(MMS) Sweet Roses

REVIEW PORTFOLIO (exol_army14)



Sweet Roses

story by dreamshop - 

Title: (7/10)

The title suited the one-shot well, since the rose was both symbolic of their love and was a motif throughout the story. Roses have always been said to represent beauty and the pain and ugliness behind beauty. It is also a symbol of pain. The use of 'sweet' lightens the mood slightly, and indicates that the story will be fluff. This contrast in the title is creative and meaningful. However, it isn't very original or attention-demanding; it doesn't draw the reader's attention. If I type it into the 'search' bar, your story doesn't pop up. Generally, you want it to.

Foreword/Description: (10/10)

Your story didn't actually have a foreword, so instead I'm going to base this section off how your story related to the scenario that was requested. I think that since the scenario given was quite cliche, your story was quite interesting.

Plot: (12/15)

Since the scenario was very cliche and your story wasn't long, managed to fit quite a lot into the story. I was hoping for a spin or twist in the story, however, it was quite predictable. I can't really analyse the plot given the length of your story, however, I do suggest that perhaps write a paragraph or so about how their love blossomed because it felt like there was a gap in the plot.

Character Development: (5/10)

There are two main characters in this story, Chorong and Mark. I found that both of them lacked personality.

1) Chorong. The typical innocent sweet girl who doesn't know anything about love and yet finds herself completely fallen for Mark, the popular kingka. I found her character to be shallow and dull.

2) Mark. We find out little about his character. He is the typical kind kingka who falls in love with the wallflower. However, we don't know anything else about him. Did he love her before he accidentally hurt her? What is he like? Is he funny, smart or outgoing? The reader is left with no knowledge about him.

I think that you could have used a little dialogue in this story, because a character's speech and tone of voice often gives away their personality.

Writing Style: (19/20)

Your writing style was easy to follow for the most part of the story. The only place I had difficulty reading it was in the dialogue between Chorong and Bomi. It wasn't so much the writing style, it was more because of your formatting and layout. 

I also found that the dialogue, at times, was either to formal or informal. I took a section of your writing and edited it.

This is the original:

"You shouldn't hang out with Mark. He is a guy to admire, not to date with. You don't know him that much, Chorong ah. I may sound nosy, but I mean it." Her best friend, Bomi, repeated for the upmteenth time. And for the good upmteenth time, Chorong shook her head.
"Bomi, thank you for concerning. But I don't see any bad thing from this."
"You are so blind now, Chorong. Don't you see how you changed after getting the Mark's girlfriend title?"
"I don't see anything changed."
"That's the problem!" Bomi groaned. "Don't you see your grades are dropping?"
Chorong chuckled. "That's normal, Bomi. I can sometimes get a B+. I'm just a human, you know."
"No! You have never had a B+ before you date Mark!" Bomi exclaimed. "And you're so... open now!"
She grinned. "Being open is always a good way, better than shy. Right?"
"No!" Bomi gripped her hand on both Chorong's shoulders and straightened her up. "Like, too open is a whole different thing. You have been affected by Mark. You became more comfortable around boys, I get it. That's good. But kissing in public? Mark is a foreigner, I get it. But he is not supposed to kiss you in this school!"
Chorong didn't listen to Bomi, for the upmteenth time.
The thing is, she didn't find kissing in public a problem.
Like, there was only them in the world.

The edited version:

"You shouldn't hang out with Mark. He's a guy to admire, not to date. You don't know him that well, Chorong-ah. I may sound nosy, but I mean it," her best friend, Bomi, repeated for the upmteenth time. And for the good upmteenth time, Chorong shook her head.
"Thanks for your concern, but I don't see any wrong about this."
"You are so blind, Chorong. Don't you see how you changed after you started dating Mark?"
"I don't see anything different."
"That's the problem!" Bomi groaned. "Don't you see that your grades are dropping?"
Chorong chuckled. "That's normal, Bomi. I can sometimes get a B+. I'm just a human, you know."
"No! You have never had a B+ before you date Mark!" Bomi exclaimed. "And you're so... open now!"
She grinned. "Being open is always a good way, better than shy. Right?"
"No!" Bomi gripped her hand on both Chorong's shoulders and straightened her up. "Like, too open is a whole different thing. You have been affected by Mark. You became more comfortable around boys, I get it. That's good. But kissing in public? I get that Mark's a foreigner but he is not supposed to kiss you in school!"
Chorong didn't listen to Bomi, for the upmteenth time.
The thing is, she didn't find kissing in public a problem.
Like, there was only them in the world.

I know that people say, 'don't use contractions in sentences!' but you can still use it in dialogue. It will make the dialogue sound more natural.\

Spelling, Grammar, Diction: (20/25)

I covered diction already and their wasn't much issue with your grammar. Sometimes, there was an issue with tenses not matching up, but that was about it. However, I did find a lot of spelling errors which was slightly off-putting.

For example:



Also, some words could have been replaced with others.

For example:


The sharp things on a rose are referred to as a thorn. 

Also, you used some words incorrectly. For example:

"Let me ride you home."

This is really awkward to read, because to 'ride' something is completely different to giving someone a 'ride'. The first can sound a little ual, and the second just means to give someone a lift.

Everything else was fine.

Personal Enjoyment: (8/10)

It was too cliche for my liking, however, it was a nice, quick read when you don't want to read anything heavy. 

Total Score: (76/100)











Review Shop: Mystic Multi-Shop

Story Link: Sweet Roses






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Chapter 10: Thank you for the review, it's really detailed and I can see all the mistakes I made, "wow so many as I expected" hahaha ^^
All you said in the review is right, I'm also afraid that people would get confused reading the story, so I let them get to know the characters before reading, it may be convenient I think =v=
Actually the story hasn't reached the main point yet, and since I couldn't write continuously and had a long hiatus, the writing style became more and more different after each chapter, I'm really disappointed with myself for not being able to keep the old pace.
Sunggyu and Woohyun are the main characters and INFINITE mentioned there includes only the two of them. The others are Sunggyu's brother and their friends living together before Sunggyu joined the company to be a trainee. Woohyun only meets them later when he and Sunggyu become closer. I intended to write these details during other flaskbacks in later chapters because Woohyun hasn't wake up yet and Sunggyu himself will reveal more through the memories. Sungjong, Hoya and Sunggyu's grandmother are the ones involved in the twist plot later... Basically the story came out different from what I planned, so it became more and more confusing even for myself TTvTT
Thanks to your review I will try my best to fix the story, thank you again for the great work ^^
Chapter 9: Thank you so much for the review. I really apreciate the fact that you took the time to read it. I have an editor and i was counting on her to fox the mistakes i make but i guess i will be doing this myself from now on. I feel really embarassed that there are so many mistakes in the story and i sincerely thank you for pointing out some of them. I will be re-reading the chapters and fixing them. Thank you again for the constructive criticism, because it helped a lot. :)
Chapter 8: Oh yes I forgot. And the thing about the co-author. She was meant to be a beta reader since I have been writing on my phone, but after chapter 6 she wasn't able to beta read any others. So I hope that I was able to catch the typos and strange autocorrects!!!
Chapter 8: Oh wow thank you so much!
I totally see what you're saying about the development, I'm not comfortable writing female characters and as such I think I made her a little too distant or detached for the readers! I'll be sure to work on that.
I also had someone else mention the ice scene and I get it, it needs to be described better. I'll work on figuring out a way to describe it well without going into the details of magic, it was a hard scene because Taekwoon used magic but he's the only one who can see magic! So I need to figure a way to show that better.
And the title too. Oh my goodness I hate naming things and so my titles are always weak! I'll also work on trying to find a more unique yet still fitting title.
Thank yiu so much for your review I really appreciate it and the work you put into it!
Chapter 4: Honestly, because you are that good. I'll give you whatever you want. Just name your price. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: Thank you for the lovely review, tbh English is not my first language so I don't know that much, and sometimes the spelling checker is turned off. And about the grammer part I deserve it square in the face. My writing style and I can't get the idea I want to the reader. Would you consider being a beta-reader, please?