Chapter One~ Hello again!

Finding Him

Kim Minseok, also known as Xiumin by friends, walked without a care in the world. He smiled at the passing people, making them smile back. As he walked down the street, carrying his favorite coffee from his favorite coffee shop, he stopped to help an elderly lady cross the street.

After waving her goodbye, he kept going to his high school down the road. As he walked, he held the cup of coffee between his teeth and swung his backpack  in front of him, opening it to make sure he had everything he needed.

He seemed pleased at what he found because he zipped the bag back up and carried it as before. He waved at his friends as they called out to him, walking over to join them under a willow tree.

As Xiumin laughed and spoke to his friends, he didn't notice the man a little bit farther away from him with a camera. He didn't notice the flashes it made as it captured every moment of his morning, nor did he notice as the man raised a radio to his mouth and uttered the words that would change his life.

“I’ve found him. I’ve found Kim Minseok. He’s with the other targets.”

The radio crackled before a female voice broke through, “ Wait for my signal. They’ll never know what hit them.”

The man sighed off, before going back to taking the pictures.

Xiumin never noticed.



Luhan walked down the hall with an air of smugness. He knew everyone was looking at him and his friends, each with varying emotions and he loved it.

He loved the fact he could turn heads, male and female, anywhere he went.

Luhan wasn't always like this. When he was younger he was a known ‘nerd’ and was a prime target for bullies. He was small and had little muscle on his body, and he hadn't yet grown into his big eyes.

Back then he was pushed around and walked all over, and he hated it.

Over the summer before high school he completely changed himself. He worked out every day and took care in his looks more. He even cut off all ties to his old friends and found new ones. He regretted almost nothing.

He only ever really regretted cutting off ties with his ex-best friend Xiumin. He would never, ever, admit it to anyone but he missed Xiumin more than anything. He missed being able to be himself around him and not have to fear being judged. He missed singing off-pitch and dancing like loons at night.

He never spoke to Xiumin anymore, and he knew it hurt the other boy a lot when he suddenly stopped talking to him and gave him the colder shoulder, but he always told himself it didn't matter, that he needed to change and that Xiumin was holding that back.

Still… he felt awful for leaving his best friend alone.

Now as he walked down the hall surrounded by his friends, he looked for Xiumin. He found him at his locker with Chen, Do, Suho, Tao and Baekhyun. Old friends of his. And the others.

When they were kids the twelve of them were the best of friends, a large group that was always together. But when high school came, they split in two. Best friends broke apart. Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Lay and Suho. Tao and Kris. Kai and Do. Chen and Sehun. Himself and Xiumin.

None of had spoken unless forced since that summer. And it was sad. Their group didn't feel whole. Luhan and the others knew that the others were still targets for bullies and didn't really understand it. Each of the members of the other group where strong, stronger than them, each learning some type of martial arts growing up. But each of them were pacifist and didn't like to use their skills to hurt.

Luhans group on the other hand….well let's just say they were known for fighting before thinking.  

As Luhan walked by, he caught Xiumin's eye, and felt that “zap” he normally did when their eyes connected. He lost it as Xiumin looked away, and Luhan found himself craving it back.

The bell rang knocking him out of his thoughts. He walked to homeroom with Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun by his side. The four of them shared this homeroom with Xiumin, Baekhyun, Do and Chen. The four of them sat in the front, while the other four sat in the very back.

“Today class, I will be assigning you a rest of term project. I will put you in pairs so don’t worry.” groan where heard and the teacher glared at them all, “The project will about finding the word that describes your partner. It can't be a simple word like “kind” or “caring”. No this word has to be bigger, more meaningful. In order to find this word you must get to know your partner. Become their friend. Learn about their lives. Actually talk to them. At the end of term, you’ll both give a report on why you chose your word and what it is.”

She raised her clipboard, looking over her glasses to read the pairings.

Luhan didn't listen until he heard his friends names.

“Chanyeol and Baekhyun.” Chanyeol’s eyes widened.

“Kai and Do.” Kai swore.

“Sehun and Chen.” Sehuns jaw hit the desk with a loud thump.

“Can it be?” Sehun muttered to himself, thinking of something.

“And finally, Xiumin and Luhan.” Luhan almost fell from his chair.

All was silent, before the teacher spoke again, “No switching partners. Now get together with your partner and talk.” The four of them didn't move. Each stared at their desks in different levels of shock.

“Um…” a small voice spoke, knocking them out of their little worlds. Their partners stood before them, each blank faced. It was Xiumin who spoke, looking at them all with an eyebrow raised. “Should we get to work?”

The others behind him nodded, before taking a seat in front of their partners with Xiumin sitting before Luhan who stared at him more.

All was quiet, before the teacher came over to them.

“You know, the whole idea of the project is to talk. Chanyeol you and your partner go to the caf. Chen you two to the library. Kai, Do move to the front of the room.” The others left, with Chen, Baekhyun and Do leading the way to their new spots.

Xiumin watched his friends leave before turning to Luhan. He smiled at him lightly and Luhan felt his heart stop. “So….I guess we should reintroduce ourselves, huh? It's been a long time since we last spoke so.” he held out his hand to Luhan who took it after some thought, “Hello! My name is Kim Minseok, but my friends call me Xiumin. I’m 17 years old and I major in music.”

“Hello, my name is Luhan. I’m also 17 and I major in English.” He said it with no emotion in his voice.

“Well. I guess we could start with our interests. I, myself, like coffee, soccer, singing, dancing and hanging out with my friends. I can speak Chinese and Korean and am learning English. I hate Hospitals and untidy things.”

“Why are you acting like this?” Luhan suddenly asked, interrupting Xiumin as he spoke.

Said boy looked at him confused, “Acting like what?”

“Like nothing ever happened between us. That we were never-” he couldn't bare to say the word.

“Friends? Luhan, it doesn't matter anymore. It’s been 3 years. That was in the past. Yes it hurt. It hurt a lot. But I got over it. The others got over it. But the question is, did you ever get over it?” the bell rang and Xiumin started to back up his things. He placed a piece of paper in front of Luhan who just stared at it, “It's my number. Text me when you wanna meet up to work on the project. It can be done at my house or yours it doesn't matter to me.” And he left. He left with Luhan sitting in shock at what just happened. Kai joined him not long after, sitting in the desk beside his.

“What's that?” he pointed to the page.

“Its his number.”

“But don't you already have it?”

“I never got rid of it.”


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Chapter 8: Wonderful news from your grandfather! Luhan... a traitor? Really mysterious....
Chapter 7: Best wishes for you and your family... take your time, this is much more important than a story!
Sungyeol101 #3
Next update pleasu
lovely516 #4
Will wait for the next update hehe
Chapter 3: will waiting for the next update from u then...................
Chapter 1: This is good so far, and i really want to know whos the female behind this and why theyre being targets asdgghjl fighting authornim!!♥♥
Chapter 1: Wonderful idea for story! And very well written! Please, dear author, update this story as soon as possible, okay?