Sneak peak

Finding Him

After a week of trying to find the two boys, no one could. No more clues were sent and never had the proof of life Hana had promised. They boys still went to school, knowing their parents would question if they didn't.

On Monday the following week, they boys arrived at school to see a crowd of people surrounding someone. None of the boys went closer, not caring about a new student.

It wasn't until a girl with blond hair and blue eyes came over to them did they realize who it was.

“Man Luhan, you never told me your little nerd friends were so hot.”

Luhans eyes widened immediately and he grabbed the girl by her arm to stop her from walking forwards. “What do you mean?”

“Your friends...what was their names….Xiumun and”

“Xiumin and Baekhyun?”

“That's it! Yeah they’re in the middle of that group right their. Totally different looking too. But looking really hot.” The girl left walking towards the group of people as the bell rang. Slowly the group left the area, going to their classes.

“Luhan what if it's really them?” Chen asked.

“Then she's done something to them.”

The boys made way to their first period class, Luhan, Sehun, Do, Kai, Chen and Chanyeol going to the English class that brought them back together. As they entered the room, Luhan felt the blood drain from his face. In their seats that had been empty all last week, sat Xiumin and Baekhyun. But not Xiumin and Baekhyun. It was clearly them, but something was different. The boys took their seats, each watching Xiumin and Baekhyun, for any signs of movement. But neither boys even looked in their direction. In fact they seemed to just...stare into space.

“Ok class, today we’ll be working on the final project. So get with your partners and work!”

Everyone moved to work with their partners, par from the group at the back. Luhan was staring down at his desk and only looked up once he heard Chanyeol's gasp of shock. He had to hold his own in as he took in the sight before him.

Xiumin, his beloved Xiumin, was looking at him with a dead look in his eyes. His skin was paler than ever and he had a dark bruise on his left cheekbone. His once warm brown eyes were gone, replaced by a dark sadness.

“Ready to work Luhan?” His voice wasn't the sweet voice he had before. Now it was harsh and cold.

Luhan could only nod at the boy he once knew. The two worked quietly, neither speaking.

Once the bell rang, and Xiumin was almost packed up did Luhan do anything. He grabbed the boy's arm, noticing how said boy did nothing at this, and motioned for Chanyeol to do the same to Baekhyun.

The two boys dragged the other two catching the eye of their friends.

They dragged them to a hidden space behind the school away from the sights of other students.

“Xiumin...Baekhyun...what did she do to you guys?” Chen asked, staring at the boys in horror.

Luhan reached forwards and grabbed Xiumin's arm, tugging up his shirt sleeve. Xiumin didn't react. Luhan gulped once he saw what he feared would be their under his best friends sleeve. He motioned for the others to look. “Guys...she has them…”

The black ink of the umber 45 seemed to glow as it was revealed, making Chanyeol grab Baekhyun's arm quickly and reveal the number 50.

Laughter echoed around the space behind the school as Xiumin and Baekhyun finally showed emotion.

This isnt all of the chapter, but is the beganing. I'm working on the rest, but I thought you all desevered something to read. The rest will be up later in another page or chapter. Thanks again for all the subcribers that have subscribed to this story! 

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Chapter 8: Wonderful news from your grandfather! Luhan... a traitor? Really mysterious....
Chapter 7: Best wishes for you and your family... take your time, this is much more important than a story!
Sungyeol101 #3
Next update pleasu
lovely516 #4
Will wait for the next update hehe
Chapter 3: will waiting for the next update from u then...................
Chapter 1: This is good so far, and i really want to know whos the female behind this and why theyre being targets asdgghjl fighting authornim!!♥♥
Chapter 1: Wonderful idea for story! And very well written! Please, dear author, update this story as soon as possible, okay?