
TWICE | Scenarios & Reactions |

When she's had a crush on you for a while, but then finds out her best friend also does.


Momo would be pretty straight up about it from the moment her best friend told her. "Oh, me

too," she would say. Even though she would have the slightest worry in the pit of her heart, she

was pretty sure that you had been feeling the same way about her. She would ask you out as soon

as she could, all while giving her friend a fair warning that she would do so. She would make an

agreement that whoever you said yes to first would be the one to be your girlfriend. 



Mina would be at a loss. She would be striken with confusion over what to do. In her head,

she has two choices: Her best friend.. Or you.  It's either one or the other as far as she's

concerned. She'd know in her heart that the best thing to do is let her friend have you and

forget she ever liked you at all. She was always a person of integrity and sacrifice. But even 

though she's chosen to let you go for the sake of her friendship, she will never stop loving you

in the back of her mind.


Sana would find the situation fun and see it as just something else to have in common with

her bestfriend. She would gush about all the things she knew about you from going deep

into the realms of your Facebook page. She would tell her friend the intense details of all the

analyzations she's made of your old instagram photos; where she would also accidentally

double tap on one of your pictures from back in the day. And if her friend and you were to 

start dating, she would be happy for the two of you. 


Dahyun would be disappointed in herself for not asking you out sooner. She would be upset but she

knows that she can't blame anyone but herself for not acting quicker. She would say truthfully that 

she liked you, but she would act like it was a thing of the past. "I don't like her anymore, but she's 

genuinly one of the most amazing people I've met". She would say everything good about you. She

would advise her friend on how to win your heart. She sincerely wanted to help her friend but 

everyday she would go home and sorrow.


Chaeyoung would be angry at herself for ever liking you. Even before herself, her friends

were her first priority. She would sulk. "Why does she have to be so pretty? And beautiful?"

It would be hard for her but she would keep quiet about her crush and whenever you was brought

up, she would disregard it. Although she tried her best to hide, she wasn't the most subtle

person in the world. Her friend would eventually catch on due to Chaeyoung's subconcious

actions of staring at you when you walked by and smile endlessly when you waved at her in the hall. 


Tzuyu would feel hurt at first. Even though she realizes that she shouldn't feel like she's been

betrayed, she does. She would give it a day, but she would not stop thinking about it until the 

minute she fell asleep (if she even could). The next day, she would be honest with her friend, 

admitting that she's had a crush on you for a while. She'd want to make it 'fair game' but inside

her heart, she wants her friend to give up on you because she can't stand the idea of you with

anyone other than her. 


Jihyo would be heart broken. Especially because she's the type of person that doesn't fall for

someone unless she's really, really sure about it. She's cautious and knows how to keep from

getting hurt but she would also sacrafice her security and happiness for her loved ones.

Although Jihyo knows her bestfriend doesn't have a love for you as deep and sincere as hers,

she would give you up. Little did she know that you've already fallen for her as well. 


Nayeon would be kind of confused at the start, wondering why out of all the girls, her bestfriend

had to pick the one she also had a crush on. She would start beome a bit jealous every time her friend

started to talk about you and all your great characteristics. She would then devise a plan to divert her

friends affections from you. "You don't seem like her type.." and "She's way out of your league" are just

two examples of the things she would say in order to get her friend to stop liking you.


Jungyeon would make it a friendly competition. Her and her friends would constantly do

the dorkiest yet sweetest things in order to make you like them. Out of all the flowers and

surprise parties and gifts you were given, nothing stood out as much as Jungyeon. She was

the kindest and so selfless. She cared about everyone before herself. This is what made you

pick her in the end. 



Now this is where I fulfill my promises! I updated within two days! (It's sad how out of character this is for me lol)

Well, hope you liked the chapter, guys (:


Here's how the requests stand as of now: 

1. Momo

2. Chaeyoung

3. Tzuyu

4. Sana

5. Mina

ALSO!! Please don't forget that you can also submit general story lines you want to be written along with a group member!!


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Chapter 3: I'm literally dying here
Chapter 1: This is so cute >_<
Emerxld #3
Chapter 5: I'm so in love with your writings! Please update, you really inspired me to improve my writings. Keep it up bro!
RazerBlade #4
Chapter 5: Your writing is really nice to read, and I've honestly read chapters (one shots) that were way longer than this. So I think it'd be okay to finish it, as it doesn't feel complete to me either xD
Chapter 7: Ahh, the reactions are really cute! Love your renditions on them! Dahyun's in this one hit me in the heart. How could you? Haha, jk.
Jesscalista20 #6
Chapter 7: Tzuyuxyou ^^
Blue_dragon97 #7
Chapter 7: Tzuyu please
Chapter 7: Can you do minaxyou? Asdfjskalalaldsj! Pls pls psl pls
Chapter 7: Please jungyeon next!! :D