
TWICE | Scenarios & Reactions |

When you tell her that you have to work on Valentines Day and she's already booked everything for your

surprise that you didn't know she had planned



Momo would express her disappointment with being upset, not angry. She 

would pout, a lot. When you asked why she was so sad, she would explain 

that she had a surprise laid out for you and tell you every single detail of it. 

She make you stay with her while she cancelled all her bookings at the theatre, 

restaurant. She would not blame you or your boss, instead she would blame 

herself that she wouldn't be able to please you on Valentine's Day. 


Mina would be nod understandingly, accepting the situation as is. She wouldn't

be the type to deny reality and create additional stress. Even though she feels

like she's wasted a lot of effort laying her plan out for your surprise, she would

quietly cancel the things she's booked; wanting to wait for next time when the

timing was right to replan an amazing romantic surprise for you. 


Sana would be extremely frustrated. She'd ask you to ask for a day off and when

you asked why she would hesitatingly reveal that she had something planned for

you guys. When you suggested that you guys could have dinner the day after

Valentine's day, she would slowly reveal more parts of her romantic surprise in

order to persuade you to ask to book your shift off. After a while of her begging

you in her aegyo voice, you finally gave in and gave a call to your boss. 


Dahyun would attempt to quickly think of solutions in her head, trying to make

the absolute best out of the situation she was given. She wouldn't tell you about the

Valentine's surprise because she thinks that it would make you feel like you ruined 

Valentine's Day and Dahyun hates making people (especially you) feel that way. Her

final solution would be to celebrate Valentine's day right then and do something

completely spontaneous. It made sense since it was the day before Valentine's day and 

celebrating before is better than after. 


Chaeyoung would be extremely disappointed and angry, wondering what 

in the world she did to deserve this karma. The most disappointing thing 

was that she wrote a rap for you and booked out an entire auditorium for 

you. She would wait up late on Valentine's day for you to come home from 

work ready with a homecooked dinner. At the end of your dinner she'd 

rap for you the cutest, most romantic lyrics ever. 


Tzuyu would tell you to cancel your shift because she had something planned

for you guys. She wouldn't want to dwell or be sad about it, she'd want to 

find a solution as soon as possible because she doesn't let anything ruin plans

between you and her. When you hesitated she would ask for your phone and 

text your boss herself. You'd be surprised to find that Tzuyu has somehow

persuaded your stubborn boss to give you the day off. 


Jihyo would be disappointed but wouldn't show it to you. On Valentine's day she 

would sulk because when you woke up she wasn't there but she would want to

surprise you at the office. While you where at work from the morning, she went out

to the supermarket to grab everything necessary to make the cutest bento. Just when

you were on a the verge of screaming, she would show up and calm you 

right down. 


"But don't you want to spend Valentine's day with me?" Nayeon would say, crossing

her arms. You would reassure her that you couldn't do anything about it, and make sure

she knows that there's no one else in the world you would want to spend the day with.

When you finally get home she would drag you out to have dinner with her even though

most of the places were closed by now. You guys would end up eating conveniecne store

ramen while she complained about how sad she was without you.


Jungyeon would be extremely frustrated seeing as she laid out an entire

scavenger hunt throughout the city for you. Her intricate plan was impressive

and hard to cancel but she wouldn't tell you about it in fear it would make

you feel bad for ruining her plans. Instead she would work hard to postpone 

every event to another day, calling each and every venue and she would make

sure that you did not have work that day. 



Sorry this is a bit late, it's not really Valentine's day anymore is it? I hope you guys enjoy this chapter anyways ((:

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Chapter 3: I'm literally dying here
Chapter 1: This is so cute >_<
Emerxld #3
Chapter 5: I'm so in love with your writings! Please update, you really inspired me to improve my writings. Keep it up bro!
RazerBlade #4
Chapter 5: Your writing is really nice to read, and I've honestly read chapters (one shots) that were way longer than this. So I think it'd be okay to finish it, as it doesn't feel complete to me either xD
Chapter 7: Ahh, the reactions are really cute! Love your renditions on them! Dahyun's in this one hit me in the heart. How could you? Haha, jk.
Jesscalista20 #6
Chapter 7: Tzuyuxyou ^^
Blue_dragon97 #7
Chapter 7: Tzuyu please
Chapter 7: Can you do minaxyou? Asdfjskalalaldsj! Pls pls psl pls
Chapter 7: Please jungyeon next!! :D