Welcome Distractions

Wolf School 2


Chapter 8

“Baby, is something wrong? You've been quiet lately?”

Xiumin rubbed the back of his aching neck. He knew he had been quiet since the reappearance of Changmin, and even worse since he had cornered him outside the library. He certainly hadn't expected that after a year of silence form his ex. Was he his ex? Could he think of him that way?

He shook his head to clear his mind of the thoughts that had been swirling there for days. “I'm fine,” he muttered.

“Sweetie, if something's wrong please tell me.” Luhan shifted closer on the bed and Xiumin eased his notes away before they got messed up.

“It's just this test,” he said, which wasn't a complete lie. That had been on his mind too. “I don't really get this topic and I didn't do so well on the last test.”

“Sweetie, why didn't you tell me?” Luhan wrapped an arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “I could have helped.”

“It's nothing.” Honestly he had been a little embarrassed. Between soccer practice and spending time with Luhan a lot of his grades had slipped lately. He should have been more careful.

Finally he lifted his head and gave Luhan a little kiss. “Just let me focus on this for a little while?”

“Okay, baby. Let me know if you need anything, though.” He kissed the tip of Xiumin's nose and gave him a smile as he got up off the bed and left him to his work. He was a good boyfriend, Xiumin realised guiltily as he watched him leave. He was always so kind and understanding and here was Xiumin, thinking about Changmin all the time.

He heaved a sigh. Work now, he told himself. Deal with Luhan later.


It was about an hour later when Xiumin gave up on studying and went to find Luhan playing video games with Baekhyun in the living room.

“Hey, how's the studying?” he asked, glancing up but keeping most of his focus on the screen.

“I'm done for tonight.” He sidled up close to Luhan and lowered his voice a little. “You can come back in, if you want.”

Luhan paused the game and ignored Baekhyun's loud protest. He recognised the look in Xiumin's eyes well and if he had been in any doubt about what he wanted the little smirk on his mouth would have made it clear.

“I'll see you later, Baekhyun.”

“What the Hell?”

He stood without looking back and took Xiumin's hand.

“Fine,” their packmate shouted after them as he stood to show himself out. “I hope neither of you .”

Xiumin was smiling when their mouths met and they fell to the bed in a tangle of limbs and half-discarded clothes. With easy familiarity they undressed each other and within minutes Xiumin had his lover pinned beneath him, straddling his hips and easing himself down onto his hard length.

Luhan moaned and dug his fingers into his hips. He managed to stop his own hips from bucking upwards until Xiumin had found a rhythm and they began to move together. His lips parted as he watched his partner ride him. His body moved wonderfully, his head tossed back in a sigh as pleasure arced through him.

Xiumin leant forward as heat built inside of him and braced himself against Luhan's chest. His moans began to echo through the room, mixing with Luhan's softer, needier ones. His hips rocked up and down as everything melted away other than the way their bodies were connected and how good it felt.

He dropped low over Luhan's body to kiss him hungrily and felt his fingers dig into the soft skin of his hips. A moment later he had thrown his head back and moaned as he came. Luhan snapped his hips up a few times and drove deeper inside of him. In a few more s he was , too.

They untangled themselves slightly and lay together, chests rising and falling in time with each other.

“I thought I was a distraction,” Luhan grinned.

Xiumin didn't open his eyes as he smiled back. “I was a good boy. I deserved a reward.”

His partner laughed breathlessly and closed his eyes with a contented smile on his face.


Kris was stripping his shirt off when Chen entered the bedroom. For a moment he smiled at the welcome but then realised that Kris's skin was looking a little flushed. He pushed the hair back from his forehead and flopped down on the bed.

“Kris, are you okay?”

His boyfriend started, having not even realised he was there. “I'm fine,” he answered quickly, half rising from the bed but not before Chen was there with his hand on his forehead.

He felt hot but not in the way Chen had for the past few days. Just then the scent of his heat wrapped around Chen and he couldn't stop himself from breathing in deeply.

“Oh,” he whispered.

Kris looked at him with dark, hungry eyes but quickly pulled away. “I'll be fine,” he growled.

Chen crawled closer. “Kris, let me help you.”

His lover growled again and caught him by the arms before he could get any closer. He pulled him up off the bed despite Chen's squeak of protest and dragged him to the door. His scent flooded Chen's senses

“Please, let me help.” He managed to turn before they reached the door and pressed himself up against his lover whose body suddenly tensed.

“You're sick,” he said in a tight voice.

Chen ran his hands up his lover's bare chest and dropped his voice low. “I'm almost better. My throat doesn't even hurt any more.” He glanced down unintentionally as he thought of what he wanted his mouth to do most at that moment. Maybe if he just dropped to his knees right there…

“No,” Kris snapped. He shook his head and grabbed Chen's arm again. He wrenched open the door and hurried him outside.

“Kris, please. Why don't you let me? I'tll be fine. Kris!”

He stumbled as his partner pulled open the door to the bedroom across the hall and pushed him inside. Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked up in surprise as the door shut firmly behind him.


Chenris!  this story needds more Chenris, right? I love them.

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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over