story seven: learning about the new kid

Young Forever
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*Namjoon’s story*


After Taehyung, the seventh and final fated member of BTS joined us, we exchanged stories about our pasts. He’s from a very abusive home, and he was kidnapped and pretty much forced to join a very aggressive gang at a young age. He got beaten up for not being able to kill his own mother, and that’s how we found him.


After exchanging stories, we told him about what our daily lives are like and what we all do for a living. I told him that Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook don’t work, while I’m a librarian, Jin’s a waiter, and Hoseok is a computer programmer.


I learned that the kid is very naive (which is really weird considering his past), so we sugar coated a lot of things while trying to explain to him our business. We told him that we work as gangsters, but only for “good causes”. I thought it was too early to tell him about the dirty work we do and all of the killings we’ve been involved in, so I just didn’t tell him right then and there.


I kind of saw a problem starting to arise because of his innocence, which was that we wouldn’t be able to properly work if we had to sugar coat everything we did, especially if we brought him along on our missions. I’m sure he learned something from that gang if they let him join, but I wasn’t exactly sure yet. We had to go on a mission later that day, so we all decided that Jungkook would stay with him while us five finished some business downtown. The mission didn’t involve much fighting, so we didn’t really need Jungkook, and Taehyung seemed the most attached and comfortable with Jungkook (because Jungkook was the one that technically saved him), so we just left them at home.


We told Jungkook to test how innocent this kid actually was, which hopefully doesn’t turn out bad.




*Taehyung’s story*


The hyungs all left after they discussed everything, and they all told me that they had to go to their day jobs, which left me and Jungkook.


“Why did Jimin and Yoongi leave if they have no job?” I asked curiously. Jungkook shifted around uncomfortably before saying, “I’m not sure, but I think they went to go grocery shopping or something.” He took a glass of water on the table in front of us and started drinking.


“Is ‘grocery shopping’ a code word for ing?” I asked innocently. Jungkook’s eyes grew wide and he spit out all of the water he was drinking. “What the hell Taehyung?!” he exclaimed, getting up from the couch and wiping himself off. His face was bright red, especially his cheeks and his ears.


“I’m sorry, but I just wanted to know. I mean, they’re dating, right?” I asked, staying seated. Maybe I should help him, I thought, but I just shook the thought off. Jungkook grabbed a towel and started drying his clothes. “How did you know they were dating?” I shrugged and he sat back down next to me on the couch. “Isn’t it obvious? They looked like they were holding hands and they seemed to be sitting way too close to be normal friends.” I said. He nodded knowingly, still drying his clothes.


Why is he taking so long to dry off? I wondered. I got up from the couch and stood up in front of Jungkook who was still seated. He looked up at me with a weird expression on his face, and I took the towel from his hands. “If you’re going to dry yourself off, at least do it correctly.” He looked at me weirdly again, and I gestured him to stand up. He reluctantly got off of the couch, and I bent down and started drying his legs.


I could tell that he was a bit uncomfortable to say the least, but it was my speciality to make people feel uncomfortable. I dried off his pants the best I could, and moved up to his shirt. I didn’t notice before, but he was at least one head taller than me, so his chin was resting on the top of my head. I moved my hands up to dry his mouth area, but I stopped once I got to his lips.


He looked down at me, and just then did I noticed how close we were. For some reason, I couldn’t move my hands and my body felt frozen in the spot I was in. I tried to make myself move, but I couldn’t. I just stood there, staring at his lips. Why can’t I move? I wondered, feeling my heartbeat getting faster.


Finally, after a painful few seconds of silence, he spoke up. “Tae, um, are you done? I don’t need to be dried off anymore. I’m fine.” I blushed, backing away from him while not trying to freak out over the fact that he called me “Tae”. I looked down to the ground, too embarrassed to look in his eyes. I sat back down on the couch and he said, “I’m going to go change into dry clothes.”


After a minute or two, Jungkook came out in a crimson-coloured t-shirt and black basketball shorts. The outfit just made his bright red aura even more evident. Am I the only one that sees this glowing light around him? I wondered.


“I don’t know if I’m hallucinating or something, but you look like you’re glowing.” I spoke, and he sat down on the arm of the couch, smiling slightly. “That’s normal; every member fated to be in BTS has an aura that you can see, but only if you’re also a fated member yourself. For me, you’re also glowing.” I nodded, relieved that I wasn’t being weird.


“Wait, but is my aura of any colour?” I asked Jungkook, and he looked at me a little strangely before saying, “It kind of has a gold tint. That’s weird, I didn’t really notice until now. I guess everyone’s is gold and I didn’t notice.” He chuckled lightly and said, “Am I gold too?” I shook my head, looking up at him. “You’re this really bright red colour.”


He stopped chuckling and stared straight at me, his eyes big. “Wait, what?” he asked, looking at his arms and legs. I nodded and said, “None of you guys have golden auras.” He raised his eyebrow. “What colours are the other members’ auras?” I sat up straight and said, “Namjoon hyung’s is a light blue colour, Jin hyung’s is a faded pink, Yoongi hyung’s has an orange tint, Hoseok hyung’s is a pastel green, and Jimin’s is a light purple.”


Jungkook’s eyes went wide. “Are you making these up?” he asked, brushing his hair back in confusion. I shook my head and replied, “Why would I lie about something like this?” He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times before staring back at me. “Are you implying that I have never noticed the other members having different coloured auras?” I nodded slightly, and he sighed, scooting down from the arm of the couch to sit next to me. “Wow, I’m really bad at observing.” I laughed a little and said, “Maybe it’s just me that can see it. Maybe you only see gold tinted auras.” He shook his head and said, “There’s no way that you’re the only one that can see it. Maybe we’re all able to see that we have different coloured auras after you joined.” I tilted my head, wondering if that is possible. Am I really that big of an influence that I made the others see each other differently?


I blanked out for a second, and before I knew it, my head fell onto Jungkook’s broad shoulder. I felt him jump a little, which made me snap back into reality and notice what just happened. I started lifting my head up from his shoulder and I opened my mouth to apologise, but he suddenly put his arm around my shoulders and leaned my head back onto his shoulder. He then rested his head on top of my head and in a low tone, he said, “I know it’s been a long 24 hours, so it’s okay if you want to rest a little bit. I don’t mind if you want to put your head on my shoulder. I mean, as long as it’s comfortable for you.” I blush, not knowing what to do. It’s very comfortable, thanks for asking, I wanted to say, but the words didn’t come out of my mouth. A yawn escaped instead, and I could feel my eyelids g

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Chapter 8: I really like your story very interesting to read, please update soon!!!
blingblingcutelocky #2
Chapter 7: please update soon, i love this story cause its something special and different.
meerkat99 #3
Chapter 7: I really like this story, it's so good and super iteresting !! I'm impatiently waiting for the next chapter (^^)
Chapter 7: I like the story, its getting interesting, please update i'll be waiting (^.^)
Chapter 7: This is gold - a masterpiece! I'm in love with it since the foreword! I'm waiting for the next update!
Kudos to you!
ZaneWalker #6
Chapter 7: This is really great! Please update soon!
kulitlang08 #7
Chapter 7: please update soon...:)
Chapter 7: Please Update Soon Author-Nim*puppy eyes*
emilydang04 #9
Chapter 6: Please update soon.
Bearabbitalice #10
:D they finally have their seventh member! Here's to hoping/praying this won't end in a tragedy.