story four: jimin

Young Forever
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*Namjoon’s story*


Jin, the new member of our group, was introduced to us by Hoseok. Right when we saw him, we were all awed by his aura. I mean, he looked a bit beaten up, but that couldn’t hide his god-like features. Later, when he told us his story, he was tearing up a little, but that just made him look even more beautiful. I have to admit, I completely fell for him the second I met him.


It’s kind of normal for new members to feel attached to the person they met first, just like how Jungkook was super attached to Yoongi in the beginning, so I could understand that Jin wanted to be with Hoseok. It was my room, but who could say no to Jin’s beautiful face?



I slept on the couch for the first night, and I was planning to sleep on the couch for as long as Jin needed to stay in my room, but when I came home from work the second night, Jin was already sleeping on the couch. It was really cute, actually. His sleeping face was so peaceful, and it just made me want to melt.


After a few months, Jin became really close to everyone, and because he works as a waiter at this super fancy restaurant, he always cleaned up after us. After a while, he threw away our ramen too, saying that they were "too unhealthy." He even started cooking for us. Because of his mother-like behavior, we gradually started calling him "Mom." That's his nickname now.


One day, we were all paying rent, and Jin came across an idea. “Why don’t we just move into a bigger place? I mean, we’ve kinda been crammed into this apartment, and isn’t everyone sick of having to take turns sleeping on the couch? We have enough money, so why not do it?”



So, of course, we moved. We didn’t move any of our furniture, because everything was too dirty, and our new place already had furniture that came with it. We all picked the best place within our budget, and let me tell you, this place was like heaven for us.


I’m not saying that the place we lived in was terrible, but there was always construction going on outside, the air in the neighborhood was dirty, and the house itself was dirty, even though Jin always cleaned for us. The place we moved into was at least three times bigger than our old place, which means bigger kitchen, bigger living room, and seven. ing. bedrooms.



The place was conveniently close to all of our jobs, and the air was super clean. It was perfect, to put it simply. The only reason it was so cheap though, was because Jin’s friends with the landlord, who apparently comes to Jin’s restaurant a lot. [A/N: this is what I imagine it to look like, with some refinements, of course (like the splitting of one bedroom to make two seperate rooms):]


We carried on with our lives in this huge house, with Jin decorating his heart out of the place, and the rest of us cleaning up all the dust and dead bugs that collected up in the house ever since the last people lived here. My job was the only one that took a little over 10 minutes to walk to from the new house, and everyone else only took around 7 minutes or less, when everyone used to walk around 20 minutes to get home. The rent was definitely affordable, being only a few hundred thousand won more than our old home (100,000 won = 100 dollars).


It was great living here, but the only catch was that it was harder to go on our weekly ‘delinquent hunting’. A few weeks after we met Jin, we started going hunting all together, twice every week. Usually, we would look around our alleyway because that was where most outsiders and poorer people wandered the streets. We used to always find people (they were never “special” in our eyes, so we didn’t talk to them much), but now we couldn’t find anyone near our new house, because the neighborhood was so nice. And if we wanted to go explore the alleyways that we used to live in, we would have to walk all the way to the other side of the town, which would roughly take around 30 minutes, which we don’t really have the time for (and it’s hard to keep Yoongi awake for that long).


However, we were able to find a way to solve this problem. On our side of the town, there was another bad neighborhood a few blocks away from ours. Jungkook found it while he was exploring outside one day, and he said that it was full of smoke, dust, and trash, so we decided to check it out all together. When we first saw the place, it was an absolute mess, which was exactly what we were looking for. Although we didn’t find as many people here as our old place, we did find more people than we would ever be able to find in our new neighborhood.


We were able to start our ‘delinquent hunting’ again, but it was unsuccessful. Until one day.




*Jimin’s story*


Life . Everyone’s going to die anyway, so why even bother to go through these hardships in life? There’s no point; in the end, everyone dies. Why do people even say that life is precious? It’s just a waste of time. Well, that’s what I used to think, anyway.


The reason I thought of these things were very simple. My mother was by some guy and she ended up with fraternal twins, which were me and my sister. Later, my sister died of malaria and afterward, my mom died of aids that she first got when me and my sister were born. When they both died, I was left alone. I was 13, I think.



Although they were gone, and although they were the most important people in the world to me, I didn’t mourn over their deaths. I already knew that one day they were going to die, so why cry over something inevitable? And, I’m pretty sure “their souls wouldn’t want to see my unhappy” (that’s the expression people say all the time, right?).


You could say I have no heart, and trust me, I don’t. I’m kidding. If I didn’t have a heart, I’d be dead. But I grew up with a cold one, that’s for sure. And that didn’t change for a while. It took a very long time to thaw my frozen heart, and only one person is responsible for doing that. But, that’s a story for another time.


You see, I just liked believing in the inevitable. Inevitable depression, inevitable loss, inevitable death. Everything in life is inevitable. There are choices to life that let you delay those inevitable happenings, but in the end, you will have to face them in life. And the people who didn’t know of those inevitable happenings are the ones that suffer the most.



The big, warm hearted people are the ones who are weakest in this world. And if you don’t learn to have a strong and cold heart, you can’t survive on this cruel planet we call Earth. It’s been like this for decades, centuries, millenia. Everyone knows it, they just deny it.


The good part about having those big, warm hearted people in this world was the fact that you could always trick them into doing whatever you want them to do. Once my mom and sister died, I started working in gangs, ever since one found me and they used me as “bait” when it came to prying information out of people.

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Chapter 8: I really like your story very interesting to read, please update soon!!!
blingblingcutelocky #2
Chapter 7: please update soon, i love this story cause its something special and different.
meerkat99 #3
Chapter 7: I really like this story, it's so good and super iteresting !! I'm impatiently waiting for the next chapter (^^)
Chapter 7: I like the story, its getting interesting, please update i'll be waiting (^.^)
Chapter 7: This is gold - a masterpiece! I'm in love with it since the foreword! I'm waiting for the next update!
Kudos to you!
ZaneWalker #6
Chapter 7: This is really great! Please update soon!
kulitlang08 #7
Chapter 7: please update soon...:)
Chapter 7: Please Update Soon Author-Nim*puppy eyes*
emilydang04 #9
Chapter 6: Please update soon.
Bearabbitalice #10
:D they finally have their seventh member! Here's to hoping/praying this won't end in a tragedy.