story three: jin

Young Forever
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*Namjoon’s story*


“Hyung, I’m pretty impressed by how you found this kid. I mean, look at him. He’s going to grow up with us and become another great member in our family, and it’s all going to be thanks to you.” I said, patting Yoongi on the back. He just laughed, swatting my hand away.



The kid Yoongi found (his name is Jungkook) was pretty awkward at first, but that was something inevitable. We tried our best to make him feel at home, and he used to always stick around Yoongi, but after a few weeks, he completely became one of us. Except for the fact that he didn’t have a job and he couldn’t smoke cigarettes.


Jungkook was quite the character, though. You would think that he’s some cute little kid, but he actually had quite the knowledge and quite the skills when it came to fighting. It was pretty scary, to be honest. He told us it was because his father used to train him to fight well. Being friends with this little 13 year old kid that was capable of kicking anyone’s made me scared, but pretty jealous too. I wanted to learn how to fight.


At the dinner table one night, we were all eating when Jungkook suddenly popped out of his seat and said, “Hyungs, there’s this job at the fighting school a few blocks down, and I’m thinking of working there. I need to make some money, and the best thing I can do is fight, so I was thinking that was the best idea.”



Hoseok agreed and while slurping his ramen, he said, “It’s better than laying around all day watching on our computer,” which earned him a smack on the back of his head. His fell face first into the ramen soup, and when he lifted his head up, his face was completely drenched in the soup, causing us all to burst out laughing.


Once we all calmed down, Yoongi spoke up about Jungkook’s idea. “Kook, I think this is a good idea and everything, and it’s great that you want to contribute to the amount of money we have, but I just don’t want you getting hurt. Also, you’re still 13 years old. It’s illegal for you to work part time at this age."


I laid back on my chair and looked at Yoongi’s concerned face. “Don’t worry so much, hyung. I know you take care of this kid like he’s your younger brother, but you need to let the kid explore the world on his own sometimes. Also, he’s passionate about fighting, and we all know that he’s probably ten times better than anyone at that fighting school, so he’ll be fine.”


Yoongi crossed his arms and looked at me, narrowing his eyes a little bit. “And what about the problem regarding his age?”



I leaned over the table and pointed straight at Jungkook. “Anyone who didn’t know him would think he’s at least over 15. The legal age to work part time is 15, and that school doesn't tend to look at resumes that much, so it's fine. Also, if Jungkook gets on his superiors’ good sides, we could possibly go to fighting classes for free. Everyone wins, Yoongi.”


Yoongi sighed, leaning back on his chair. “Fine, but don’t be pressured to make that much money. I got a promotion the other day, and I’m able to work in the actual postal office as a front desk assistant. Working in the actual office means my wage is going up by three times, so we won’t have to live paycheck to paycheck anymore.”


Hoseok, Jungkook, and I all jumped out of our seats. “What the hyung?! Why didn’t you tell us sooner? This is amazing news!” Hoseok said, hugging Yoongi. Yoongi laughed and gestured for us to sit down. “Don’t get too excited. I start working tomorrow, and I’m not expecting it to be a very easy job.” I grinned at him, and Jungkook looked like an over-excited chihuahua, shaking because he was so excited.




*Hoseok’s story*


It’s been 10 months since we first came up with the idea of 방탄소년단, and 7 months since our latest member, Jungkookie, has joined us. A few months ago, after Jungkookie started working at the fighting school, we all started taking free lessons at the school, because Namjoon said something along the lines of “I don't want to be walking on these ghetto streets scared that I'm going to get beaten up”.


Everyone got promotions in their jobs, including me, so the money we received went up by a lot. We didn't really have much to spend the money on, and we were thinking of buying another house, but Namjoon told us to wait until more members joined.


Speaking of that, we decided to add ‘delinquent hunting’ into our weekly schedule. Our schedules have been very boring lately, so we started hunting at least once every week just because we were bored. Sometimes we go all together, and sometimes we split up to go find other delinquents by ourselves. We haven't been very lucky so far. I mean, it's not like we haven't found anyone, it's just that we've never had that feeling that they belong with us. I didn't even know that feeling.



Well, until now, I guess.


I was walking home from work one day. Usually, Jungkookie joins me and walks home with me, but he had to stay a few hours more at his work because a student was having trouble with learning a new fighting technique.


I was casually walking, looking up at the darkening sky. Everything seemed peaceful on the street, but not for long. Suddenly, I heard someone scream. I looked behind me, and there was someone falling off of a building. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw it, but as the person got closer and closer to the ground, I took action.


I took off my cardigan, wrapped it tightly around my arms, and ran to go catch the person. He fell down onto my arms and jumped right off of my cardigan, onto the ground. I fell back from the impact, but I stood up right away to see if the person was alright. He looked like he was in a bit of pain from hitting the ground, but it would've been a lot worse if he fell face first from the fall.



I swear I saw something glowing around his body, but I shook it off.


I walked up to him, sat him upright, and asked, “Are you okay, sir?” It took him a while to reply. Finally, he looked at me with teary eyes and whispered, “Why did you save me?” I looked at him, wondering what's wrong with his brain. Did he not want to be saved? He was going to die if I wasn't there to save him, I thought.


Then, it hit me.



Maybe he was trying to commit suicide. Maybe he's living a hard life and just wants to end it. Maybe, maybe it would've been better if I didn't save him.



I thought all these things, but I couldn't let go of the fact that someone would want to end their own life. In all the years that I've been alive, not once have I ever thought to kill myself. No matter how hard life was, I never wanted to kill myself. And him wanting to kill himself made me feel so bad for him, and I wondered how bad his life must've been if he wanted to end his own life.



It made me want to help him.


“Sir, I know I just met you, but I think you need some advice." He looked up at me with his tear-stained eyes, confusion written all over his face.



"I know that life can get hard, and I know that sometimes, you just want to end your own life to stop your suffering. But, ending your life would be a big mistake. Life is precious, and even if there are bad times, you must overcome them to find true happiness. If you need someone to be there for you, I'm right here for you.”



I could see his eyes tear up, slightly looking shocked at my words. I smiled at him, as brightly as I co

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Chapter 8: I really like your story very interesting to read, please update soon!!!
blingblingcutelocky #2
Chapter 7: please update soon, i love this story cause its something special and different.
meerkat99 #3
Chapter 7: I really like this story, it's so good and super iteresting !! I'm impatiently waiting for the next chapter (^^)
Chapter 7: I like the story, its getting interesting, please update i'll be waiting (^.^)
Chapter 7: This is gold - a masterpiece! I'm in love with it since the foreword! I'm waiting for the next update!
Kudos to you!
ZaneWalker #6
Chapter 7: This is really great! Please update soon!
kulitlang08 #7
Chapter 7: please update soon...:)
Chapter 7: Please Update Soon Author-Nim*puppy eyes*
emilydang04 #9
Chapter 6: Please update soon.
Bearabbitalice #10
:D they finally have their seventh member! Here's to hoping/praying this won't end in a tragedy.