Just a normal Day at School

Finding Him

Warning~ Shorter than others but dont worry. Read bottom note for more info!


The next day at school was very uneventful. And by uneventful I mean very eventful.

Luhan knew he shouldn't have told his friends about the night before. But for some reason he thought today would be different. That maybe they would normal for once. He was dead wrong.

As soon as the words came from his mouth Kai started to fangirl with Sehun, dancing in circles around Luhan while Kris just nodded, like he knew it was going to happen. That jerk. He could have at least warned Luhan.

Chanyeol was the scariest of them all though. The tall boy smiled. Then the smile grew. And grew until he took up most of his face. Then he started to laugh. A nearby underclassmen walked by with a tray of food before staring at Chanyeol and dropping the tray. The underclassmen then stared Chanyeol in fear.

Kai then looked at the underclassmen, “BOO!” he shouted, scaring the kid even more and making im run away.

Luhan, who was up until that point daydreaming about a certain boy, jumped 5 feet in the air and fell off the bench and onto the lunchroom ground and ended up hitting someone's legs, knocking them over as well.

“Ouch!” a cry was heard behind the fallen Luhan, who turned to see who it was.

He felt blood rush to his cheeks as he watched the fallen boy on the ground. Xiumin sat on his , holding his head in pain. Beside him was Luhan's school jacket, laying on the ground.

“Xiumin! I’m so-o sorry! I-I didn't mean knock you over!” He stuttered, quickly standing and helping the older boy up.
    Xiumin laughed and picked up the jacket that had fallen, before smiling at the taller boy, “Jeez Luhan if you didn't want you jacket you could have told me so!” He handed the jacket to the blushing boy.

“Hey Xiumin!” Chanyeol called out to the boy, who ce his name was called, “Why don’t you join us for lunch!?”

Luhan wanted to kill his friend so much. Xiumin smiled before nodding slightly, “I would be happy too, but the others would have to join me as well. They are very overprotective nowadays.”

“We are not!” a sharp voice could be heard from behind Xiumin, each of them turned to see Xiumin's group standing their. The owner of the voice was one Baekhyun in all his eyeliner glory (A.N. I’m sorry I had too). He stood with his hands on his hips, a mother hen standing behind him, fluttering around from one person to the next.

“Sure you aren't Baek. That's why you put the tracker in my sandwich the other day?” Luhans group looked at each other, they knew the others were weird, but a tracker?

“Hey that was Tao. I only wanted to have someone with you at all times.” Baekhyun stated, taking a seat next to a jaw dropped Chanyeol, the others following suit. Each ex-best friend pair soon sat next to one another, and started their own conversations.

Xiumin looked at Luhan, and smiled before started to talk about something. Luhan, who was busy staring at Xiumin's face, didn't notice the whispers from the other students.

The group of 12 where in their own little world their own little worlds, not noticing or caring about anything else.

One girl with brown hair and strange blue eyes stared at the group with no emotion. Slowly she brought up a walkie-talkie to , wetting her pink lips as she clicked the button.

“I have spotted the targets, Miss. They are with them. Would you like me to do anything?”

The walkie-talkie crackled before coming to life. A slightly older female voice spoke from it, sounding raspy, “Negative 54. The plan will take action in 2 days time. Don't worry. They’ll get what they deserve. We did tell them we would get revenge, didn’t we?”

“Yes Ma’am. In the 2 days, who is it we’re grabbing first again?”

“Do you not listen 54? I’ve told you many times.”

“I'm sorry Miss. I think my programing is running low.”

“We’ll have to get that checked. Anyway the first target is…”



“Hey Xiumin?” Luhan asked after school that day.

“Yes Luhan?”

“Do you think….do you think I could go to your house for the next interview?”

“Sure, I don't see why not?”

“Great! When do you wanna do it?”

“Maybe tomorrow?”

“Ok. By the way..” he stood next to him with a serious look on face, “ You looked really cute in my jacket.” then he left, leaving a confused and slightly blushing boy behind. Luhan felt his heart beat faster than ever as he rounded the corner of the hallway.

He stood their for a few minutes blank faced as his mind tried to catch up to what just happened. Then a grin much like Chanyeol's formed on his face and he jumped up and down, fist pumping the air. “YES! I DID IT!”

A nearby underclassmen, which turned out to be the same one from before, jumped 2 feet in the air and dropped the dirty water he was carrying. He looked at the ground blank faced before looking at the still jumping up and down Luhan.

The poor boy's shoulders slumped before he made his way slowly to the janitor's office, “Damn Upperclassmen and their loudness. What's he so happy about anyway...it's a Monday…” he muttered darkly all the way down the hall.

Luhan took no notice as he was still jumping up and down. Sehun was going to walk down the hall, carrying his beloveded sandwich, but then he saw Luhan and decided to go the otherway.

Sadly this also seemed to be a bad decision for poor Sehun as after a few seconds a loud thump crash could be heard. Then a pitiful scream could be heard, “MY SANDWICH!”

Luhan still paid no attention to anything but the memory of Xiumin's confused face.

It was just another normal day at school.

AN I'm sorry this is so short guys. But during the next chapter is should be longer because thats when the real action starts! Thanks again for all the subscribes! 
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Chapter 8: Wonderful news from your grandfather! Luhan... a traitor? Really mysterious....
Chapter 7: Best wishes for you and your family... take your time, this is much more important than a story!
Sungyeol101 #3
Next update pleasu
lovely516 #4
Will wait for the next update hehe
Chapter 3: will waiting for the next update from u then...................
Chapter 1: This is good so far, and i really want to know whos the female behind this and why theyre being targets asdgghjl fighting authornim!!♥♥
Chapter 1: Wonderful idea for story! And very well written! Please, dear author, update this story as soon as possible, okay?