Let the games began

Finding Him

~ Unbold text = Luhan and the others~ ~ Bold-Italic = the woman, Baekhyun and Xuimin~


It was after school the next day when they got the first call. Luhan had immediately raced to the others before putting the call on speaker.

“Hello everyone, are you ready for your first little task?”

“Hurry up .” Chanyeol ground out between his teeth.

“Don't be so rude Chanyeol, you don't want Baekhyun and Xiumin to get punished, do you?”

Do eyes widened, “Don't hurt them!”

The woman laughed, “I won't yet. Now your task for this round is to tell the others why Xiumin and Baekhyun are even with me. Kris, Luhan, Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun, Lay, this is for you to answer. Call back once you’ve told them.”

The sound of the phone going dead rang through the now quiet room.

Chen spoke up, looking at the six, “What does she mean?”

The six looked at one another before Kris opened his mouth to respond. “It all started the summer before high school…”  


When Baekhyun woke up again, it was dark. He didn't know where he was, and quite frankly he was scared. He sat up quickly, ignoring the dizziness that came with it, turning his head from left to right before his eyes landed on a lump near him.

He crawled over to the lump, and with a trembling hand turned it over to reveal the pale face of  Xiumin.

“Minnie...wake up.” he shook the other boys shoulder, only to receive no response. “Min…” Xiumin had seen better days. His skin was paler than normal, a sign of blood loss, and dried red blood caked the side of his head, dripping down his cheeks to his chin. Cuts and bruises covered the boy everywhere, a massive purple and blue one on his lower jaw.

“Oh Min, what’d they do to you?” Baekhyun frowned as he saw a rip in his friend's shirt arm, about the middle of his forearm. At a glance it could be seen as a rip received in the fight, but by taking a closer look Baekhyun could be seen it was a deliberate cut. He pulled back the edges of the torn fabric to reveal a set of numbers tattooed to the once flawless skin in dark black ink.  

“45?” he quickly pulled back the sleeve of his shirt and wished he didn't. Their in the middle of his arm like Xiumin, was a dark black tattoo. The only difference was that the number on his arm was 50.

“What the hell?”

“ I see you’ve found your code.” a woman's voice said, shocking him.

In the doorway of the cell, stood a tall woman with long reddish hair and light brown eyes. She was pretty, that's for sure, but Baekhyun didn't notice that. No all he noticed was the tall, musclebound guys standing on either side of the woman.

“Who are you? What do you want with us?” He moved to stand before Xiumin, knowing that the other boy couldn't protect himself while knocked out.

The woman laughed as the small boy moved before his friend, “Look boys, the small one thinks he can protect his little friend. How cute. Now,” she clapped her hands, moving closer, “You can call me… Hana.”


“YOU WERE PART OF WHAT?!” Suho yelled, standing up and glaring at the six boys.

“A gang….”

“So let me get this straight. You sox joined a gang, and fought the woman that now has Xiumin and Baekhyun.”


“You es! Who in their right minds joins a gang!”

“We’re sorry! We didn't think it would affect anyone else!” Chanyeol yelled back.

Do glared at him, “Look where it got Xiumin and Baekhyun! They trusted you, and what did it get them? Being kidnaped by some crazy woman obsessed with finding the perfect formula for mind control!”

“We never thought it would come back to haunt us. We thought we had gotten rid of her.”

“Well you didn't!”

“You don't think we didn't notice that you ?!” Kai glared at Do who glared right back.

Chen stood up and faced the two fighting, “Stop it! Fighting will not help Xiumin and Baekhyun. So sit down and shut up!” he faced Luhan, “Luhan. What do we do?”

Luhan took a deep breath, “We need to find her hideout and how she found us. SHe most likely has spies everywhere, so be on the lookout. They’ll look normal and act normal but at a keyword, which also need to find out, they’ll change.”


Baekhyun faced the woman and noticed how Xiumin was waking up slowly. She kept talking and Baekhyun noticed that she wasn't paying much attention to him and Xiumin, listening to her own voice.

‘Now's my chance to knock her out of the way and run!’ but before Baekhyun could put his plan into action, the woman, Hana, looked at him and smiled.

“Ah so number 45 has woken up. I wonder if the drug has worked on you both? Let’s test that theory shall we?” Xiumin stood up slowly beside him, holding his head. “Blue Moon.” Suddenly both boys couldn't move at all. Their limbs went numb, hands hanging low. They stared straight forwards, only blinking once in awhile. Hana clapped her hands again, “Wonderful! It seems to work on both of you! Now all we need to do is wipe those pesky memories, and bam! You’ll be ready. Now I don't know if I want to get your friends. It may not work on them as well as it did on you too and it would be a much harder task now that that Luhan and his group know I’m the one that has you. Hmmm, I’ll have to wait and see how it works on you two.”

She walked forwards, closer to the two boys. As she looked them both in the eye, her eyes, which were once a clear sky blue, turned black. She smiled as he eyes faded back to blue.

“98, 785, please bring them to the wiping chambers. Make sure they get comfy.” THe two men by the door walked forwards and each took either Baekhyun or Xiumin by the arm and started to drag the two limp boys out of the cell.

As the two boys were dragged off, Hana opened the cell phone and dialed the speed dial the boy had left on it. It rang once before it was answered by Luhan.

“Hello there Luhan. Are you ready for the first clue?”

A growl could be heard from the other end of the line, and she knew the boy had it on speaker as she could hear low whispers, “Just tell us.”

“Do you remember that summer? Good. Then you should remember my old hideout. In their is a a big clue on where I am, and what I’m doing with little Xiumin and little Baekhyun.” she sighed, “Such nice boys they are. They listen very well, and follow all my commands. It's almost as if they don't remember anything else.” A cruel smile overtook her lips.

“You ! What have you done to them?!” a boy's voice called out, anger clear in it.

“Now now, such rude language.”

“Shut up. We aren't playing your sick game Hana. Give them back!”

She laughed, glee clear in her voice, “So you do remember little old me, huh Luhan? I must say you moved on fast. But I must admit, Xiumin is a cutie. Maybe I’ll keep him for myself. And that Baekhyun, one of my partners has his eye on him…”

“If you touch a single hair on either of their heads and I swear I’ll kill you!” this was Chanyeol's voice, the other fool that destroyed everything.

“Is that the best threat you have? You still won’t have them back. They’re under my power. They only listen to me now.”

“What do you mean Hana? What did you do to them?” Luhans voice was clear, fear dripping from it.

Hana turned facing the cameras again and watching as the two teen boys were hooked up, no trace of anything on either of their faces. “Do you remember what I was working on before you destroyed it? Let’s just say I’ve perfected it. And your little boy-toys are the perfect test runs…”

“You-!” she cut off the boy, smiling again as the machine the two teens were hooked too powered up.

“I’ll send proof of life later. Oh and you don't have to worry about the rest of the boy-toys. I’ve decided I only need two. Good luck Luhan, Chanyeol. Let the hunt began.”

She hung up, victory clear in her eyes.

Taking one last look at the screen, she her heel and left the dark cell.

She entered the room where the two teens were waiting. She cracked her knuckles and prepared for a long session. Something told her these two would be tough to crack.

She sat criss-cross before the tied up boys, closing her eyes to gather energy before her eyes snapped open to reveal the same black soulless ones as before. She smirked as she felt the fear in the small room spike.

‘Let the games began indeed.’

Sorry it took so long! I thought I had alrady posted this, but aparently I didnt! Stupid computer! Sorry again, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

So the the womans name is Hana, and she wants revenge on Luhan, Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun, Lay and Kris. But mostly on Luhan and Chanyeol! 

Thank you to each and every one of you that have read this! It means the world that people like this and are willing to read it! You guys rule! 

Bye Bye~ KC aka Caseycranstone33


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Chapter 8: Wonderful news from your grandfather! Luhan... a traitor? Really mysterious....
Chapter 7: Best wishes for you and your family... take your time, this is much more important than a story!
Sungyeol101 #3
Next update pleasu
lovely516 #4
Will wait for the next update hehe
Chapter 3: will waiting for the next update from u then...................
Chapter 1: This is good so far, and i really want to know whos the female behind this and why theyre being targets asdgghjl fighting authornim!!♥♥
Chapter 1: Wonderful idea for story! And very well written! Please, dear author, update this story as soon as possible, okay?