Take My Breath Away

Whisper You'll Stay With Me

Chapter 9


Sky Realm… 


Youngjae sat on a huge boulder and watched the figure in front of him train shirtless; sweat dripping off his muscular chest.

“Are you just going to sit there admiring the view or are you actually going to join me sometime soon?” smiled Nichkhun.

“How about you save that smile for someone who will actually be fooled by it?”

Nichkhun flashed next to his childhood friend and grabbed him in a bear hug. “You know you’ve always wanted some of this?” teased Nichkhun.

“And what use do I have for a spoiled little prince?” laughed Youngjae.

“Watch it peasant. You may be my best friend, but I can still have your head,” threatened Nichkhun.

“Is this the part where I’m supposed to get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness?”

“That or you can offer your body to be my personal play thing.”

“See...you always take it way too far. That’s so ual. It’s like sleeping with my own brother.”

“You know royals like to keep it in the all in the family,” laughed Nichkhun. “So you’re really not going to train with me?”

“For what? The tournament is tomorrow and it’s not like I can beat you anyways. I’m not even sure I’m joining.”

“Do I have to ask father to force you to join?”

“You wouldn’t.”

“I would and I will, if I have to. I can’t be the only representative from the Sky Realm. I heard the Light and Dark Realm have three princes each that are front winners to win. Not to mention each realm’s regular subjects.”

“Why does it matter anyways? It’s just a friendly tournament.”

“Well I want my best friend by my side in case I need help.”

“And what would I get out of this?”

“Glory? My undying devotion? What else can you want? Aside for the actual title, you’re pretty much like my brother.”

“True enough. Let me sleep on it.”

“On another note, you think the other princes are going to be umm...strong?”

“I think the word you’re looking for is hot, not strong,” laughed Youngjae.

“Well geesh, I can’t come out and just blatantly say it like that. I am the Crowned Prince of the Sky Realm you know.”

“How can I forget?” said Youngjae. “Your title is very befitting. Your head is so big that it literally flew up to the sky.”

“Very funny. I can have...”

“I know, I know...you can have my head for comments like that.” Youngjae got on his knees and begged,” Please my handsome prince. Please spare a peasant like me. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll even offer my body if the prince wishes so. Are you satisfied now?”

“As long as you know your place,” laughed Nichkhun. “Now let’s go check on how the preparations are coming along. I’m sure father can use our help. I want to be the perfect host for my prince cousins.” 

“You would,” said Youngjae.


Light Realm… 

“Why didn’t we just leave with mother and father yesterday?” asked BamBam. 

“Because brother wanted to try out the new technique he just thought of,” replied Jr.

“I told you, you could’ve gone with mother and father if you wanted to,” said Mark.

“It’s okay. It’s not like I’m in a rush to get to the Sky Realm.”

“You clearly could’ve fooled us,” laughed Jr. “In a rush to see your little Shadow boyfriend?” 

“Don’t act like you wouldn’t mind seeing JB’s face,” teased BamBam. “It’s been three days.” 

“I’m sure we can all manage. We have more important things to worry about,” said Mark. 

“Do you think they’ll go all out brother?” asked Jr.

“I would hope so. It’ll make it a lot more challenging,” said Mark.

“Well as long as we stick to our pairings, there’s no way we can lose,” said BamBam.

“We can only hope,” said Jr. “There’s also the Stars to worry about.”

“I heard the Crowned Prince of the Sky Realm is really handsome,” giggled BamBam.

“Is that all you think about little brother?” said Jr.

“Better not let your Little Yugie hear you saying that,” teased Mark.

“Hey there’s nothing wrong with admiring the view,” smirked BamBam.

Mark and Jr just shook their heads. “If we’re all set. Let’s get ready to fly out,” said Mark.


Tournament Welcoming Reception...

“Brothers, sisters. Welcome to my humble kingdom,” said the Sky King, as he hugged the Light King & Queen and the Shadow King & Queen, who arrived together. “I see you all already met up.”

“Yes brother. We met brother and sister here mid-flight,” responded the Light King.

“It’s certainly been awhile,” said the Shadow King.

“More reason for us to catch up. Don’t you agree sister?” asked the Light Queen. 

“Of course. I can hardly wait,” replied the Shadow Queen.

“Ah here’s your nephew entering now. Let me introduce him. Nichkhun come meet your uncles and aunts.” 

“Uncles, aunts,” bowed Nichkhun. “It’s an honor to finally meet you.”

“Our nephew is handsome indeed,” said the Light King.

“You must be proud brother,” said the Shadow King.

“You’re being too kind. His head doesn’t need to get any bigger than it already is.” Youngjae, who was standing next to Nichkhun, couldn’t help letting out a chuckle.

“And who’s this dashing lad?” asked the Shadow Queen.

“Oh that’s Youngjae; Nichkhun’s childhood friend. He’s like another son to me.”

“Your majesties,” bowed Youngjae.

“They can pass for brothers,” said the Light Queen.

“I raised them as such. He’s like the son I never had.”

“I’m standing right here father,” pouted Nichkhun, which caused everyone to laugh.

“So where are my nephews? I can’t wait to meet them,” said the Sky King.

“Here’s our bunch now,” said the Shadow King, as the Shadow princes glided into a landing.

Those all around stopped what they were doing and watched in awe of the sight before them. The Shadow brothers' pitch wings gleamed in the bright sunlight. The only thing brighter than their wings were the black diamonds centered on their golden crowns. All three descended to the ground at the same time. They arched their wings one last time before dematerializing them.

“Judging by the looks of everyone, you’ve got some major competition in the looks department. Especially the one leading the trio (referring to Jackson),” said Youngjae.

“I guess. But not my type,” replied Nichkhun.

“Boys, you’ve made it. Come greet your uncles and aunts,” said the Shadow King. “In order of age: Jackson, JB, and Yugyeom.

“Uncles, aunts,” said the Shadow princes in unison, as they bowed.

“What fine young men my nephews are,” said the Light King.

“Welcome my nephews,” said the Sky King. “Come meet your cousin Nichkhun.”

“Welcome cousins,” said Nichkhun.

“Thank you cousin,” said the Shadow princes, as they each shook hands.

“Do you see them?” asked Yugyeom.

“I doubt they’ll be here. It’s a royal welcoming dinner,” said JB.

“You never know. What if all those entering the tournament are invented?” said Jackson.

“Are you guys looking for someone?” asked Nichkhun.

“Just some friends from the Light Realm,” responded JB.

“Is this party restricted to royals only cousin?” asked Jackson.

“Not at all. Or else my friend wouldn’t be here,” said Nichkun. “Youngjae these are my cousins.” 

“Your majesties,” bowed Youngjae.

“Nice to meet you,” said the Shadow princes.

“Have you met anyone from the Light Realm yet cousin?” asked Yugyeom.

“Aside from uncle and aunt, no. Our cousins have yet to arrive.”

“And here I thought we were going to be the last ones to arrive,” said JB.

“Was that the reason for the grand entrance?” teased Nichkhun.

“Maybe...,” giggled Yugyeom. “We were expecting our friends to be here and we wanted to surprise them.” 

“Don’t act like you wouldn’t have done the same thing my prince,” said Youngjae.

“Hmm...maybe I still can,” laughed Nichkhun.

“Boys, your cousins from the Light Realm have arrived. Come,” said the Sky King.

In the air…

“Do you think we’ll see them at the welcoming reception?” asked BamBam.

“It depends on if it’s an open or closed party,” said Mark.

“Um..brothers. Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” asked Jr, as the three Light princes prepared to descend. 

“It can’t be…,” said BamBam. “Why are the Shadows wearing royal crowns and they’re standing next to mother and father too.”

Mark scanned the crowd and his gaze stopped at a familiar face. Jackson? It can’t be. He can’t be…

With the Shadow princes’ arrival, the reception was not in full swing so it was normal for everyone to stop and stare. It was a totally different vibe with the Light princes’ arrival, it was as if time itself has stopped and all eyes were gazed on them.

This has got to be a joke. There’s no way that Mark is a Light prince. I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing.

“Do you see the shocked look on their faces,” asked Jr.

“Wha should we do? Do we acknowledge that we even know them?” asked BamBam.

“Act normal. Take it as we’re meeting our cousins for the first time,” responded Mark.

“Wouldn’t that be a bit cold?” said Jr.

“Well it is true in a sense. We’re meeting them for the first time as our real selves. You guys can do what you want though,” said Mark. “Don’t let me hold you back.”

Jackson couldn’t take this eyes off of Mark. Could that really be Mark? My Mark?

The Light princes were as close to the archangels as anyone possibly could be. Their beautiful pure white wings glistened with the reflecting sun. Their close to white hair shone as if they adorned a halo from the heavens itself. The only indication that they were human were the golden crowns on their heads, each adorned with a centered pure white diamond. Everyone, with the exception of their parents, couldn’t help but gape at the magnificent sight before them.

Jr and BamBam reached the ground first in a synchronized move. While Mark drifted in between the two a few seconds later; the timing just right. They stretched their marvelous wings one last time before dematerializing them. As they walked across the courtyard, it was as if they each had a personal light breeze at their beck and call blowing their clothes and hair slightly. 

“And here I thought your entrance was grand cousins,” said Nichkhun. “Our Light cousins sure know how to put on a show. Especially our cousin in the middle.”

Jackson liked his new Star cousin a little less for that last comment. 

The Light princes walked up to their parents and bowed,” Father, mother.”

“Come come boys. Your uncles, aunts, and cousins have all been waiting,” said the Light King. “From eldest to youngest: Mark, Jr, and BamBam.”

“Sorry to keep everyone waiting,” said Mark. “Uncles, aunts,” said the Light princes, as they bowed. 

“Such manners. My bunch could learn a thing or two from them. You should be proud brother,” said the Shadow King. 

“No need to apologize. Welcome my nephews,” said the Sky King. “This is your cousin Nichkhun.”

Nichkhun shook hands with Jr and BamBam, but when it came for Mark’s turn, he added,” It was worth the wait cousin. I can’t wait to get to know you better,” and winked.

The adults missed the gesture, but all the young princes didn’t. Mark couldn’t help, but blush.

“And here’s your other cousins: Jackson, JB, and Yugyeom,” said the Shadow King.

Each prince greeted the each other with a handshake, but when it came to their own pairings, the Shadow brothers broke protocol. 

“Cousin…,” yelled Yugyeom, as he pulled BamBam in for a tight hug.

“Eww…Little Yugie….stop,” laughed BamBam, trying to push him off.

“Do I get a hug too…cousin Jr?” teased JB.

“I prefer master Jr, instead of cousin Jr. You can have a handshake,” replied Jr.

“Works for me,” said JB, as he took Jr’s hand. But kissed it instead of shaking it, which made Jr quickly pull his hand back shyly. 

“Cousin,” said Mark, as he bowed to Jackson.

Jackson was taken aback and bowed back out of instinct. “So you’re just going to pretend to not know me? Like we’re strangers,” pouted Jackson.

“Are we not meeting for the first time….cousin?” responded Mark. 

“Cousin Mark, can you spare the time to meet my childhood friend,” interrupted Nichkhun.

“Mark we need to talk,” whispered Jackson. 

“Now’s not the time nor place. Excuse me cousin,” said Mark, as he walked towards Nichkhun.

“Something wrong brother,” asked JB?

“Where did cousin Mark go?” asked Yugyeom. 

“He’s with cousin Nichkhun,” said Jackson. 

“Cousin Nichkhun is so handsome,” said BamBam.

“Hey your eyes should only be looking at me,” pouted Yugyeom. 

“You think cousin is handsome too?” asked JB.

“Yes,” replied Jr. “Jealous?”

“Not at all. I doubt he can light the fire in you like I can,” teased JB.

“You wish,” laughed Jr.

“Just give brother some time cousin Jackson. He’ll come around eventually,” said BamBam.

“I just hope it’s not too late,” said Jackson, as he watched Mark and Nichkhun laughing with Youngjae. 

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KitsunePl #1
Chapter 13: Are you going to like... ever continue the story? :,(
KitsunePl #2
KitsunePl #3
Chapter 13: YOU. SHOULD. UPDATE.
Chapter 13: Attack attackk attackkk.. Marksonn cuteness attackk.. The chap was soo cute... I reallyy like how u give parts to all d characters.. Its reallyy nice...
Nachtice #5
Chapter 13: MARKSON!!! <3
Hehe I sense a date coming on!
Chapter 12: I stumbled onto ur story last yr on Nov n frm den i have been waiting for d updates. So i wud be really glad if u continue this story. Dis story is really one of a kind.. I hope im not rambling.. Btw d chap was really hot..
koreabookitty #7
Chapter 12: I was so happy to see this get updated again! Thank you for returning, I understand how life gets in the way, no need to apologize.

Also, the Chicago fanmeet was awesome wasn't it? I was second row aisle seat, but security let us stand right at the stage
Nachtice #8
Chapter 12: I'm so happy to see this story updated again, please continue it!
Mark beating Jackson at his own game was beautiful <3
vipbabyexotic #9
Chapter 12: I really like this story... if it's not a problem, I'd love it if you continue to update. I'm excited to see the rest of their love stories.
andie41225 #10
Chapter 11: You don't know but this is one of my fave fics hehehehe Thanks for the update! XOXO ilysm