(MMS) Found U

REVIEW PORTFOLIO (exol_army14)



Found U

story by thanhhoi412 - 

Title: 6/10

I didn't find the title particularly eye-catching. Maybe further into the story, you will explain the meaning of the title and how it connects to the story, but right now, I don't see how it relates to the plot-line. Also, is there a particular reason you chose to use 'U' instead of 'You'? Overall, I found the title a bit confusing and not that interesting.

Description/Foreword: 8/10

I like how you kept the description short and concise. 

It was good that you kept the first line: After the accident, Sunggyu lost the most important memories of his life. brief and straight the point.
However, the second line was a bit confusing and I had to read it several times. It wasn't that I couldn't understand it, but there was just something off about it. If you read it out loud, you'll see what I mean: 
Nightmares coming and going away every night reminds him of someone that he has forgot. I think the problem was that it was gramatically incorrect. If you take away the addition phrase and only keep the subject, it becomes: Nightmares reminds him of someone that he has forgot. That was clearly grammatically incorrect. So, the proper way to have written the sentence is: Nightmares coming and going away every night remind him of someone that he has forgotten.

I like how you used the dialogue at the end to emphasis your first sentence:

"What was that?"
"Who is he?"

I'm not sure how I feel about the character introductions simply because I don't think stories need them. It might have been better for that information to have been woven into the plot. However, that's just personal preference.

Overall, it was a pretty good description, however, I don't see how the title relates to it.

Plot: 11/15

It isn't the most original plot I've seen. It has the cliche 'lover stuck in coma/forgotten memories'. However, sometimes cliches are alright as long as the story still has originality. I don't really like how the story began to stray away from the initial complication, where Sunggyu and Woohyun need to fix their relationship. 

The story is far from complete, but I hope there will be some plot-twists to spice up the story. I'm also slightly confused about why you introduced the grandmother, since that chapter was really hard to comprehend. Whose grandmother is she? Hoya's? Sunggyu's? I hope she has a large role in the story, otherwise, her appearance wasn't necessary.

Also, you should have focused more on the part where Sunggyu cut's himself, because that it a hard decision to make. 

You used a lot of flashbacks/backstory, yet I'm still not getting the plot of the story. What is Sungjong sorry for? Does Sunggyu not know that Sungjong is his half-brother? The grandmother makes it sound like Sungjong was with Sunggyu. But isn't Sunggyu with Woohyun? And isn't it illegal for Sungjong to be with Sunggyu? I'm really confused. Maybe you should have Sungjong's backstory. But then, aren't Sunggyu and Woohyun the main characters?

Who are the idols? Are Sunggyu and Woohyun the only ones that debuted? But you mentioned INFINITE. You said in the foreword that they live together but why? Are they all financially unstable? 

Overall, the plot started off simple but interesting, and then got really confusing.

Character Development: 7/15

This section was really lacking. 

First of all, who are the main characters? At the beginning, it was pretty clear it should be Sunggyu and Woohyun. However, you've barely mentioned them, besides the backstories. Also, I'm really confused about their character/personality, because people change. I think you should stick to third-person narration, and then focus on Sunggyu. He has a lot of possible character development, especially because he is feeling emotional/emotionally numb. Please talk more about Woohyun. I get that he's in a coma, but then talk about him from the other characters' perspectives. 

Also, what is with Sungjong? I only know that he is Sunggyu's half-brother. Does that make Sungjong the grandson of the grandmother in the most recent chapter? Is that the relationship the grandmother is referring to? I think you need to explain this much clearer.

Also, if Howon is the childhood friend, then shouldn't he have a larger role in this story?

Why are the other characters living with them then? Are they good friends? How do they see Woohyun? Afterall, Woohyun would be the most recent person to join their friendship circle, right?

All your characters have so much opportunity for character development, but I'm not seeing any. I get that you have a lot of characters, but then, at least choose 2/3 characters to really elaborate on. Right now, I don't even know how Sunggyu is feeling.

Writing Style: 15/20

I think that generally, your writing style is okay to read, but sometimes, I have to look back and re-read the sentence. 

I really liked your writing style in the first chapter. It was good that you used varying sentence lengths to emphasis his emotions.

However, I was a bit disappointed that the writing style didn't stick. Maybe the font had something to do with it, but I found that your writing style changed a bit. It became a lot more amateur, compared to your writing style at the beginning, which was quite advanced. I don't like how you kept using 'hyung'. I think that if you are going to write in English, it's unnecessary and takes away the angsty feel. 

Also, it became too light-hearted. Sure, the flashbacks are meant to represent the happiest moments for them, but the way you write it, they seem too one-dimensional. 

Overall, your writing style is alright, but at times, didn't match the feel of the story. 

NOTE: I know this is just personal preference, but the font you used doesn't suit an angst story. That font gives off a light-hearted feeling. I would stick to fonts like: Avant Gard, Bookman, Times New Roman, Palatino, Helvetica Neue, Lucida Grande or Georgia. This is simply because they look more professional/formal, and angst stories generally need to be structured more formally.

Spelling/Grammar/Diction: 18/20

This was generally alright, there were just some spelling errors here and there, or issues with tenses.

For example: 



hurted=hurt *the past tense of hurt is hurt


*An uncontrollable pain struck right at his left chest, he couldn't breath properly. 

In this context, you should use a verb.

Breath is a noun, breathe is the verb.


bursted=burst *the past tense of burst is burst

The next morning was obviously awkward as Sunggyu and Woohyun ate their breakfast in silent after the manager had came to their dorm to check on them and left some foods for them to fill their empty stomaches. 

You mixed up the tense a bit, 'came' should be 'come'.

There are some more, but I'll just stop here.

Overall, you just need to proofread your work a bit better, and also check your tenses. It isn't hard to do, just paste it into a Microsoft Word document and check all the errors. However, you did pretty well in this section compared to most stories.

Personal Enjoyment: 6/10

Your story is great and from the author's notes, you seem like an awesome person, but the reason I gave you a low score in this section is simply because: a) I'm not a fan of INFINITE b) I don't like stories c) I don't particularly like the whole 'in a coma' cliche.

Total Score: 71/100
























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Chapter 10: Thank you for the review, it's really detailed and I can see all the mistakes I made, "wow so many as I expected" hahaha ^^
All you said in the review is right, I'm also afraid that people would get confused reading the story, so I let them get to know the characters before reading, it may be convenient I think =v=
Actually the story hasn't reached the main point yet, and since I couldn't write continuously and had a long hiatus, the writing style became more and more different after each chapter, I'm really disappointed with myself for not being able to keep the old pace.
Sunggyu and Woohyun are the main characters and INFINITE mentioned there includes only the two of them. The others are Sunggyu's brother and their friends living together before Sunggyu joined the company to be a trainee. Woohyun only meets them later when he and Sunggyu become closer. I intended to write these details during other flaskbacks in later chapters because Woohyun hasn't wake up yet and Sunggyu himself will reveal more through the memories. Sungjong, Hoya and Sunggyu's grandmother are the ones involved in the twist plot later... Basically the story came out different from what I planned, so it became more and more confusing even for myself TTvTT
Thanks to your review I will try my best to fix the story, thank you again for the great work ^^
Chapter 9: Thank you so much for the review. I really apreciate the fact that you took the time to read it. I have an editor and i was counting on her to fox the mistakes i make but i guess i will be doing this myself from now on. I feel really embarassed that there are so many mistakes in the story and i sincerely thank you for pointing out some of them. I will be re-reading the chapters and fixing them. Thank you again for the constructive criticism, because it helped a lot. :)
Chapter 8: Oh yes I forgot. And the thing about the co-author. She was meant to be a beta reader since I have been writing on my phone, but after chapter 6 she wasn't able to beta read any others. So I hope that I was able to catch the typos and strange autocorrects!!!
Chapter 8: Oh wow thank you so much!
I totally see what you're saying about the development, I'm not comfortable writing female characters and as such I think I made her a little too distant or detached for the readers! I'll be sure to work on that.
I also had someone else mention the ice scene and I get it, it needs to be described better. I'll work on figuring out a way to describe it well without going into the details of magic, it was a hard scene because Taekwoon used magic but he's the only one who can see magic! So I need to figure a way to show that better.
And the title too. Oh my goodness I hate naming things and so my titles are always weak! I'll also work on trying to find a more unique yet still fitting title.
Thank yiu so much for your review I really appreciate it and the work you put into it!
Chapter 4: Honestly, because you are that good. I'll give you whatever you want. Just name your price. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: Thank you for the lovely review, tbh English is not my first language so I don't know that much, and sometimes the spelling checker is turned off. And about the grammer part I deserve it square in the face. My writing style and I can't get the idea I want to the reader. Would you consider being a beta-reader, please?