone
Choco: about?
Choco: -.-
Choco: go to sleep.
Choco: those guys aint worth staying up all night for
Rina: wow rood
Rina: i sleep when i want to and besides, it's still early
Choco: early.....
Rina: yepp i always go to sleep at around 3 am
Rina: well i am busy ryt nao
Choco: i dont really get chu
Rina: yepp cuz lyk, im studying and im too stressed so I'm taking a break
Choco: tsk.
Rina: hey i've been studyig cuz exam week. Plus iKON is such a stress reliever my heart and mind calms down whenever I'm feeling negative
Choco: really? That's how you... about iKon
Rina: yaaah so XD





In a blink of an eye Bobby had taken away his phone. His eyes widened as Bobby's non-existent eyes also widened, no doubt he was probably reading the conversation. Hanbin reached for his property, but Bobby had quick reflexes and managed to grasp the phone out of his reach. He looked back and forth between Hanbin and his phone, not uttering a word until someone else knocked the phone out of his grasp.

"HOLY 3 AM WHAT IS HIS HYUNG??" Junhoe almost cursed as he also read the conversation, catching the others' attention. In truth they have also been curious as to what their leader has been on and on about since morning. He was always fiddling with his phone whenever he has the time, and he'd smile foolishly from time to time. Suspicious indeed.

"Hey, don't be so rude to other's privacy," Jinhwan reprimanded the two boys who have already had the chance to peek in Hanbin's phone.

"Hyung, he was talking to a fan!!" Junhoe explained.

Jinhwan's and everybody else's eyes widened, and turned to look at Hanbin who have finally managed to get his phone from Junhoe.

"ANONYMOUSLY!!" Hanbin defended himself. "I'm on incognito so it should be fine, right?!"

"Hanbin." Jinhwan shook his head. "What if she finds out that you are Hanbin?"

"She won't!!"

"How could you say that?" Bobby asked.

"Well, I don't even give hints about my identity! She probably thinks I'm just a college guy or something..." Hanbin murmured.

"Tsk. Do you like her?" Donghyuk asked straightforwardly.

At this, Hanbin froze. Do I like her? He wondered. Well... I shouldn't. "No, No I don't like her one bit. Not even one bit."

"You sure?" Jinhwan asked unsurely.

"Of course, huh. What do you even think of me. She's hoping Bobby and I get kids." Hanbin said. Jaws dropped. Their eyes widened, Bobby couldn't help but laugh.

"That girl... she's a fan?" He asked.


"Oh my god I can't even imagine a child from B.I hyung and Bobby hyung," said Chanwoo while shaking his head in disbelief. That girl is crazy, he thought.




 As soon as they got back in their dormitory, everyone headed to bed, and in a few minutes all the lights were out. Hanbin tossed in his sleep, mumbling incoherent words that somehow made sense to Bobby. Bobby, who was still awake but in the proess of drifting off to sleep, heard the leader who had always been a workaholic.

 "Rinaaa.... lol... you're so cute. Stop that. Hahahahahaha no I wanna meet you... I w-wish I could me-mi-meeeee..."



 Hanbin: good night :-)




As soon as I finished the prologue I already started wih this chapter and it took me like, a day to write all the parts of this chapter. Because I have school, I used my free time to sneak in a few paragraphs and oh about the conversations, it’s boring I know. Huhu please bear with me if I have grammar mistakes because english is not my first language. But the Kakao messages, I purposely did all those typos because well that's their character they don't care about . (Woooo what a long note)

Bye peeps please subscribe for the next chapter and don't forget to leave a comment!!







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Linebae_93 #1
Chapter 7: update soon please..huhuhuhu
Chapter 7: Jiwon is going to cheating on hanbin lol xD
Anw have a great summer, authornim~!! ^^
ktroct #3
Chapter 7: what will happen next ?!
beanmashisoyo #4
Chapter 7: why am i being all excited for this!! kyaa ~~ ^^ cant wait for the updates
Linebae_93 #5
Chapter 7: Hope you don't get writer's block.. and Have a great summer authornim~~~ as you said, you have more time to update since it's summer and that was a really good news!! but I also want you to enjoy your summer vocation...don't force yourself too much authornim~
Linebae_93 #6
Chapter 7: You update!!! I've been waiting for you~~ I'm glad that you update with a funny chapter.. I wanNa see what's going on later~~~ hope you have the time to update for the next chapter! Thanks Authornim~~~
Linebae_93 #7
Chapter 6: update soon authornim~~~
Linebae_93 #8
Chapter 6: JAGI!!!! IT'S SO CUTE!!! AND "and oh ur mine until hanbin claims u so it up and reject that guy already" IS SOOOO FUNNY!!!! HAHAHAHAH