
Kitty Cat

Baekhyun has been with Chanyeol for as long as he could remember.He was only a kitten back then when Chanyeol found him,yet,he could remember the day he was found clearly.

It was a dark night.Rain was pouring down heavily.Thunder was striking.Baekhyun was meowing loudly for help.Being stuck in a box on a dark rainy night does not really help.Still meowing and clawing at the box,in hope that someone would come and save him.Out of the sudden,a shadow was blocking his only source of light.A tall,well-built young man carried him in his arms home,a man named Chanyeol.

Till today,Baekhyun is  grateful to Chanyeol who is now his master.Of course Chanyeol freaked out after knowing that Baekhyun was actually a cat boy that could shift between human and cat form.But he got used to it quite quickly.They now live together in Chanyeol's mansion like any other normal house mate besides having a master and kitty relationship.Well at least that's what Chanyeol thinks.


Hey guys I finally wrote something.Hope you enjoyed it despite it being short.Pardon my bad English.Look forward to the next chapter.I hope I can update soon but since I'm in the middle of exam period please understand.Please comment on what you think about this and see you soon.Thk for reading.



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Panda_Imnida #1
Chapter 8: I love it!! ^-^
madesunrene75 #2