story five: one year

Young Forever
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*Jin’s story*


Yoongi brought home a boy today. No, it’s not like that. (Well, I don't think so anyway.)


Yoongi went late-night delinquent hunting along with Namjoon today. After an hour or so, Namjoon came home, disappointed in not being able to find anyone. Yoongi, however, came home around 20 minutes later, with some boy holding his hand. But, this boy was no ordinary delinquent we would find on the streets.


He had this aura around him. It was so slight that usually, something like that wouldn’t normally be visible, but somehow, I was able to see it. Once I looked around the room, I noticed that every member of Bangtan (Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon) also had the same slight aura. I was a bit creeped out.



Maybe this is what Namjoon and Hoseok were talking about when they said, ‘every fated member has an aura to them’, I wondered. I knew that there was an aura or some kind of feeling around every “fated” member, but I never knew that I, too, could see it. Maybe the fact that I could see it was proof that I was also fated to be a member.


Anyway, not including his aura, this boy looked very questionable.  He had a brownish-white sleeveless shirt on and was carrying a blue leather jacket. He had black jeans on, and although he seemed pretty young, each of his thighs were at least bigger than my head. He had a few tattoos that he obviously tried to hide in the beginning, and he also had a few piercings in his ears. Yep, this boy is definitely questionable.


After Yoongi introduced the boy as Jimin, they both sat down on the dining table. Jungkook already fell asleep on the couch before Jimin came into the room, so he wouldn’t see him until the morning, but the rest of us were all intrigued by Jimin’s looks. We didn’t say anything, because we didn’t want to be impolite, but we kept on sneaking little glances at his tattoos and piercings, which I’m pretty sure he noticed.


Yoongi was holding on to the guy’s hand the entire time. Maybe the guy was just attached to Yoongi because Yoongi saved him from whatever bad past he had. Maybe Jimin just liked skinship. Maybe, they were a thing. I had all these theories, but I could not yet tell which one was correct, or if any of them were correct at all. I tried to examine their bodies, their necks, their clothing, their faces, but there was nothing.


Jimin started talking about his past, and what exactly led him up to this point in his life. Apparently his mother and sister both died of illnesses, which I can totally relate to. Once he said that part, I thought he was going to cry or somewhat become emotional, but he didn’t. He remained calm, and told the story as if he was saying like a math equation or something. It was really weird.


He then went on to tell us about how he got involved in gangs, which makes complete sense why he’s dressed in these clothes. He said that in these gangs, he learned to fight, but he told us that we don’t have to worry because he’s not going to do anything to hurt us. You better ing not, I thought in my head.


After that, he finished his story. No emotion in his words, no tears shed. What’s up with this guy? I wondered, very confused as to why he’s not reacting in any way to his bad past. Suddenly, Namjoon stood up from his chair and leaned over to Jimin’s side of the table. “You forgot to tell us the most important part about yourself.”


Jimin looked confused. “I already explained everything that went on in my past; how would you know if I missed anything important about myself?” he asked, sounding a bit suspicious of Namjoon.


Namjoon, on the other hand, just laughed it off. “I’m talking about how you’re one of those people.” he said calmly. Jimin’s eyes widened.



“Yoongi said something like that before I came here, but do you mean the same thing he does?” he asked, looking at Yoongi, then back at Namjoon, and at Yoongi again.


Now it was Hoseok’s turn to talk. “We’ve seen people with the same personality as you on the streets when we go to find new members for our group. That ‘everything is inevitable’ thinking isn’t rare in delinquents, so we see it all the time. When we travel in groups and come across someone who looks like they think like that, we just say, ‘He’s one of those people,’ and just walk past them.” Hoseok explained.


Jimin raised his eyebrow. “So then what makes me so important that I have the same personality, yet I was able to become a member of this ‘group’?” Everyone around the table laughed softly.



“There’s a lot to explain to you, Jimin, but just know that you are fated to be in this group. That’s why, although you’re ‘one of those people’, you belong with us.” I said, smiling at him. It took him a minute to process that information, but after a while, he smiled back, flashing us with his white teeth, dimples, and eye smile. Who would've guessed people like him are able to smile that cutely? I thought.


We explained to him everyone’s backstory, how we met, how we came up with this group, etc. We also explained to him what delinquent hunting was, and what days we do them. We told him what jobs we have, and if he wants to get a job, then he can, but he doesn’t have to. Once we were done explaining everything, Yoongi showed Jimin to his room, which was connected to Yoongi’s room. By the time Jimin was done settling into his new room, we all left to go to our rooms to sleep.




*Jungkook’s story*


In the morning, I woke up to some rustling outside of my door. Although I was pretty sure it was one of the hyungs cleaning up the house or walking to the bathroom or something, I couldn’t help but be suspicious as my fighting instincts kicked in.  


I slowly walked to the entrance of my room and opened the door very quietly as I peeked out to see who it was. I didn’t see anyone around me, but I knew that something was there. As I slowly stepped out of my room, I saw a figure in the corner of my eye. I turned my head sharply to the right, and sure enough, it wasn’t one of my hyungs. It was some random kid that I’ve never seen before. Well, I shouldn’t say ‘kid’, because he definitely seemed older than me. The first thought I had was that he was an intruder. But as I looked at him longer, he started to radiate some sort of aura. He must be a new member, I thought immediately.


I stepped closer to him and lightly tapped on his shoulder. Suddenly, without even looking, he grabbed my hand and swung me over his shoulder. He’s a fighter, huh, I thought, smirking. I flew over his shoulder, landing swiftly on my feet. He stared at me, obviously shocked that I landed on my feet. He then started throwing punches and kicks, but I was able to block them all. I have to admit, he was pretty good, but I was better.



He kept going, but after a while, he started to look tired. Now, I finish him off, I thought, smiling slightly. I dodged his last punch and grabbed his forearm. I pulled his arm away from my body and tripped his feet. In a split second, he was on the ground, sweating and panting.


I smiled and helped him up. Once he was able to stand up by himself, I said, “I’m Jungkook. It’s nice to meet you.”  He looked at me with wide eyes. “You’re Jungkook?! Oh man, I’m sorry for starting a fight with you. I thought you were an intruder,” he said, scratching his head in embarrassment. I laughed. “It’s okay, I thought you were one too, until I saw that aura around you.”


“Aura? I have an aura too? Wow, that’s cool.” he said, examining his body in fascination. “Of course you have an aura. If you didn’t have an aura, that means you don’t belong in this group,” I explained. “Didn’t the hyungs tell you yesterday or something?” He nodded. “I knew that I had one, but I didn’t know it was actually a visible one,” he said happily.


I was about to ask him his name, but Jin walked into the room. “What’s with all the noise in the morning? I swear to god if you guys broke something–” he mumbled. I laughed at his mumbling and said, “Don’t worry Mom, we didn’t break anything.”


The new guy looked at me weirdly. “Did you just call Jin hyung ‘Mom’?” he asked, tilting his head in confusion. I laughed at his reaction. “We call him Mom sometimes because he does all the cleaning and cooking around h

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Chapter 8: I really like your story very interesting to read, please update soon!!!
blingblingcutelocky #2
Chapter 7: please update soon, i love this story cause its something special and different.
meerkat99 #3
Chapter 7: I really like this story, it's so good and super iteresting !! I'm impatiently waiting for the next chapter (^^)
Chapter 7: I like the story, its getting interesting, please update i'll be waiting (^.^)
Chapter 7: This is gold - a masterpiece! I'm in love with it since the foreword! I'm waiting for the next update!
Kudos to you!
ZaneWalker #6
Chapter 7: This is really great! Please update soon!
kulitlang08 #7
Chapter 7: please update soon...:)
Chapter 7: Please Update Soon Author-Nim*puppy eyes*
emilydang04 #9
Chapter 6: Please update soon.
Bearabbitalice #10
:D they finally have their seventh member! Here's to hoping/praying this won't end in a tragedy.