story two: jungkook

Young Forever
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*Jungkook’s story*


Jeon Jungkook. 13 years old. Born September 1, 1997 in a small hospital just outside of the city.  Has no father, no mother, and has one psychotic monster as his brother. That monster is who I’m running away from right now.


My father was an infamous drug dealer, and although he was tough at times, I didn’t exactly hate him. My mother was a nice lady, but she was pretty strict. My brother was someone who I respected ever since I was little. He was my idol, my role model, my favorite person in this entire world. I would always listen to his words, and I would copy whatever he did because I wanted to be just like him. I didn’t know why I liked my brother so much, but I just did.


Because of the fact that my father was a drug dealer, there could be a time where our family could be in trouble, so ever since I could remember, he’s been training us to be able to fight back if we were ever in trouble. He trained us to be able to throw punches and kicks accurately, how to dodge attacks, how to use guns and knifes, and what techniques to use during battle. He also taught us how to be mentally prepared for everything, and have no mercy when it came to battle. Basically, he trained us to be killers.


I found the training to be quite enjoyable, and I thought it was pretty cool how I was able to intimidate everyone at school just with one glance, because they all knew who my father was and they all respected me a lot. I guess I was the only one who found the training likable, because my brother absolutely hated them. He hated going to training, and he always skipped. I said that I used to do everything my brother did, but skipping training was the one thing I never did.


I never knew why he hated training, and I didn’t understand what was so bad about learning how to beat people up. Other than training, the one thing we didn’t have in common was how much we liked our parents. For me, I liked mother and father a lot, because they were nice and I knew that there were worse parents out there. As for my brother, he hated my father because of his ruthless acts and thoughtless drug dealing, and he hated my mother even more for not stopping my father.


One day, a few months ago, he started going to training again. It’s been a while since he’s gone, so he was quite rusty, and I was visibly a lot better than him, but he still had it in him. The knowledge, the skills, the fighting spirit, it was all there. At the time, I was confused on what made him want to go to training again.Then, a few months later, I found out.


I came home from school one day, and went straight to our training room to go train, but the teacher wasn’t there. Neither was my father. I went inside to the house, and called for my father and my mother, but no one answered. It was so quiet in the house, you would wonder if people actually lived in this house.


I went up the stairs, and that’s when I saw the first body. It was my father’s bodyguard, someone who’s always been by my father’s side. Seeing blood ooze out of his body made me want to throw up, but I kept calm. I didn't want to make any noises in case the murderer was still in the house.


I carefully walked into my parents’ bedroom, where my father would usually be working at his desk. There, I saw my father, lying his face on his desk, almost as if he fell asleep while working. As I stepped closer, though, I could see blood coming from his neck. I covered my mouth, not wanting to scream. I felt tears streaming down my face, but I remembered to be strong. Find the murderer, Jungkook. Find him and make him pay.


I checked around the room in case anything else was in there, and sure enough, I found my mother’s dead body behind their bed. This time though, I don’t keep my screams in. It was too much for me to handle. I screamed so loudly that the entire town was probably able to hear me wail.


Who could’ve done this to my parents? Why, why did they do such a thing? What did they do to deserve this? I thought, wanting to travel back in time and save them. Just then, I heard footsteps coming from outside of the room. Quickly, I hid behind the bed, along with my mother’s dead body. I heard the footsteps getting closer, and I got ready to beat the out of this murderer, but all I heard was a familiar voice.


“Jungkookie?” I heard him say softly. I turned around and sat up, looking at my brother. His face looked gentle and nice, like it always did when he looked at me. He stepped closer to me, and I stood up, wanting to hug him.



As I stepped closer and hugged him, however, I felt something cold and sharp against my leg. My fighting senses came, and right then, I knew exactly who the killer was. I sensed his arm going up, and before he could stab me with the knife, I grabbed my brother’s arm from behind and twisted it around his back. Then, I tripped him, making him fall hard to the ground. I sat on him, pinning him down to the ground. He let go of the knife, and I heard him laugh softly.


“Jungkookie, you’ve grown so much. I mean, look at you, now you’re able to even stop your brother from killing you.” I gripped his arms harder, feeling tears rolling down my cheeks.



“What you did to mother, father, and ajusshi is not normal, hyung. I looked up to you, thought of you as my role model, but now, I want to throw up for ever thinking that. You’re disgusting.” I spat every word out with meaning, but all he did was laugh even louder.



“Never show weakness to your enemies, Jungkookie. I thought Father taught you that one.” He then grabbed the knife with his mouth and kicked my stomach, making me fall off of him. He stood up and took the knife out of his mouth and into his hand.



“I’ll give you a few seconds to run, but just know that you will eventually get caught by me,” he said confidently. He wiped the blood off of his knife and started counting. “1–“ I ran out of the room, heading to the stairs. “2–“ I went down the stairs and headed out the door. Before I could audibly hear him say three, I was out of the house. And from there, I ran for my life, all the way to the city.


I could hear the cries of my brother, screaming for me to come back.




*Namjoon’s story*


“Pass the cigarettes,” Yoongi said, reaching over to point at the pack of cigarettes sitting next to me.


I grabbed the pack, took one out, and popped it into my mouth before handing them to Yoongi.


“You guys are seriously not wanting to move, huh.” Hoseok came into the room, carrying groceries (well, ramen and milk). I waved him over, motioning for him to sit next to us on our balcony. Hoseok sat down and took a cigarette before lighting it.


“What should we do today

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Chapter 8: I really like your story very interesting to read, please update soon!!!
blingblingcutelocky #2
Chapter 7: please update soon, i love this story cause its something special and different.
meerkat99 #3
Chapter 7: I really like this story, it's so good and super iteresting !! I'm impatiently waiting for the next chapter (^^)
Chapter 7: I like the story, its getting interesting, please update i'll be waiting (^.^)
Chapter 7: This is gold - a masterpiece! I'm in love with it since the foreword! I'm waiting for the next update!
Kudos to you!
ZaneWalker #6
Chapter 7: This is really great! Please update soon!
kulitlang08 #7
Chapter 7: please update soon...:)
Chapter 7: Please Update Soon Author-Nim*puppy eyes*
emilydang04 #9
Chapter 6: Please update soon.
Bearabbitalice #10
:D they finally have their seventh member! Here's to hoping/praying this won't end in a tragedy.