In the Rain

Wolf School 2


Chapter 7

“Hey, sweetie.”

Chen pulled himself upright as soon as he heard Kris’s voice and Chanyeol reluctantly let him go. Kris sat down on the couch and pulled Chen easily onto his lap because it was a tight squeeze with all four of them. Chanyeol watched as Chen yawned and snuggled happily against his boyfriend.

Kris reached up to feel his temperature. “How are you feeling?”

“Sleepy,” Chen mumbled. “Sore throat.”

“Do you still have a headache?”

“Not so much.”

“Poor baby.” He nuzzled against Chen’s hair and sat back. Chen’s eyes fell shut again.

“You’re back later than usual,” Chanyeol pointed out. He hadn’t really minded before but he wondered why Kris had chosen to stay at basketball instead of being home with his sick boyfriend.

“Big game this weekend,” Kris told him without looking. “Everyone wanted to stay a little longer.”

Chanyeol grunted but didn’t say anything. He turned back to the TV and watched until the latest episode of the drama was finished. That seemed like a reasonable time to excuse himself. Baekhyun gave him a curious look but Chanyeol found himself lying and saying that he was tired, that was all. Baekhyun giggled a little, thinking that it was because of what they had done together earlier.

“I’ll be there soon,” he promised.

Chanyeol just nodded and walked away. He wasn’t looking when Baekhyun moved over and lifted up Chen’s feet to lay them on his lap so he could get involved in the cuddle between him and Kris. He yawned and wrapped his arms around Kris’ comfortably.


The next day all the talk was about Kyungsoo and Kai getting back together. Officially they had been a couple for months but Kyungsoo had held out on allowing things to progress to the bedroom and not even wanted to be in the same dorm as Kai until he had learnt to trust him again.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell us you were sleeping together again.” Baekhyun shook his head in mock outrage as they stood in the corridor. It was raining outside and nobody wanted to wander around out there during break.

“How were we supposed to just announce something like that?” Kai was tired of talking about his personal life already and he knew it made Kyungsoo just as embarrassed, if not more so.

“You could have hung a banner in the dorm announcing the happy event,” Chanyeol suggested with a cheeky smile.

“Or just sent us a group text,” Baekhyun joined in, “Dear everybody, me and Kyungie are boning again.”

He yelped when Kyungsoo punched his arm.

“Well, now everyone knows so can we just drop it,” asked Kai. He had tried to sound tough but it came out more whiney.

“We’re happy for you, that’s all. Let us celebrate on your behalf.”

Kyungsoo raised his hand again and Baekhyun ducked behind his boyfriend’s back.

“So are you two moving into the same room again?” asked Sehun who had been quietly watching the whole exchange.

The two lovers exchanged a look. They hadn’t really spoken about it before but they saw agreement in each other’s eyes.

“I guess…” Kai started.

“It would be nice,” Kyungsoo admitted at the same moment.

“Does that mean Suho will move out of our dorm?” Sehun brightened a little at the idea. He loved Suho but it still felt a little awkward making love to Lay when he knew his protective alpha was just across the hallway and could probably hear more than Sehun wanted him to. He had come to like Lay a lot but Sehun would always remember how he had banned them from dating when he first found out about their secret relationship. He had thought Lay was leading his poor, innocent little maknae astray.

“I doubt it,” Kyungsoo laughed. “He’ll want to keep an eye on you still. I’ll probably move in with Kai, if that’s okay.”

He glanced around at his lover’s dorm mates. Luhan nodded but Tao wasn’t even paying attention.

“What?” he asked startled when he realised the others were looking at him and waiting for an answer.

“Would you be okay about moving in with Suho?”

“S-sure.” Well, he couldn’t really say no, could he? As far as anyone else knew there was nothing awkward between them at all. None of them knew he and Suho had slept together and not spoken since. Would Suho even want to share a room with him? There wasn’t much option since everyone else had paired up.

“Maybe we can talk to him about it later?” asked Kai.

Kyungsoo smiled and slipped his hand into his lover’s to a chorus of ‘aww’s. Only Tao didn’t join in.


Despite the rain which had been falling all day, Xiumin had had to make the journey over to the library. He had a test coming up soon that he felt woefully underprepared for. There was an indoor route to the library but he chose to go outside once he saw how crowded the corridors were. It was like people didn’t want to go home just because of the rain.

He pulled up his hood and hurried over to the building without getting too wet. It didn’t take too long to find the books he wanted and he was on his way out again when a familiar voice called his name softly. He may as well have shouted it.

“Changmin,” Xiumin gasped as he spun around. The other boy pushed himself away from the wall where he had been leaning and came over to him with his hands in his pockets. He looked relaxed but something about the way he moved made Xiumin’s stomach knot.

“How have you been?”


“Your hair is wet.” He reached up and swept Xiumin’s slightly wet bangs off his forehead. The touch was so casual, so familiar.

“It’s raining,” Xiumin answered dumbly, only just managing not to cringe at how stupid his own words sounded.

“I like it,” Changmin said with a smile. “It reminds me of that one time in the shower.” His voice dropped low. “Do you remember that?”

Quickly Xiumin pulled away. He hands clutched the strap of his bag tightly just for something to do. “I can’t,” he blurted.

“You can’t remember?” Changmin’s head tipped playfully to the side and Xiumin looked away because he didn’t dare look at him directly.

“I have to go. Sorry.”

“What’s wrong?” Changmin caught his arm gently as he tried to pass by. “Is this because of your pack? Don’t they let you play anymore?”

“I- I’m with someone.” He didn’t look up to see Changmin’s reaction, didn’t dare to. “Sorry.”

“With who?” Again Changmin stopped him from leaving, gripping his arm a little more tightly now.

“Luhan,” Xiumin whispered with a lowered head.

“Luhan? That pretty blonde thing from yesterday?”

He nodded.

“Huh,” he replied thoughtfully.

Finally Xiumin looked up. “What do you mean?”

Changmin only shrugged his broad shoulders and dropped his hand from the other boy’s arm. “I just… didn’t think he was your type, that’s all?”

“Why not?”

He shrugged again. “It’s nothing. Forget about it.”


Changmin leant in close, his scent and the sudden proximity of his mouth to Xiumin’s effectively shutting him up. “It’s a shame he doesn’t let you have fun anymore.”

“We do.”

Changmin’s laugh was low and sent a shiver through him. “I’d like to see that sometime.” He straightened up as Xiumin stared and threw him a wink. He body seemed to relax again giving less of an impression like he was about to jump on some prey.

He pushed open the door to the sound of pattering rain and it wasn’t until he had finally turned away that Xiumin managed to pull his eyes away from him. He blinked and shivered suddenly. And then waited until he was sure he wouldn’t bump into Changmin again before hurrying back to the dorm.

I've had a killer sore throat. It must be punishment for making Chen and Lay sick in this story.

ChangXiu though! I'm still deciding some things about their relationship so suggestions are welcome

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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over