S#3: Dahyun

TWICE | Scenarios & Reactions |

Late. | 1941 words

You X Dahyun

Requested by jj_swagger

          "That was fun." Dahyun whispered softly into your ear as her lips made contact with the back of your neck. 

          "It was." You agreed, softly smiling. It was hard to believe that it's already been two months together. It felt like just a day has gone by since Kim Dahyun has asked you to be 'hers forever'. You remember just how she asked, with the perfect little tofu-looking smile on her face. I guess time flies when you're in love.

          You melted in her arms, in her warmth. You wished you could fall asleep every night like this but unfortunately her job didn't allow this. 

          You knew she was meant to do what she was doing, she was a star, sparkling inside and out. However, you sometimes just wished she would leave it all just for you. It was selfish, really, really selfish. But you couldn't help feeling that way just because she meant so much to you and moments like these, where she buries her cute little nose into your nape, those were the moments you yearned to have more than just three times or at most four times a month. 

          The one thing you wished for the most was that every single time you met for a date, the first words spoken wouldn't have to be 'I missed you'. Of course, it was inevitable to miss each other considering you missed each other when one of you just went to the bathroom or to the market to grab something. But it was frustrating that every second spent with each other is just another second spent worrying about leaving each other. 

          "You smell good." She said like a dork, you felt her body jerking as she chuckled at her own silly statement. "Thanks.. You smell good too?" She laughed even harder at your awkward response. 

          She nudged your arm slightly, signaling you to turn your face toward her. When you guys made eye contact, you thought to yourself that you never wanted to look away. On the outside, Dahyun seemed goofy and silly, honestly a bit childish. On the inside, though, she was the most sound and caring person you could ever know. She was all about having fun but when it came to emotions and passion, she was serious. 

          She leaned in slowly, seemingly cautious. Her eyes screamed passion but she was calm. You felt her hand shaking slowly as they met with your back, sending chills going down your spine. This wasn't your first kiss with Dahyun, but it was the first in a bed and so sensual. It was different. 

          It started out shaky, it felt scary but so sweet and romantic. Being in her embrace. Kissing her lips. It felt unreal that you could ever feel this way about anyone ever. It was one of those times you wondered if it was reality you were living in because it felt so much like an amazing fantasy you managed to somehow dream up. 

          The thing about you and Dahyun was that you guys felt this way about each other for much longer than you've been officially 'together' even though you may not have realized it. You've known her since childhood. You remember everything. The way she would protect and defend you; she'd make you happy no matter how angry or upset you would be and all it took for her was to hold your hand and simply smile at you. 

          You also remember when she told you she wouldn't be around so much anymore. Something about training, something about a group. You didn't care for the details at that time, you couldn't, because all you could hear was a painful ringing echoing in your head after hearing the words 'I'll miss you'. You felt your world fall apart, you saw it fall apart right in front of you as she walked away from the cafe table not wanting you to see her cry. "I love you" she said before she left.

          That was the first time you ever heard her say that.

          She became home-schooled in order to make time for training and you started seeing her less and less. Video chats and phone calls were fine, but they weren't how you wanted to see and hear her. You wanted to touch her and feel her hands intertwined with yours. She would say "I'm always right there" and point to your heart but after a while you started questioning if she actually was, you couldn't feel her there anymore.

          You two started to become more distant and you knew she felt it just as much as you did. As much as you wanted to blame her, you couldn't because you knew you couldn't be the one to hold her back from her happiness. Little did you know that you were just that- her happiness. 

          At that point, you didn't see her for 34 days, just one day shy of the five week mark. The most you've ever been apart since you were like four years old. On the 19th day, you cried while reading your diary. It was this time alone you realized what she really meant to you. She really meant everything, absolutely everything, to you. You didn't even know that one person could be this special.

          Then came day 35. It was your birthday. She forgot. You sat in despair as you tried to hold in your tears. Your heart hurt like someone was squeezing it as your sorrow turned to anger. "I really hate you, Kim Dahyun." You didn't want to hate her, why would you, how could you? But how could she just erase your existence from her life like you never meant anything to her? She said that she loved you.

          She lied.

          You watched tirelessly as the clock came up to 1:58. Just two more minutes until your birthday was officially two hours belated. You didn't want to cry anymore. It was a lost cause, a waste of tears. Thuds were heard hitting against your window sheild. Outside, it was raining that thick kind of rain that would find a way to make you wet somehow even if you were wrapped in layers and had an umbrella.

          You hear your phone buzz behind you. You ignored it for a while but then, the vibrates persisted through a couple minutes. You wondered who could be trying to reach you at 2:03 in the morning. You grabbed your phone and your eyes widened as you saw the name on the screen.

          "Kim Dubu <3" 

          You run downstairs to your front door, trying to make the least amount of sound possible as your parents are sleeping. You open the door to see Dahyun in the rain, a plastic bag in her right hand. Her hair was tangled and soaked but her smile lit up the dark night. 

          "Are you crazy? Where's your umbrella?? You'll get sick now." You scold her. You hope that she couldn't see your eyes tear up. 

          "Happy birthday." You were speechless. You thought she left for good this time. One day became four days and that became twelve days and then it was twenty one, and now finally 35 whole days before she came back to you again. 

          You grabbed her hand leading her in. You took the wet jacket off of her body and grabbed a towel for her hair. "Come." You take her to your room. 

          "What were you thinking, Kim Dahyun?" You brush and dry her hair meticulously, running your fingers through her damaged ends from the dying and colouring. You sighed as you realized the reason why you were having trouble looking her in the eyes. After all this time, you managed to somewhat hate her. 

          "What happened to 'dubu'?" She joked trying to loosen the tense atmosphere surrounding you two. You did nothing but furrow your brows, continuing to work on her hair. She sighed seeing your reaction.

          "I brought food for you! Your favourite crepes and cake too." She got up and grabbed the bag she previously left at your room's doorway. "Here.." She started to take out the dessert but you stopped her by grabbing her arm sternly. "Dahyun, it's 2AM." She stops and puts the bag down. A grave silence engulfed you two. Neither of you could fathom what the other was thinking in this time. It was all so damn confusing. 

          She got up and started pacing around, a habit of hers triggered by stress and other strong emotions. Minutes passed without either of you saying anything. She decided to break the silence. 

          "I'm sorry. I wanted to come earlier." She apologized, sensing that you were pissed at her. "It's not that late." You make it seem like the situation was no big deal. These actions were urged from pride and not wanting to give her the power that you knew she held over you because she just meant that much to you.

          "I mean it shouldn't have been five weeks." You guys didn't look at each other in the eyes since you opened the front door for her. You didn't want to look at her at all because if you did, you would burst out into anger and tears. So you didn't look at her. Until you heard her start to cry. 

          She never cried in front of you. The only other time you ever saw her cry was five weeks ago when she told you she needed to start training. And even then she ran away before you could see her tears fall. You saw her head burried into her hands and her hair was a mess. 

          This was a new Kim Dahyun, one that you never saw before. She was vulnerable and feeble. Her will was weak and she was no longer the Dahyun that would protect and defend you. She suddenly became the Dahyun that needed protecting. You looked on, shocked and somewhat speechless because you realized then that nothing ever made Dahyun cry except for you. You're the only one that she's ever succumbed to because you were everything to her. 

          "D-Dahyun?" You stutter out, scared of what you done to her. 

          "I thought that we were strong enough for this. If I knew you would end up hating me like this, I would have never done it. I never would've went." You went to sit beside her. "I don't hate you. I never will, I never could. I was just mad because I was selfish. I never thought of what you wanted, ever. All I could think about was 'how could Dahyun choose that over me?'. I never considered what you actually wanted. It's a bit late to see it now, but Dahyun, as long as you're happy and you're doing what you want to do, I'm happy. I don't want anything else except for you to be happy, that's all I need... So what do you want, Dahyun?" 

          She met her eyes with yours. They were the biggest brownest orbs you've ever looked into. You saw everything through that window, you could see how hurt she was. You really damaged her. 

          "All I want, all I need, is you. So be mine, be mine forever. Would you?" Seconds went by of you trying to decipher what she actually meant. As a friend? A soulmate? A lover? You were too scared to ask for clarification but you were too curious to not. 

          "Yours?" You repeated lowly, afraid.

          "Mine," she confirmed with the slightest breath. It was just quiet after that, pure comfortable silence. You both knew what the answer was to Dahyun's question. 


I'm going to be honest. This chapter doesn't feel complete to me. I had something more in mind but I felt that it was getting way too long and I just ended it on this note. I would love to finish this but what I want to write for this is much too long for just one chapter. 

Thanks for all the requests (I know I take forever to write them :[) and the support. It's super amazing to see how many people are actually enjoying reading my work and it's humbling to read all these comments. :33


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Chapter 3: I'm literally dying here
Chapter 1: This is so cute >_<
Emerxld #3
Chapter 5: I'm so in love with your writings! Please update, you really inspired me to improve my writings. Keep it up bro!
RazerBlade #4
Chapter 5: Your writing is really nice to read, and I've honestly read chapters (one shots) that were way longer than this. So I think it'd be okay to finish it, as it doesn't feel complete to me either xD
Chapter 7: Ahh, the reactions are really cute! Love your renditions on them! Dahyun's in this one hit me in the heart. How could you? Haha, jk.
Jesscalista20 #6
Chapter 7: Tzuyuxyou ^^
Blue_dragon97 #7
Chapter 7: Tzuyu please
Chapter 7: Can you do minaxyou? Asdfjskalalaldsj! Pls pls psl pls
Chapter 7: Please jungyeon next!! :D